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Posts posted by LaticsChris

  1. I agree with your comments about Whitaker, whilst i possibly wouldn't go as far as to say he's a disgrace he was appalling today and i thought he was equally bad against Leeds, certainly needs a spell on the bench in place of someone who can put a free kick in/play a forward pass.



  2. I was one of those there today, and agree with most of what you say SUTTS. We did knock it about reasonably at times, unfortunately it was along the back four and occasionally midfield whilst the norwich team looked on. We were reasonably solid at the back but there was a complete lack of options up front. Without Taylor and Abbott we had no trickery or pace to create something from out wide, though Colbeck tried in vain, and nothing to aim for centrally as Smalley is not a striker and Heffernan was pretty anonymous. I do think, however, that we aren't as awful as recent results would have us seem and when we get the likes of Taylor and Abbott back we should have the firepower to send us into mid-table mediocrity.


    As for the fans today, brilliant. It was one of the best games i've been to in terms of just having a great laugh. Celebrating the corner we won in the second half was a particular highlight!

  3. Tickets were going for £35 from Touts on saturday at 4pm and a mate of mine turned up at 8pm and got one for £10 - Bargain!



    As for the Gig - Kasabian were good, Oasis were much better than the last time I saw them (Reebok 2000) - Liams voice may be going a bit, but the set was much better, shame they finished on I am the Walrus though. Crap song - there are much better Beatles songs to do, but If the wanted to do a cover it should have been Cum on Feel the Noize by Slade.


    Really? :blink: Thats a bloody awful song! I see what you mean about i am the walrus though, there are better songs they could cover but they did/do it brilliantly. Kasabian seem to have a knack for making a good fist of covers, theyve released a few (too much too young, runaway, pictures of matchstick men) and used one song (the name escapes me but those who went will probably know what i mean) as a kind of intro during the gig that worked really well...


    Anyway altogether i thought it was an immense gig, ive wanted to see oasis since i got into music really (be here now was my first album) so i loved it! Next target: The Who i hope! :grin:

  4. what sort of logic is it that labels wolfy a sponger exactly? Hes a Latics fan who's been trying since he was 16 to make an impact playing for the club he loves but has been unlucky with injuries. He then gets offered a short term contract, which he thinks about and then accepts, because he wants to give it one last shot before essentially giving up on his dream. He got offered a contract, its not like he asked for it.


    Honestly, sometimes i think some people just wave stupid accusations around here to look good because they've got nothing better to wave

  5. it says on the OS that he is going to come back after discussing it with the missus. this seems to suggest he isnt sure about staying, maybe he's had a pre-contract offer from somewhere that gives him a large pay packet but involves moving the family, cos he's been getting games and doing well here so hes not really going to umm and ahh about the playing side of things.


    just seems a little odd to me that a latics fan hasnt decided whether he wants to stay yet, he's had the best part of two years to decide if he wants to stay longer...

  6. Have to disagree with the text in bold.


    Look at the Arsenal page on the historic web page linked earlier in this thread. Since the 30s with one exception they have had an idenity.


    In comparison we do not. Its predominantly blue, but that is about it.


    But we have had combinations of blue/white socks and blue/white shorts. White piping, red piping, combinations of the two etc. And there is just isn't an identity the same as other clubs have.


    Tangerine and Blue whilst a short perod of time, was a unique kit that could be 'our identity'. Predominantly blue, would maintain history and the limited 'identity' we have, but give us something unique. But we need to pick shorts / socks colours and stick to them. Get a basic design and stick to it - forever.


    Tanergine and blue is popular - as the last away kit proved - and could be altered slightly as Arsenal have every few years but still keep the basic premise.


    Otherwise, go for a blue one. But again. Pick a combination of shorts, socks and top colour and stick to them.


    I like the idea of a blue / tangerine (but with Blue the main colour) top, with white shors and blue socks.


    i agree, hit the nail on the head for me

  7. im not sure about how real the first one is, but i quite like the design, as long as the colour was a decent tangerine and not the slightly naff one that appears on the screen... As for the second one, im not a massive fan of black shirts (i see them more as a referee/goalkeeper shirt myself) but thats not a bad design at all, better than the black & grey effort from a few years ago!

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