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Blue Monday

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Today has been dubbed ‘Blue Monday’ – the most depressing day of the year.


The anti-climax after Christmas, low motivation and freezing weather conditions are all factors contributing towards today being labelled the worst day of 2013. Add in the lack of natural daylight, concerns about job security and personal debt following a splurge during the festive season, and it’s not surprising people are feeling a bit down.


It’s also the time when people start to experience a sense of failure if they haven’t kept to resolutions such as giving up smoking, eating more healthily or doing more exercise.


But it’s not all doom and gloom for Latics supporters, because in the new order of things, ‘Blue Monday’ means the day when you are still grinning from yesterday. It’s the day when you walk tall, and proud, basking in the media coverage of yesterday’s historic victory. The day when all those Greedy League team-supporting classmates and workmates stop the laughing and sniggering, and show you some respect and admiration. It’s a day of great rejoicing and one to savour for as long as you live.


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