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Everything posted by Lags

  1. One for BP, Cameron Burgess. I doubt he'd get in from his time here. Kevin Betsy had his moments as did Filipe Morias.
  2. https://youtu.be/LpYqrQStT00?si=EIWx73IvMCuzg1fd Is this the one?
  3. The first interview part two shows MM is certainly a thinker of out of the box to enhance his football manager capabilities. Interesting stuff.
  4. I am stepping in, not having it. Stop it.
  5. Chances are we'll never know the real rights and wrongs.
  6. He's gone now. I'll back the next king. Just like ST he'll need 3 or 4 players in and ship 6 to 8 out.
  7. My money is on ST going to the board and asking did he have the job knowing he's identified the players he wants in. Or at least knowing he'd need these extra players in to advance the form. One of the scenarios muted on here must be right.....or must it? Sooner rather than later all will be revealed. It's never dull being a Tic.
  8. Obviously not with a sweeping brush but I feel a lot of this is stemmed from the frustration that for the most part we don't string 2 passes together, get out played and invariably lose.
  9. And according to Reid, gobby lads. Nowt wrong with that on a pitch providing the football played backs it up.
  10. Steve Thompson & Neil Redfearn - News - Oldham Athletic Found it cheers
  11. He said DU's pet hate was playing backwards and ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK, his words not mine Harry Vaughan and BO? are you sure? even if I did are you telling me what I can and can't post. Or is it a case of I'll bring BO up and everyone will lump on. This is about what Reid stated so stick to the subject Monty.
  12. No I am not. Where did he say we had to lump it forward? There are 101 posts on here stating DU held this side back, was too defensive first and foremost.
  13. Come on Monty, the consensus on this board was that DU was defensive minded. he held the side back with a handbrake. When it's time to hold our hands up........hold um up!!
  14. From Reids own mouth, DU pet hate was playing the ball backwards and wanted to ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK. Complete opposite to opinion on here.
  15. Doesn't ST state in the interview they know what's needed. Adding players with 'legs' and take care of the ball. Sounds pretty much the same to me.
  16. A symptom of lock down as seen in other scenario's.
  17. Home office figures show during 2022/23 season only 15 oldham fans were arrested out of a total 2264 football fans. Again only 8 was for violent disorder. In the grand scheme of things that suggest the AWAYDAYZBOYZ ain't as bad as some would have us believe.
  18. Absolutely 100%. It's the fact we don't have the ball, chasing it whilst the other side simply pass it around. Green fires in a great goal, torments his defender one game in ten (well one half). The other nine doesn't retain the ball nor defends his space. Dickenson can't last 90 mins. Sheron huffs and puffs putting in 2 tackles per match mainly standing off his man in a backward motion, then either passing backwards or to the opposition. Shelton stands off, stands off stands off deeper and deeper, why is he even here?. That's the starting point.
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