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Post Game Thread: Norwich City

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good post futcher.


Yes we are all entitled to our opinion but can we save it until the end of the game?


Those fans who were shouting for the managers head around me all seem to be a younger generation. Blooming eck it put me right off, so how do you think its going to effect those 11 on the pitch?


Now, I will throw my hat into the ring, do you think we play better away than at home? There are diehards on here that can answer that, me, I have only been to two away games, Wycomber and Tranmere an I don't remember the shouting for the managers head at either but goo vocal support.


So mayber we should ask the FA to play all our remaining home games behind closed doors to get away from all this negativity. If it gives us a shot at wining the remaining ones then I am all for it - extreme I know.


We have playe the top three teams inthe last week and we were stuffed in anyway, at least turned up for two and have come away with a least respectable scorelines from those teams (IMO)


So, fans we approach March and roughly 7 games left at home, how about we start supporting, get behind this team. There aren't going to be any earth shattering changes to this team or the manager so lets get a grip, sing your heart out fo the lads and if you still not happy - then boo, bay for blood at the end of a game.


+1 but i think away games isnt the right idea. getting behind the team is though and if we do our bit and the players look like theyre starting to do theirs, we can definately get a nice run together

Edited by oafc-latics
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