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Montano signs for The Gas

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Any idea what reason they gave him for terminating his contract?


Gross misconduct, multiple cases of gbh against staff and police officers (he actually bit the officers) and it took place at the hotel.


They didn't conduct their own investigation, didn't get his side of the story in prison and didn't notify him until 6 months after the arrest that he was sacked. Basically they had good reason to sack him but didn't tick the right boxes to do so.



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Whilst I understand completely that Latics fans don't have a good word to say about him, I think the comment about if he was coming to us in similar circumstances the discussion wouldn't be so clear cut.


No actual conviction or any form of formal measure of guilt has been applied. So on the basis of innocent until proven guilty he has every right to try to ply his trade.


We, and other clubs, have taken on players (or attempted to) that have actual convictions for things far more serious than taking a bung.




It is hard to have an impartial view, and even more so when the alleged offence is something that directly relates to the core of his job and whether he can trusted to carry it out, but someone was always likely to give him ago because at a League One/conference level he will be seen as a talented player.

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They are welcome to him.


Woefully inconsistant capable of doing great things but also had some absolute shockers and if his head is turned by other things more sinister then I don't want a player like that anywhere near the club.


Would never happen but I would have him back. That goal vs Stevenage was one of the best I've seen watching Oldham



Glad your not the manager,


plenty of other players out there who can produce moments of magic who are not as likely to sell their team mates manager and fans down the river.

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Whilst I understand completely that Latics fans don't have a good word to say about him, I think the comment about if he was coming to us in similar circumstances the discussion wouldn't be so clear cut.


No actual conviction or any form of formal measure of guilt has been applied. So on the basis of innocent until proven guilty he has every right to try to ply his trade.


We, and other clubs, have taken on players (or attempted to) that have actual convictions for things far more serious than taking a bung.




It is hard to have an impartial view, and even more so when the alleged offence is something that directly relates to the core of his job and whether he can trusted to carry it out, but someone was always likely to give him ago because at a League One/conference level he will be seen as a talented player.


I think I'm right in saying that from the video he said he did it, and from what people said of that game it looked like he did it. I don't really care whether or not a legal case was made to stick, there's enough there for me to be glad he's out of our club and to never want him back again.

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I think I'm right in saying that from the video he said he did it, and from what people said of that game it looked like he did it. I don't really care whether or not a legal case was made to stick, there's enough there for me to be glad he's out of our club and to never want him back again.

He wasn't tried or convicted in a criminal court but there was a nailed on "balance of probabilites" outcome from that footage for Gross Misconduct. The club did right and the only reason criminal proceedings werent brought is because the Sheik himself was dodgy so evidence obtained by him was inadmissable in criminal law - its like a drink driver who blows over but gets off cos the cops didnt tick a box (trust me it happens) - the bloke still did it but no case brought - good luck to Bristol I wouldnt want him

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