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Atmosphere at matches.

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The subject of the atmosphere has been done to death. Unfortunately the debate always goes the same way. Someone says the atmosphere's rubbish, someone else slags off the "Muppet Choir", someone slags off the rest of the crowd, the whole drum issue gets brought up, people blame the shape of the roof or the lack of the roof and on it goes.


No-one ever actually comes up with a positive way of improving the atmosphere.



In my opinion the following statements are facts.


1. The atmosphere IS poor, at home and, very often, away as well.


2. Very few of us are prepared to sing. Those that don't sing, won't, no matter what is posted on here.


3. The drum is here to stay, like it or not.



What we need is a thread with suggestions of how those of us who are prepared to create an atmosphere can improve. We can't rely on getting more people to sing. It's like banging your head against a brick wall. I am starting to detect a feeling of "why bother?" creeping in from those who do start chants. I know I feel like this, others have also posted similar feelings. This can't be allowed to happen. Once the last few give up there will be no atmosphere and crowds will decline even further. The younger generation won't get that buzz that many of us got when we first attended matches. Firstly, can I ask that the term "Muppet Choir" is avoided where possible. It is little wonder many won't sing if those that do are subject to ridicule.


Before Forest I put a thread on here challenging the crowd to sing some old favourites. I like to think this thread helped create the atmosphere at The City Ground, as the repetoire was vastly increased. Some long forgotten classics were cocked up (guilty as charged) but the next chant was just around the corner to spare blushes. Someone on that thread suggested those that do sing all sit (stand) in the same area at away games. This also seemed to work at Forest and, to a lesser extent, Tranmere. I must hold my hands up to not having done this at Doncaster, with the results as described by Latics & England. If we had stood with the main group of singers they may have been more inclined to join in. I used to think that by standing away from the main group it would help the songs to spread. I now accept I was wrong.


Let's have a few positive suggestions from like-minded individuals as to what we can do, whether it's ongoing or a special effort for a particular game (e.g.Everton, Leeds).


Please don't fill up this thread with complaints about acoustics, shape of roof, drum etc. Please also don't post saying, "why should I sing when the team play poorly?", "I just want to watch the match", "if you want to sing, go to Wales, boyo", "don't know why you're bothering, you'll never improve the atmosphere, "it's not been the same since the seats went in" etc, etc etc. Start another thread if you want to be negative. This thread is for POSITIVE suggestions only. Let's see if we can do something about it. Shez says it helps the team, that's surely good enough reason to make the effort.

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The subject of the atmosphere has been done to death. Unfortunately the debate always goes the same way. Someone says the atmosphere's rubbish, someone else slags off the "Muppet Choir", someone slags off the rest of the crowd, the whole drum issue gets brought up, people blame the shape of the roof


Hope your not refering to me in the comment "someone else slags off the Muppet Choir". Like i said in a previous post i have some very good friends and members of my family in that muppet choir. :angry:


I only use the term muppet choir because this is how they were described to me once and the saying stuck with me.




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Hope your not refering to me in the comment "someone else slags off the Muppet Choir". Like i said in a previous post i have some very good friends and members of my family in that muppet choir. :angry:


I only use the term muppet choir because this is how they were described to me once and the saying stuck with me.



Not specifically, no. I was just making a point about the way the discussion normally goes. I was also trying to make the point that using derogatory phrases about those that do sing is not helpful in encouraging people to continue singing. It's not my intention to offend anyone. It's also not my intention to start a debate about why the debate always follows the same lines. I am simply asking for positive suggestions that will improve the atmosphere.


No offence meant.

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Not specifically, no. I was just making a point about the way the discussion normally goes. I was also trying to make the point that using derogatory phrases about those that do sing is not helpful in encouraging people to continue singing. It's not my intention to offend anyone. It's also not my intention to start a debate about why the debate always follows the same lines. I am simply asking for positive suggestions that will improve the atmosphere.


No offence meant.



None taken :)

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Liaise with the ticket office for those willing to sing at Leeds and Everton to be allocated seats in the same area at the back of the stand. Then as people buy tickets, the staff can ask 'Do you want to be with the singers?'.



Thats not a bad idea that Mr S. In fact I would say that is a Brill idea, would have thought it would quite easy for the Girls in the office to sort out as well. Maybe worth one of your well worded emails to Mr H to see what he can sort out for us.

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Thats not a bad idea that Mr S. In fact I would say that is a Brill idea, would have thought it would quite easy for the Girls in the office to sort out as well. Maybe worth one of your well worded emails to Mr H to see what he can sort out for us.


I must admit AH is the only one who seems to take any notice of me so, on the basis of your overwhelming support, I'll send him an email right now, and perhaps by 9.00am tomorrow he may have orchestrated the Ticket Office staff to get tuned in to the 'singing tickets'. :grin:

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I must admit AH is the only one who seems to take any notice of me so, on the basis of your overwhelming support, I'll send him an email right now, and perhaps by 9.00am tomorrow he may have orchestrated the Ticket Office staff to get tuned in to the 'singing tickets'. :grin:



Hope it is sorted for when i get there tomorrow and i get the choice of singing or non-singing. Cos it will be singing all the way.


Just been looking at how to get there on the train, quite easy only 2 changes.

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Hope it is sorted for when i get there tomorrow and i get the choice of singing or non-singing. Cos it will be singing all the way.


Just been looking at how to get there on the train, quite easy only 2 changes.


Email sent to AH. Watch this space! :pray:


All Everton tickets are for the Bullens Road Stand in the upper tier, lower tier and paddock, so I presume the seats at the back of each of those levels could be allocated for the singers.

Edited by Diego_Sideburns
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It seems to me from various posts on a number of threads that we have a decent core of people posting on this board who want to sing. I think the first step, therefore needs to be for us to make a decision that we are going to sit together at away games.


We should be nominating an OWTB singers pub before each game where we all meet up, have a few jars to loosen the vocal chords and then go into the game as a group and sit together. A group of fifty of us should be able to start to create an atmosphere. Based upon those sort of numbers, I think that people would be prepared to join in. If not, screw them, we'll do it on our own.


Home games are going to be more difficult. Any suggestions are welcome.

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We should be nominating an OWTB singers pub before each game where we all meet up, have a few jars to loosen the vocal chords and then go into the game as a group and sit together. A group of fifty of us should be able to start to create an atmosphere. Based upon those sort of numbers, I think that people would be prepared to join in. If not, screw them, we'll do it on our own.


I know this is a positive thread, but you and I have seen fans singing their hearts out in the pub before the game, only for them to lose their voices at the kick-off. It's worth having a word with people in the pub about your idea and then making sure we all sit together and give it a go!

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I know this is a positive thread, but you and I have seen fans singing their hearts out in the pub before the game, only for them to lose their voices at the kick-off. It's worth having a word with people in the pub about your idea and then making sure we all sit together and give it a go!

That'd be the subtle difference between a singers pub and a singing pub. The pub element is for getting yourself in the correct frame of mind only. The atmosphere should be created in the ground.

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I can't get Orient out of my mind!


I swear you two don't talk this much at the game........too busy singing, I'd imagine.


Apart from any new grounds, most of the regular away fans will know the place well enough to pre-arrange where they will sit. Now if you had some kind of "OWTB Singing Club" T-Shirt....

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I swear you two don't talk this much at the game........too busy singing, I'd imagine.


Apart from any new grounds, most of the regular away fans will know the place well enough to pre-arrange where they will sit. Now if you had some kind of "OWTB Singing Club" T-Shirt....


I thought it was a condition of joining a message board named after a song that members must join in with the singing! :wink:

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It seems to me from various posts on a number of threads that we have a decent core of people posting on this board who want to sing. I think the first step, therefore needs to be for us to make a decision that we are going to sit together at away games.


Home games are going to be more difficult. Any suggestions are welcome.


embrace the drum.


we need to practice - not joking! I know the guy with the drum is on here so please get in touch and let's discuss positively when and how the drum can be used to start the singing.

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Email sent to AH. Watch this space! :pray:


All Everton tickets are for the Bullens Road Stand in the upper tier, lower tier and paddock, so I presume the seats at the back of each of those levels could be allocated for the singers.


Reply recieved from Alan Hardy:


I will certainly see what we can do to help with this but usually we are under instructions from clubs to sell the tickets in a particular order so that they can steward the fans effectively.


If it is possible then we might put up a sign at the ticket office telling fans to ask if they want a ticket in the singing section.



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Some good ideas. Atmos went downhill when all seating stadia came into force. Sections of singers used to be able to stand next to each other at will. Also sitting down you cant generate as much noiz as standing up. I think really it is down to individuals passion and spirit. I think some people have seen a decline over the last 10 years that the spirit has been drained from them so their will to get up and sing has gone. I am utterly baffled by there only being half of the Chaddy singing and the other half not - very confusing. As I have said before, if you are sat amongst a group of people who clearly dont want to sing and you feel you cannot express yourself amongst them, come and sit at the bottom right hand side of the Chaddy. There are a section of us who will have a sing song regardless of whether anyone else is joining. As far as the drum is concerned, it DOES get people going but just needs to be a little more choicy of which songs it is trying to get going. Without it I feel we would be part of a Specials song (no not Much Too Young) - Ghost Town!

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Some good ideas. Atmos went downhill when all seating stadia came into force. Sections of singers used to be able to stand next to each other at will. Also sitting down you cant generate as much noiz as standing up. I think really it is down to individuals passion and spirit. I think some people have seen a decline over the last 10 years that the spirit has been drained from them so their will to get up and sing has gone. I am utterly baffled by there only being half of the Chaddy singing and the other half not - very confusing. As I have said before, if you are sat amongst a group of people who clearly dont want to sing and you feel you cannot express yourself amongst them, come and sit at the bottom right hand side of the Chaddy. There are a section of us who will have a sing song regardless of whether anyone else is joining. As far as the drum is concerned, it DOES get people going but just needs to be a little more choicy of which songs it is trying to get going. Without it I feel we would be part of a Specials song (no not Much Too Young) - Ghost Town!


Prime case was the home leg of B'Pool in the playoff i sat in the Chaddy end towards the left (away from the singers) who whilst your sat in the Chaddy were making a right noise... didnt help that game everyone being scattered about i stand up start singing and some miserable burk behind me tells me to sit down and be quiet!! Utterly astonished.... Another problem with atmosphere is over zealous stewards moaning about sitting down, that just annoys me especially when everyone is stood up, fair enough why seating was introduced but surely there are no safety issues if everyone is stood in front of their seat and no one around is bothered by your standing. I like to mix it about in BP and there is knowhere you can sit where the majority around you want to sing and thats our problem! You get the Chaddy lot and then the ones to the in the Lower and Upper NSM stand we could do with these lot joining forces in one area of the ground to bulster the vocals.

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Prime case was the home leg of B'Pool in the playoff i sat in the Chaddy end towards the left (away from the singers) who whilst your sat in the Chaddy were making a right noise... didnt help that game everyone being scattered about i stand up start singing and some miserable burk behind me tells me to sit down and be quiet!! Utterly astonished.... Another problem with atmosphere is over zealous stewards moaning about sitting down, that just annoys me especially when everyone is stood up, fair enough why seating was introduced but surely there are no safety issues if everyone is stood in front of their seat and no one around is bothered by your standing. I like to mix it about in BP and there is knowhere you can sit where the majority around you want to sing and thats our problem! You get the Chaddy lot and then the ones to the in the Lower and Upper NSM stand we could do with these lot joining forces in one area of the ground to bulster the vocals.

Come and join us brother - join the dark side!!!

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A bit of negativity creeping in. We know the reasons behind the lack of atmosphere, and I'm sure it's not just a Latics problem. What this thread is about is coming up with ways of improving the atmosphere despite the obstacles in our way.


I like the idea about away games - selling tickets towards the back of the stand to those who want to sing. I think with a wave of noise coming from behind many will be more inclined to join in.


How about tangerine and blue ticker tape / balloons. If everyone was to take something similar to Everton it would look pretty impressive as the teams come out? Does anyone know a supplier of cheap (or even free :pray: ) tangerine / blue paper or balloons?


As for getting everyone sitting together at home games it is a little more difficult as people are settled where they are. We do, however, have the possibility of a golden opportunity to do something about this. IF Planning Permission is granted on Tuesday there will be a forced relocation from the NSM. This could be an opportunity for a coming together of like-minded individuals to kick start an improvement in the BP atmosphere. Further down the line there will be a new Chaddy End. I think we can between us, come up with suggestions to put to the club as to how to get the singers together in the new Chaddy (or elsewhere). The club seem pretty open to ideas.


I definitely think that we should take the opportunity to make Everton special. A cracking atmosphere on that day might encourage a few lapsed fans back on a more regular basis. Plus, the team's gonna need all the help it can get.

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