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Corney and the fans

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Cancer? What the :censored: are you on, what has that got to do with anything? I can say what I like, I don't gave two :censored:s what you I anyone else thinks, I have my opinion and my opinion is that there are arseholes on here who love to slate everyone and everything, any chance they can. You only back that up by jumping down my throat and telling me to :censored: off. Brilliant! You are the true champion of free speech indeed! Just cos we support the same club doesn't make us all friends and we don't have to like each other but I never once targeted an individual in my post, I have however been target by the likes of you. The irony. You :censored:.

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Cancer? What the :censored: are you on, what has that got to do with anything? I can say what I like, I don't gave two :censored:s what you I anyone else thinks, I have my opinion and my opinion is that there are arseholes on here who love to slate everyone and everything, any chance they can. You only back that up by jumping down my throat and telling me to :censored: off. Brilliant! You are the true champion of free speech indeed! Just cos we support the same club doesn't make us all friends and we don't have to like each other but I never once targeted an individual in my post, I have however been target by the likes of you. The irony. You :censored:.


Thats all folks..... :smoking:

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