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Posts posted by philliggi

  1. You are welcome to some of mine if you're hungry!


    I know we are all on the same wavelength but I was concerned it was getting a bit side-tracked. Shows the passion and common sense of people really and there are great points coming from you; garcon; oafc0000 and philligi amongst others.


    Anyway, gotta pick up the kids!


    I think the idea about standing in every ward is a good one, but is it achievable? if we are going to do this though i must agree that we have to represent the regeneration of Oldham as a whole, not just safe guarding the future development of boundary park. There is a danger that we may be seen as "a group of drunkern football hooligans dabbling in something which is out of their league". This might sound a bit daft, but that is basically how a few people i have spoken to saw the march before it happened, and so did not attend. WE need to approach this proffessionally and responsibly, and the only way we can do that is by representing the borough as a whole, not just latics. this would be easier to do i feel if we could get a candidate in each ward.


    each ward candidate would get more individual votes, if they had other candidates in other wards campaigning on their behalf.

  2. How many residents rejestered there objections to the plans ? 590 or something wasnt it ?? That still leaves a hell of alot of people who didnt vote against it in that ward!!! The decision that was taken would of been good for Oldham and the local area!!! It certainly would of improved the image and look. The nimbys couldnt see this, to worked up over traffic and 60's flats.....



    Doesnt matter how many residents voted against the application, when talking about a candidate standing, because our candidate would be in a different ward i believe.

  3. i dont think dean smalley is good enouh to get 90minutes in an oldham shirt.

    His second half performances are not good enough, but Sheridan keeps on leaving him on and taking off players who are playin better thn him.

    Just like to no what you think on the situation ?


    smalley wasnt good enough all game, not just in the second half, but ya cant blame the lad. against tranmere he was upfront, against donni on the left and against vale on the right. you cant expect a player of his age to be able to adapt that easily. Sheridan was very much at fault today. with Liddell injured now is the perfect opportunity to give taylor a run at right wing (although admittedly taylor had his best game on the left for a long time today) Shez needs to think long and hard about his selections if you ask me. Smalley should be no where near the first team imo.

  4. They formed there own local party got elected and pushed through redevelopment of the Valley. Could offer some advice not the first time its been mentioned either.


    that actually sounds like a really good idea. believe it or not i know tony larkin very well, and he has been telling me for years its passionate people like me who care about the town who need to be on the council. (good advice tony). we should seriously give this some thought ya know, will take time to gather pace tho

  5. i went hell for leather and got a bit excited. like you say, some of these rags will be in league with our council, but its worth a try.


    the sun

    the mirror

    the times

    the mail

    the guardian

    the sport (why not)


    the telegraph


    i also emailed itv sport to get incontact with joe royle for us, because he appeared on soccer night tonight. hey its worth a try.


    ill keep you posted of any replies. none as yet

  6. Probably just needs something simple:


    "You want our Council Tax


    We want our stadium passed"


    would it be worth printing out some song sheets to pass around the marchers, we will obviously be chanting songs none of us have ever chanted befroe, so to ensure they get belted out, song sheets could be the way forward

  7. might work might not.








    Do it soon please, or just get your coat

  8. Keep going all you fellow Tics.


    Its things like this that make you realise how proud we are to be BLUE (and tangerine).


    I'll be there with four others.


    Tell your Mum, tell your Gran, TELL THE WORLD. Together we CAN make a difference.


    TTA must see we feel their hurt BUT we will do whatever is needed to get our amazing Club where TTA and we want it to be.


    KEEP THE FAITH (and spread the word)


    cracking idea this. ill deffo be there straight from work. just found out my best mates dad was one of the concillors who voted against, just tried ringing him, but no answer. as soon as i have quizzed him about it, ill let ya all know if i have any inside info

  9. Ahem................Thommo is still crocked for at least a month. Woohoo! Macca it is then.


    Could look something like this


    Gk - Bring yer boots, they're all in nappies or on crutches or just plainly owd and knackered!

    RB - Macca

    CB -Trotters

    CB - Stam

    LB - Bertrand

    RW - Deano

    CM - Allott

    CM - Kalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala or will Shez gamble and give Chalmers a go????

    LW - Ginger Ninja

    CF - Davies

    CF - Hughes


    no brainer really, unless Lidds is fit then Smalley will be on the bench. No other options really


    Personally id go:


    gk Crossley (purely cos he is the only option, he is crap tho

    lb lomax (if as been said he is back)

    cb Stam

    cb Trotman

    rb macca

    lw Bertrand

    rw Taylor

    cm allott

    cm kalala

    st Davies

    st Hughes


    i know the midfield looks a little lightweight, but the rest of the team is by far the strongest line up possible with the players available. one thing tho, id put hazell in at right back if fit, and macca in cm in place of kalala.

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