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Posts posted by R.O.A.M

  1. I sit near to the dugouts and i didnt hear Shez shouting like that at the players (he might have done and i just didnt hear it of course), yes he sometimes tells them what they have done wrong in some pretty colourful language but sometimes he needs to, he also encourages them and tells them how to improve and tells them when they have done well.

    Shez did turn round and have a go at one fan that was giving him stick and normally i wouldnt condone that sort of thing but the guy was talking rubbish and what Shez said to him was spot on



    Buck stops with the manager.


    If these performances were under Moore people would call for his head, about time people stopped pussyfooting round Sheridan.


    Give him till Christmas!!!

  2. Well the reason to be suspiscious is because the club were bragging about capturing kilkenny (and rightly so) but now they are saying that they dont know what the deal is. WHich suggests something has happened down the line. It has gone from a certain signing to unsure....thats why im a little worried...



    Worried isn't what i'd say. Certainly it's a case of believing it when we see it like all things at BP. :huh:

  3. What annoys me is the fact that the board didn't know that this could happen. And they might 'quit football' because there asset can leave for nothing. Ok, i didn't know, you didn't know & neither does Joe Public but they are businessmen & surely they should be wary of every loophole.


    Maybe, they did know & didn't think it would happen but to put out a rant like that on the Official site leaves me a bit dispondent.

  4. OK we have heard everyones opinion and generally most people are willing to let it go but some people carry chips on their shoulders over stuff like this, now a scenario for you all


    Mr big I am (beginning to dislike him a little but will still support him whilst in a blue shirt) Gregan doesnt take to a "bigger" signing in the team, a bit of friction and before you know it someone says something they regret. Could well back fire in the changing room before we worry about what fans have to say IMO. Now I aint saying Gregan is like that, just from the impression I get he'd probably be the first to get twitchy about it.


    But you get what I mean anyway dont you?




    Quite unlikely though seen as Gregan was (i think) his captain at WBA and wouldn't suprised me if he recommended the signing. Although, i get your point.

  5. Lee Bowyer

    Johnathan Woodgate

    Both players who could have killed a ASIAN lad while fighting outside a club, Both had big Media exposure but they were allowed and accepted to continue to play football ..


    I said the exact same thing on the radio, but It wasn't the same apparently because the didn't. Surely it's a racially motivated attack? But, they can play week in week out in the Premiership.


    Like my mates just said it's becoming a bigger story than the missing girl in Portugal. Shows how ridiculous it's getting! Just hope we don't back out.

  6. he's shocking isn't he????


    and if not wrong he's a coventry fan!! how biased is that? seems to the bit i've listened too, anyone from oldham isn't getting a look in.... how the flip is he on a same level as gary glitter????


    Yes he is a Cov fan which makes it worse.


    I'm not putting the station on again ever. The way he puts it across is like he will be in every paper every weekend whereas in reality we get 2/3 sentences maybe a paragraph in the Sunday Papers.

  7. I used to post regular on 606. Reason i stopped was because of non-sensicle people like that.


    They may say they are OAFC fans. Just like the moaners at BP say they are OAFC fans. Fact is they have nothing better to do than moan.


    God I've got to turn it off. The guy is unbelievable!!!! Glorified, back page, what back pages is he going to be on??? The Chron that's it. The radio is being turned off I can't believe how bad this presenter is.

  8. Very, very touchy subject but we all know our judicial system is not the worlds best with unfair sentences meeted out each day with major differences in burglars, car thiefs, speeding motorists, murderers etc BUT lets not forget, Lee Hughes did not set his sentence period our judges did so you can't slte the lad for not being sent away for longer.


    Yes, he is a first class numpty, a coward etc but so are thousands of other wrong doers whose misdemeanours don't make the press/radio/telly etc. He's guilty of a horrendous act BUT he has served his time. We have poiticians ram down our throats every day how we must encourage jailbirds back into the community and give them a new start whether they are joiners, taxi drivers, shelf stackers OR FOOTBALLERS.


    We are Oldham Athletic looking to strengthen our small squad and if Shez thinks the footballer Lee Hughes will do that then welcome aboard Lee. If an ex jailbird was to gain employment at your workplace would you resign in disgust or keep your job and keep your anger inside? Lee Hughes wants to get back to work, he's not Fred West or Doctor Shipman for goodness sake.


    I know it is impossible for everybody to share the same opinion but IMHO i can't condone his previous actions but for footballs sake, surely he is worth a chance


    Very well put mate.

  9. Link to poll?


    The poll is being announced on air. Text 81089 VOTE yes or no. Apparently he is 'disgusted' by it. But of course he isn't biased!

  10. I think it did come out that he was getting drunk and high all the time, will try to dig the story out later, although I'll stand to be corrected. I'm certainly not making excuses for him, he did what he did and I wouldn't have a problem if he'd been hit a lot more harshly, although personally I would prefer it if he'd been made to carry on playing professional football whilst living in a shoebox and all the earnings going to the family/children of his victims. However angry things like that can make us, we weren't actually the victims in his case.



    I was the Oldham fan called Richard. Did the guy give me chance to speak? Not really.


    62% say he can play at the moment via the poll on talksport have that k***head :)

  11. How the hell do you know this??? A normal guy runs someone over, paps himself and panics - it was wrong, he has served his sentence deemed correct by the powers that be - but Vile character??? what a load of rubbish...


    So many people lives are ruined from people presuming they know something about thier character... lets give this lad a chance to rebuild his life, and help the club we love in the meantime....


    Is this worse than Lee Bowyer and Woodgate diliberately kicking the pap out of an innocent kid? No, that was deliberate, the consequences of Hughes' stupidity was worse, but was no more vile than these two morons - did they get given another chance... Yes. and this is hugesys chance.


    Hughes 9 on the abck of my shirt next season - heres to proving yourself my son....



    I agree, who the hell are we too judge?

  12. What station is talksport. I tend to avoid is because of that united numpty terry christian.


    edit: doesnt matter i've got it online


    Ditto, in fairness to Barry Owen he is playing an absolute blinder with regards to the radio.

  13. Fair Doo's. Hold My Hands Up.


    I hope he does go into Coaching when his career is over. He has had valuable experience in how to deal with a very difficult situation. He can pass it onto the next generation and teach them not to make the same mistakes.


    It's going mental on Talksport as we speak.

  14. Indeed you will. You pay your taxes, you vote. A representative of you made the decision to imprison him for that amout of time.


    In fairness to SCoco he has got his point & shouldn't be overly criticised because he is in the small majority that believe he shouldn't be able to play for us. But, if he does sign he will need all the support he can get because he will get terrorised whoever we play & rightly so! I know for one that if he signed elsewhere & came to BP or we went to wherever I'd give him abuse all game.

  15. As i've stated before, when you look at it in pure footballing terms (and that's what we discuss on here!! Most of the time!!)


    Answer this truthfully.....1st game next season, would you rather have Chris "Marlon Brando" Hall or Lee Hughes in your starting 11???



    Does that even need thinking about? Of course next season if the said player scores the goal that fires us to promotion I can't wait to see every Latics fan go ballistic apart from Coco of course. :grin:

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