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Andy b

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Posts posted by Andy b

  1. 9 hours ago, losesome said:

    Whilst I have no faith or trust in AL to run the club one thing intrigues me,

    AL walks into the meeting and says -

    You fans are right , I'm not fit to run the club so here's the keys , bye bye.

    THEN WHAT!!!!!!!!

    Besides making a lot of fans happy there is the very serious question that IF we got AL to walk what do we do?

    Give the 2019 version of the trust a chance my friend, you might pleasantly surprised

  2. 6 hours ago, mcfluff1985 said:

    So it would seem AL is available for speaking with fans. Appears some met with him tonight. Juel Miah is one of the photographers. Those notes were written up by Chris Stringer 


    So the trust he won't meet but the fans he will. Anyone shed any light on that? @Andy b or @underdog can you confirm whether anyone from the trust was in attendance? I assume trust was aware of this meeting? Didn't see it mentioned on here...

    We were aware of the meet. I too was stood down at the 11th hour by the person (fan) who instigated the meet who was eventually told by the club that it was just he and AL (plus colleagues) at the meet. 25 fans there in the end (hand picked as potential advocates of the owner). 


    Looks like a PR effort.


    we all have the club’s interests at heart. The trust is secondary but we have to use the trust to get our messages across to the the owner with a view to starting a positive dialogue between the trust and fans. Trust wants to help the owner

    • Thanks 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, yarddog73 said:

    To be clear, this resignation came last week and before Saturday’s meet had been confirmed. 


    It has no bearing on the trust’s position regarding the current situation at the club as expressed through various channels

    over the last 7 days. 


    See you on Saturday.


    • Like 3
  4. 14 minutes ago, kowenicki'smoustache said:

    The current situation with the owner has really brought it home to me what Latics have meant to me over the years. I saw my first game in 1972. I was a season ticket holder for some years before departing for London in 1983 (I contrived to miss virtually all of the good times!). I started going with my Dad. He passed away 18 months ago and I'm sure that I can here him spinning in his urn!


    My job as a publican has meant that opportunities to watch games have been very few and far between. I probably make 1 or 2 home games and 4 or 5 away games each year.


    It seems to me that now is the time to choose whether we want a club or not. If we do then this fella has to go. We've had some bad 'uns before, but this bloke's setting new standards.


    Anyway, for once in my life I'm going get of my ample backside and make an effort to contribute to the cause. I have booked a train ticket and hotel, and I'm going to attend. I look forward to meeting you all and to finding a constructive and positive way forward...

    Well done that man/woman

  5. 2 minutes ago, kowenicki said:


    Its a Python sketch taking the piss out of 70’s style union meetings where motions are passed about action... but nothing ever happens.






    People are trying to do something to bring fans together and agree a course of action.


    I would urge you have an open mind and contribute to making sure it is a vehicle for meaningful action. It’s not anyone’s job to convince you of its worthiness. It will be productive if you make it productive. 


    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  6. 40 minutes ago, Kusunga_Is_God said:

    Why not Saturday? We have no game... People will be looking for something to do.


    Time to get a plan together for the Grimsby game. Everyone will have moved on by the 1st. 

    This is about establishing a strategy to make feelings known to the owner. It plays out over a period of weeks, months and possibly longer. 


    It’s not about a single day or protest but a coordinated action plan, part of which might be visible match day protesting. There is no drive for the meet to happen immediately and 1st is a matter of days away. 



    • Like 1
  7. 34 minutes ago, laticsmarra said:

    That is all very well,but irs too late.Did relegation, the number of good honest staff leaving and what some of the players were saying not ring serious alarm bells? I know that some people have issuws with the likes of Anthony Gerrard and Craig Davies but shouldn't their concerns have been followed up? I raised issues on here last year but was told that it was not the Trust"s role to get involved in personnel issues.

    Having said that we need to move on,unite as fans and if that is under the leadership of a Trust with a new focus and agwnda that is great.

    Ps and yes alarm bells were ringing on several fronts. That doesn’t mean you publically turn on the owner. 

    • Like 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, laticsmarra said:

    That is all very well,but irs too late.Did relegation, the number of good honest staff leaving and what some of the players were saying not ring serious alarm bells? I know that some people have issuws with the likes of Anthony Gerrard and Craig Davies but shouldn't their concerns have been followed up? I raised issues on here last year but was told that it was not the Trust"s role to get involved in personnel issues.

    Having said that we need to move on,unite as fans and if that is under the leadership of a Trust with a new focus and agwnda that is great.

    The trust has not successfully achieved the right balance between trying to support the new owner and holding him

    to account. In my six months of involvement that would be my observation. There are reasons for that which I won’t go into. 


    However that is a very difficult balance to strike. It is right that since AL has taken over the focus should have been on trying to support him in being a responsible owner as far as possible. 


    We couldn’t just change that and go on a public offensive overnight in response to rumours and hearsay. There is no comeback from turning on the owner. 


    Our preference is for whoever owns the club to be an effective owner and to try and help them achieve that. That demands a more diplomatic approach. Any change in approach has to come on the back of clear evidence that the owner is not capable of achieving the status of being a responsible over a sustained period of time. It’s not a decision to be taken lightly, though in respect of any owner there idoes come a point where we have to choose that option. 





    • Like 7
  9. 4 minutes ago, mcfluff1985 said:

    When did we ever see a vocal trust? Never. Always a statement about having a discussion then nothing. Plenty of nudge nudge wink wink that the trust know something bad under SC but since AL came in, nothing. If the trust have no idea what I going on, why should anyone trust the trust to do anything beneficial?

    My reference to a vocal trust is future tense 

  10. 2 minutes ago, laticsmarra said:

    Andy the Trust has known what has been going on behind the scenes for some months, why is it now jumping on the bandwagon that PS has triggered.

    The trust spent the first 11 months of the AL regime being of the opinion that he was well intended and giving him the benefit of doubt as he was new to the role and inherited many problems (which was true) which would hopefully be sorted in time. A close watching brief was being maintained.


    the mood towards AL changed over Christmas as more info became available about what was going on and his openness with the trust started to change. Since then (that’s only 2.5 months ago) we have spent time trying to get him to come to the table to explain himself. A line of questioning had been agreed.


    no response. We were preparing to ramp

    things up then we got this week’s news. Its not a knee jerk, jump on the bandwagon reaction from the trust. It’s been building.


    However we simply haven’t had enough knowledge to launch a campaign against him at any point over the last 12 months and the mood music around him has only properly changed over the last 10 weeks or so 

  11. On 3/14/2019 at 8:25 PM, wiseowl said:

    Trust Oldham - there comes a time when you simply have to "do the right thing". It's obvious to a blind man with a stick that that time is now.


    You should immediately break ties with the club and become a powerful independent supporters' initiative - because boy are we going to need solidarity as fans going forward.


    Your "position" on the board is worthless - as is the shareholding in all honesty. If/when the shit really hits the fan, Trust Oldham, in its present guise, will be impotent despite all the pretence over the years that Trust Oldham holds some kind of position as "potential saviour".


    Send the strongest message to our owner that we have had enough of being treated like idiots. It's OUR football club and we all need to gather under one banner and prepare to fight a long war.


    I`m honestly not having a go - you have an opportunity now to do something really useful - but only by severing ties with a club in serious decline. We need a strong, INDEPENDENT supporters' trust.

    There is a substantial move in that direction. I have been pushing for a degree of independence to relieve the trust of its otherwise conflicted position. There has been significant progress on that front in the last few hours with the PS situation being the event needed to trigger this change. 


    You can expext to see a less constrainted and more vocal trust as a result.

    • Like 1
  12. He can call the game off if he wants. It won’t stop the protest in the long run.


    He has undoubtly united fans against him. That may be his downfall. Corney cleaverly made sure that that didnt happen.


    The only question is how we take the protest forward in the longer term, which may partly depend on how he responds over the coming weeks. I personally fully back a boycott. Others on the trust do not.


    Fanwide meeting is being planned to agree how we move forward as one. 


    For now, all but one Trust Director favours the Trust backing the planned fan led protest as a statement of disatisfaction 

  13. 2 hours ago, GlossopLatic said:


    And how does that happen?


    Because if I'm honest I'm not sure how the Trust can give the club a sustainable future.


    Regarding the interview I think some have taken Darrens comment out of context regarding promotion this season doesn't mean he doesn't want promotion or that it shouldn't be an aim he has just said this season which at the moment looks unlikely anyway. Another reason why would not get involved in the Trust.


    He says about the fans wanting to know the inner workings of the football club. I disagree with this. The fans just want to see that from the outside the club they care about is being run competently. Alright their will always be some people who will want to know more than they need to. But for most people what they want is a relatively competitive side out on the pitch, the stadium which they visit in relatively good nick compared to other comparable clubs, no shitstorms off the pitch I.e. employee unrest, no stories of staff or bills going unpaid, then abit of communication every now and again just to let fans know what's going on and why certain things happened is more than enough. We don't need to know everything and we don't want to either. If the club or even the Trust has to respond with a statement to every rumour on social media then you would have to set up an employ an entire department to firefight that.


    I agree that it would be good to know what Abdullah plan is Because it would give people some confidence to invest some faith in him and get behind him. But what we see now is acts of randomness volatility and at times incompetence. I'd would question anyone's sanity for buying any business let alone one as complicated as a football club who had no plan. Having no plan is not fine at all its insanity.







    How does that happen? That’s a good question but generally a number of ways: 


    - engaging the owner, challenging him on how he is running the club and getting him to put things right where needed 


    - using its legal right as a club share holder  to achieve the above


    - speaking for the fans and doing it publically. People power can be influential


    - securing the long term future of BP as a football stadium and ensuring it cannot be developed for other purposes (ACV for example and ensuring the Oldham Local Plan puts some protective policies in place relating to BP which reflect its vital community role)


    - building a war chest so fans can take over should the unthinkable happen


    That’s not to say that the trust has been 100 per cent effective in these areas but the above are the principal means by which the trust can have a positive effect going forward. 

    • Like 3
  14. In my capacity as a member of the TO Board I shall respond more fully to this feedback later when I have more time.


    What I would say for now is that, with all due respect, you are totally  missing the point. Darren is working his socks off to put the trust in a position where it can affect positive change within the club. It has not been in that position for many years. We are starting from a low base.


    The focus is on ensuring the club has a sustainable and viable future. The trust’s horizon is 5, 10, 15 years hence and principally focused on off the pitch matters, not what happens on the

    pitch this season or next.


    Promotion in the short term would be great but it is not the be all and end all and mustn’t be something to be pursued at any cost. There are bigger issues to concern ourselves with. That was Darren’s point. Don’t take it out of context.

    • Like 6
  15. 3 minutes ago, GlossopLatic said:


    It weny down to 17Knonce the RRE went all seater in 91-92 we had 4 attendances over 18000


    91-92 results

    Hmm that's odd. Thought capacity pre chaddy going seated was about 19.5k on the basis we never topped that during the pinch me season. 


    We lost about 2.4k when chaddy went seated but that would have put capacity down to about 17k. 


    Something doesnt add up

  16. 8 hours ago, otid said:

    I post very rarely these days, having learned that it is far too easy to make a tit of oneself by typing what you think is sense, to an audience that is likely anything but the mirror you think you are relating to. Overly simplified, there are usually seven or eight types of supporter depending on age, length of time supporting, mental maturity and the positive and negative outlooks among us.


    What strikes me as odd over the past twenty four hours or so is how many people seemingly defy their attitude toward players and club in comparison to their behaviour yesterday afternoon. There was a unity among all in the stands....a feel good factor the likes of which i've not seen for a while. There was certainly a connection to the players and staff throughout and particularly at the end of the game. A huge number stayed on after the final whistle for quite a while, and the bond between fans and players was evident.


    I'm among the first to admit that we were lucky to get away with 2-0. I'll take issue wuith those who complain we were overrun in the second half, because i believe if we'd gone in 0-0 at HT, we would have adopted different tactics after the break than we ultimately did, having gone in with a lead that yes, flattered us a bit. Despite how it turned out, we take the win and move on, just as we would were it a defeat....but i have to say i saw not one angry man or woman leaving the stadium yesterday....just a jubilant bunch and yes, a few, myself included who were discussing with others the fact that Morecambe were a tad unlucky to come away with nowt.


    How it is then, that so many are suddenly aghast at how poor we are, both as a team and as a club. After such a terrific day out and such a feeling of euphoria and unity at the end, this message board today is somewhat baffling. It's almost as if the drive home passed through some sort of barrier whereupon the feel good factor was washed away by the reality of returning to Oldham. It comes across to me as  some strange denial whereby people are embarrassed to have had a good time yesterday!

    Well said.


    thats social media for you. Most people say things only to provock a reaction and spend hours debating shite as they have little else to do with their lives. Most people are pragmatic and reasonable in their proper views, which do not actually reflect what people stick on this board. It's not real life. 


    please see this context before biting 

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