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Posts posted by LaticsChris

  1. I'll be confident if we start with 433, but less so if we start with 442.


    So far this season we've been good in patches, but haven't been clinical enough... too many players wanting an extra touch before crossing, or to beat an extra man before playing it. The sort of thing that I'm confident we'll get out of our systems as long as we continue to play a fairly settled side.


    We're scoring fairly frequently, but conceding quite a few too... so could be a decent match.


    Who the hell do you think you are? Coming on this board and discussing football. What a liberty.


    I think it'll be a good game, unfortunately I can't make it. That may well prove to be a blessing though as I fear a narrow defeat for Latics.


    PS. Can we not all just get along & watch the game whilst holding hands and singing 'We all love football'? No? Oh, OK then.

  2. Yeah and Berbatov's not starting today, maybe we could borrow him for a few months...


    Jazzer's right: One of the biggest wastes of time is coming on here and mentioning a striker in a league above who isn't being played and suggesting we sign him. I think even a club as skint as ours has a slightly more complex scouting system than looking at squad lists and going 'Ooooh I recognize that name, do you think he fancies a game?'.


    You might argue that it's just provoking discussion. Its not. Its boring.

  3. From what I read earlier (I can't recall if it was one of the links posted in this thread or something somebody said) he didn't fail the Hearts medical, but the Jambos' medical team didn't want to take a risk because of his history of knee trouble. So he shouldn't fail a medical here, considering nothings likely to have changed in the intervening months.

  4. We should probably concentrate on getting some players in before we give them numbers!


    Although I must say, there's always something pleasant and satisfying about a team made up 1-11 squad numbers. All this no41, no27, no36 etc nonsense just seems silly, although technically necessary...

  5. i think in that case then he is gonna be used as a number 2 keeper...there is no way we would sign a young keeper then allow him to sod off playing 7 or 8 games for australia under 23's in what is gonna be a hard enough season already..i just cant see it


    i see dirty leeds have got rachukba from the lashers,id of had him back ina shot..


    I'd be amazed if we've spent £20K on a keeper to keep the bench warm. He's got to be a starter if we pay a fee.

  6. .....why it is whenever latics sell a player its always for an undisclosed fee?


    It’s so that when we then look to spend that money on new players the selling club can’t say ‘Well if you sold X for £500k then you’re going to have to spend at least £300k to take Y off our hands’.


    If we call it ‘undisclosed’ we can still plead poverty.

  7. unlike the one on here



    waheyy , im here all week :wink:


    Very good, we wouldn't have him any other way though :grin:


    As for Mr K Lee & the captaincy... It would be great if he was a shouter as well, so he could lead by example & fear, but not many players are both. And who in this squad will shout and inspire & be a (virtually) guaranteed first teamer?


    We have a very quiet team, which is nice as it matches the home crowd & satisfies my OCD tendencies :)

  8. The role of a captain is to lead, not shout his head off for 90 minutes. I'd go with Lee as he's the type of player to lead by example; he's consistent, keeps a cool head & doesn't rise to anything the opposition dish out.


    You could shout at the young lads in the squad all you want, but think back to when you were 18/19/20...did you respect someone who bawled their head off or someone who went about their business professionally, never putting a foot wrong and, if needs be, putting an arm around you when you were struggling? The last part is an assumption on my part, but Lee seems responsible enough to help out the young 'uns like that.


    My 2nd choice would be Taylor, to spur him on if nobody else as it did seems to give him an impetus to grab the game by the scruff of the neck when he had the armband last year.

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