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Everything posted by Lags

  1. Totally agree and I posted similar earlier. It's also clear from Marc last night opposition managers are now actively looking to use it. So we know what WE can do to remove that tool.
  2. You may be right. What I will point out. Check the posts bashing DU for not closing up shop (grinding out the win) against gateshead. I guess sometimes a person can never win. Marc White is certainly likeable that's for sure.
  3. I think we are slightly different currently Steve. I agree all fans are disgruntled when results and performances are poor. Grumbles can be heard on the terraces. I think the level of nasty vitriol is up a notch and quicker for sections of the crowd to turn on the team. I think this stems from the rightful protests in recent times at the club trying to force change. It becomes a culture. That and 30 plus years of decline.
  4. Absolutely brilliant and a fantastic listen. If you didn't catch it live then listen once posted up. He's just a football fan living a dream. Interesting that another manager told him put us under pressure for 5....yes just 5 minutes and the crowd will turn on the players and manager. But abuse and booing doesn't work against us....right? Seems we are getting a reputation.
  5. I wished that's what we could discuss. I've heard nowt from nobody.
  6. Maybe he should have done that with your biscuits man mate. Or was you one of those crying out how DU should have been giving him more game time?. Can't be arsed trawling through the posts who were. Don't want to appear having a dig, just pointing out how contrary we can be making our points. Depending on what we want to bash DU ON.
  7. Whilst I think central government should properly fund these things and far too much these days isn't, I'll donate to your collection. It's a wonderful thing you all do, especially free and in your own time. Well done you.
  8. Because that's how you want to see it? We have improved. Goal chances are being created. The created now need taking. With taking comes victories. With victories comes confidence. With confidence comes better performances. With better performances comes better atmospheres. With better atmosphere's comes promotion challenging teams. Get behind the team!!
  9. To be fair DU as a point. Some of the yellow cards especially against Halifax were soft to say the least. We all know the issue with Fondop and Shelton kicking the ball away and how that's going to be dealt with this season, so lessons need learning there. We also know Shelton's 2nd yellow was trigger happy refereeing. Sutton was rash and Fondop stupid. So come on bash DU for bashable offenses not this.
  10. I hope you're right for his sake. Harry Vaughan hasn't made it yet. Yes he's got his move and in the championship, made it? Not quite yet
  11. https://www.facebook.com/100064559204966/posts/pfbid0gdejv9mwyc3DAZ2R91AmwFEi8SagvSmxk2wZPKrR2Kdiktn9HkMo3mpthN2f6QiLl/ Forshaw to Farsley Celtic to December
  12. Never knew she'd left. Must pay more attention
  13. Is that just in case we start winning well? I would hope you'd be a bit more gracious than that given you've been one of the more outspoken regarding DU. I am not yet convinced DU will pull through, but I would say with better finishing the results would have improved if not the eye catching performances.
  14. Despite the discord with Raglan and Hogan with some, no way is Sutton ready to become our best centre half. The lads a trier for sure but not what a to top challenging side should be classing as a shoe in.
  15. Yeah, saw that the other day. He's or the club have made a mistake or more likely with the great start made by the Barnsley strikers Dallas ain't gonna get game time and needs to. I know this mainly appertains to bigger clubs but they do buy players and loan out straight away, not saying for one minute this is the case here.
  16. I remember Clive Allen going for £1.5 Million twice in one close season. Now that will take some beating.
  17. I'd like to think both Hope and McGahey are nailed on that list. I can definitely see Fondop being added latterly after his brain farts, whilst I can fully understand Tollitt asking about his future. Could Nuttall be on this list? well yes like all players but I'd rather think it would be Nuttall himself asking to move. One things for sure he wouldn't look back other than to have a parting shot at us fans.
  18. I think you'll be in a very small minority on this one. The best sides defend from the front and big centre forwards defend corners. They have since year dot. Still, you're within your rights to hold a different view. Still wrong though.
  19. I hope our Frank makes plenty money from supplying temporary classroom cabins from the latest car crash engulfing Great Britain. Personally I couldn't careless if Frank wants to make speeches, it's cost him enough for the privilege.
  20. It's a bit like the better captains of industry using other tools than a stick to get exactly what he wants from his more unruly workforce. Leaving them thinking they've won. Now I will be mainly drinking large amounts of beer in my latics t shirt cheering on the Gooners to victory.
  21. Not really silly Monty. Owd Frank is a bit more shrewd than he likes to come across. Asking for DU left alone would be akin to moses parting the red sea yet indirectly by the fans backing and singing for the team, that's what he gets.
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