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Everything posted by diggleblue

  1. Just checked. D.U record of 14 wins in 50 games in charge! How shit is that?
  2. German coach sacked. Only 12 wins in 25 matches.Failed to win in last 5 games. What's our leaders record? He's got to go.Shame he doesn't have the decency to walk now before going by mutual consent in a few weeks time.
  3. Fine but then so are we(going nowhere, except to another relegation)
  4. Unsworth has been unable to create a team with an identity,belief and often lacking desire.All this missing regardless of confusing formations and an unsettled team. What goes on in training all week is a mystery to me.Yes we've had players missing through injury and some shit refereeing decisions but he clearly hasn't got what it takes to manage. We have players but no signs of him creating a TEAM. who have belief in themselves. He's got to go.Hes had long enough.He must realise himself that he's not for whatever reason good enough to be a manager. He's had over a year and this year is worse than last year, if that were possible.Please fall on your sword David for the sake of us all and especially for Frank.
  5. Just keep thinking what might have happened if we'd had a go at them.Let in 3 again today.
  6. "Back to school" article on Official website. Really hoped it was referring to news about D.U!!!
  7. If what you say is true and I believe you ,that's really worrying.
  8. Yes called settling in and getting to know your team mates.Then after that you fly. Unlike our boys who can't even learn on the job because they're in and out of the team. But then Chesterfield have a real manager unlike us.
  9. Excellent post. I agree he should know his best team( we have had injuries though) and play them so they can gel and learn about each other.Its called being a TEAM. Please play players in their correct positions and stick with them.He needs to believe in himself and the players.Other teams should be worried about us not vice versa.Look what happens to Chesterfield when you have a go at them. I would have taken a 5.4 loss against them but clearly not D.U who thought he could get another smash and grab as we did last year.
  10. Anyone of us could have achieved what Unsworth has this season.In fact I think most of us would have achieved more Sadly he is being paid a wage for doing nothing.Crowds dropping and still no signs of improvement.Got to Go.
  11. I'd take any manager from any of the clubs in our division. He's got to go. And now.
  12. Seriously can anybody understand what's in D.U's mind? He really is making random decisions.
  13. The managers incompetence is reflected by chaos on the pitch. Why can't we just have a run of the mill game with us entering the last quarter leading 2:0??
  14. What I don't understand is --listening to his post match interview he sounds really positive and pleased with the result and contrary to all the fans opinions on here and on twitter we all think differently. Is he correct about today's match and are we wrong? He says anybody can beat anybody in this division.So why have we only won one match so far?Chesterfield showed today that they're probably not going to run away with this division as we were afraid. With the right manager we could do really well.Are we fans so stupid and naive to not see how well he's doing?Only time will tell but Monday will be interesting because in David's words anybody can beat anybody and we're due another win. More chances not taken, another bad ref will not wash with me anymore.
  15. Totally agree. Most of our team are players who played well for their previous clubs yet are doing nothing with us.There can only be one reason and that is Unsworth. He really has had long enough. I know we can't expect to win every game but his lack of tactics other than don't lose the game will get us nowhere. 5 points from 5 matches is not acceptable. Does he not question his own ability? Or does he really believe he can manage a football team? Nice bloke but inept.Comments today seemed to be the same as in all our previous games. No passing,no creativity for probably the best strikers in this league.Result no goals and shit performance. No doubt in his interview he will be able to rationalise the result and performance.There will be no apology..His days have got to be numbered. On Monday I'm not thinking of the result but want to see a performance,some intent to win the game or at least lose whilst fighting. Under Joe we always took it to the opposition even if we didn't always win.Unsworth just lies down and gives in to every team.If we were winning every game I could put up with crap football. But crap football and crap results are unacceptable. We were lucky to get a point today but he won't see it like that.
  16. Our gaffer sounds very positive in his pre match interview. Fingers crossed because this weeks training has been good!
  17. Unbelievable, your post.My window cleaner could have steared us away from relegation last year.IMO he has achieved zero so far. I await the return of our midfield from injury and then we'll see.I just worry that players like Reid and Norwood and Sutton will try to leave the club before he does. club
  18. Unsworth would do well there then with his game plan?
  19. Cook says in his interview player safety is paramount. Wonder what Hallam Hope thinks?
  20. Heard that Everton are wanting to get our manager, then I woke up and realised I'd been dreaming.
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