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Posts posted by peanuts

  1. can anybody explain to me how the hallwell jones stadium home of warrington rl has two sides that are standing one of which is an upper tear this is a new n build stadium of 14000 capacity so what is the differance between thugby and football !

  2. noticed this last sat when i unfortunatly had to work no coverage of tics but plenty of stockport (brentford away ) dale (shrewsbury away ) non for bury and macc full comentry citeh full comentry noblot regular updates scum looks like it may only be home games there not covering but could be wrong can someone tell me how its cheaper to get to brentford of or shrewsbury from manchester than to bp hmmmmmmmmmmmm

  3. seem to remeber that we didnt run out to it but it was used as the background music for the announcement of the teams match sponsers officials etc would be faided in and out perhaps thats what people are confusing it with .


    what was the song that used to be played as we left the ground i know " my life is a football it goes round and round forever and ever wherever footbals found" is the chorus but what was the song ?

  4. dan you cant of been far from me on saturday then i to am horse as i am after most games and know exactley what you mean about peaple not joining in with songs had one old duffer started having a go at my daughter and her friend who were sat behind him for singing he realy enjoyed it when my 79 yo dad joined in he was sat next to him lol

  5. twonk was four seats behind me and yes i got a headache ten minuits in! cant drum to save his life needs to go and join a pipe band he just gets faster and faster cant keep a beat atall awfull . might have move now gonna try one of the paddocks tues as i do not want to subject my 7yo daughter to that on her first visit to BP

  6. absolout ledge for me simply for going down like a sack of spuds for that penalty agianst the wendies who chopped him down as well ? lol thank you again mr sheridan !.

    always seemed quite and unasuming to me just a local lad playing for his home town no big deal was how he came accross

    wasent he very good at rugby didnt he have the choice of us or the eggchasers at 16?

  7. i know he had a black vw sciroco at one point (raced him down the M62/6 to sandbach services on the way to WBA) he was also squireng a young lady who lived accross the road from me in lees (coincidently the same row as chriss taylor lives in )


    he used to have the odd kick about with us (wouldnt go in goal tho )of a sunday afternoon was always aproachable top bloke one of the best keepers weve ever had

  8. Can't believe no one has mentioned from the FA Cup/Littlewoods season


    "Tell mi ma, mi ma

    To put the champagne on ice

    We're going to Wem-ber-ly twice

    Tell mi ma, mi ma..."


    Loved it, me.


    The same season, some bright spark came out with


    "Tell mi dad, mi dad

    To pack the suitcases up

    We're going to Eu-u-rup

    Tell mi dad, mi dad..."


    Had me grinning from ear to ear at the time. And remember, that year, it was a distinct possibility.

    claim that one i started that one at brum away had nicked it off an everton supporting mate lol


    one i havent heard for bit

    "give us a teeeeeee teeee

    "give us an iiiiiiiii iiiii

    "give us a teeeeeeeeeeee teeeeeee"


    " watcha do wiv em "

    "oldham" clap clap clap "oldham " .........


    or as inearly got thrown out of swindon by the plod for singin " put yer ead between em n go bwlbwlbwlwbwlbluuur"

  9. i work for network rail as a sgnalman based at newmills now and loving it !

    beats working for aliving 6-8 trains an hour no boss breathing down my neck free to drink tea listen to tms and read cheap trashy thrillers .fantastic views of the peak district all for £25.000 a year happy oh yes i am .


    royton blue if your struggling have you thought about coming on the railway networkrail virgin and norternrail are always recruiting have a look on there web sites good money reasonable hours fantastic pensions plus good travel perks worth a look ?

  10. only ever been in there three times charlton 1974 lost manure 1994 lost wigan 2002 lost ! does anyone sence a theme there thinki better stick with the chaddy !!!!!!!!????????????

  11. note whos the leading scorer for trannys ?

    and how many off those teams are no longer football league teams i make it three aldershot hereford and york ?

    where did the so called biggest team in the world finnish ?

    also theres some team called wimbledon whatever happened to them ?

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