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Posts posted by dfOAFC

  1. Everything's disappeared from my Itunes.


    Just the small matter of over 4000 tracks. Any ideas??


    Haven't changed anything, just clicked on it today and there was nothing there.?????



  2. Yup, I would call that a large amount of young kids leaving the town... I wonder how many actually return and stay in Oldham... Looking at my facebook contacts not many have there location down as Oldham....


    regardless, whether there're 500 or 2000 of them the crowd doesn't drop by 500 or 2000 every year due to their exodus. 10-20 probably. 100 at most. and they'll be replaced by 10-100 12 to 15 yr olds i reckon.


    neither your exiled intelligentsia (I bet i've spelt that wrong) nor diego's 60-64 yr old blue rinse army are the solution to/cause of this problem.

  3. This is a joke? I had to move to north-west Wales years ago. Since then i know of half a dozen in the area who came out here to work but who go back to Oldham on a regular basis. Reading posts on this board gives a clear indication that there must be hundreds who have moved substantial distances. Not only that, even when living in Saddleworth it was clear that many supporters came from outside the Oldham MB area (Tameside etc).


    you're talking about re-locating for a better job/more money/firm closes down so can't do your job in this area anymore aren't you? yes, I know loads of people who've done that - myself and my dad included.


    the other bloke was talking about "moving away to find work" which I read as leaving Oldham, bags packed for streets paved with gold Dick Whittington style.

  4. 532 kids a year leaving the town every year is a resonable chunk... Maybe not a big chunk i will conceed that....


    Out of that 532 I bet the vast majority never return to Oldham... I no I didnt... (well I did but i moved within a year)


    The wider point was about young people in Oldham leaving the town and not coming back.... Its not something that just effects people that go to uni... The number of jobs in oldham is low..... People are moving away to find work...


    532 18 year olds is a tiny percentage of the 18 year olds in oldham


    out of those probably 10-20 might go to Latics on a regular basis.


    the number of jobs in Oldham has always been low in comparison to many other areas of the country.


    i don't know anyone who's "moved away" to find work, ever (???)

  5. No your not.... You talking about a big chunk these days...


    One of the issues Oldham is facing as a town is more and more of its young educated people moving away and never coming back....


    Its a big problem for the town and is something of a problem for the club as well....


    a "big chunk" of kids in Oldham go to University?


    when did this start?

  6. I'm sorry but the above has really stirred me up.


    I would like nothing more to go to Boundary Park every week but having a wife, house, child and with the ? above seemingly all jobs at the moment i'm penny pinching, but i put a couple of pennys to one side for a beer every other week to spend in the pub with the lads, of which i get sick cause i'm a tick, so what, i sign up to latics world, but the shirts home and away but i'm no good cause i dont go every week?


    then he's not having a go at you either.


    it's not rocket science, is it?

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