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Everything posted by Lordy

  1. Also if you were at the game you'd have been able to see for yourself
  2. I suspect Gordon was eating one of them Hotdogs he was bound to be happy as larry whatever was going on on the pitch.
  3. I was merely backing up my claim that i was not thick.
  4. Sorry I'll come back when i've got my degree then.
  5. It was like John Terry's the other day, Gregan was never getting there and therefore was prepared to take a yellow as they were breaking at speed, noway was it a goal scoring opportunity therefore im guessing the referee will say it was wrecklace and dangerous which it wasnt really. Despite Danny Wilson saying it wasnt a red card i can guarantee it won't be rescinded.
  6. Well seeing as the ref let the crowd referee the game im sure he took this in to account. Yes ok 11 GCSEs and 4 A-Levels call me thick PAL Good one !
  7. I would agree BUT their players knew he was down yet were happy to attack and try to score, therefore we are under no obligation to kick the ball out and as you could tell by the reaction of the Latics fans we knew he shouldnt have kicked it out.
  8. He certainly did look dangerous when he could be arsed however he would be so much more effective if he did this more often.
  9. Yes i did go hence how i am able to describe incidents of insignificant play such as Davies' actions before and after his yellow. Davies should have stood with the defender who was down (playing him onside) and ran through at goal instead of kicking it out as they played on and wouldnt have minded if they'd scored. Btw it wasnt even a bad tackle by aplogising so much Davies guaranteed himself a yellow the prat i do think he is actually thick.
  10. Lomax was :censored:e at first but did get better
  11. No feel sorry for the hundreds of Oldham fans that made the trip today and had to watch someone who doesnt give a :censored: playing for their club, he needs to show some personal pride never mind showing pride for the shirt.
  12. Whilst everyone is panicking and playing :censored: for a period of time you would expect Crossley with his experienced to calm everyone down but the defence must have no confidence in him whatsoever.
  13. Then i would bring a new keeper in. I like Crossley but he isnt a very good goalkeeper anymore.
  14. It was similar to one of the goals from Millwall it was easy all he had to was catch it or knock it over the bar and he just flails his arms in panic he's supposed to be experienced for god sake i mean im not expecting him to save anything that goes anywhere near the corners but he should be dealing with stuff like that. Once against Millwall can just say is unlucky, twice however is poor goalkeeping.
  15. He stands still and wont move also generally attitude is pathetic compare him to someone like O'Grady who puts in 100% all the time and Davies looks like he cant be arsed this must really wind Shez up because when he gets his arse in gear he is a v.good player.
  16. because i dont. Also made me think when their keeper made a wondersave from taylor in the second half that Crossley wouldnt have got anywhere near it so surely we need a better keeper.
  17. I think his attitude is appauling, looks like he'd rather be somewhere else that ball that he miscontrolled and then fouled their guy then was fannying around seeing if he was ok. Also why the fudge did we kick the ball out when they played on, shez cant have been happy with that. Dont mind players bein crap but atleast put some effort in especially if your a sub who has just come on.
  18. Never in a million years a red card even the hartlepool fans i spoke to afterwards agreed just a stone wall yellow i think everyone was shocked when he whipped out a red.
  19. If we had the Railway end and the whole of the family stand, they could still fit all their fans in to the Cheadle End and main stand i would also think this would make it easier to police rather than segregating us in the family stand.
  20. Anyone think there will be a problem paying on the day in the home end ?
  21. If anyone fancies giving me a lift id be very grateful please pm me, i will obviously contribute to petrol.
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