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Yard Dog

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Posts posted by Yard Dog

  1. Back to the drawing board, I reck.


    Quite like the blue and tangerine St. George's style though, but the badges are too numerous and the wording not right. Put what you represent on it - eg Athleticos, Rocky Rd Enders, Royton, Oldham, or the boozer you drink in.

  2. @ pukka - I am alright with dogs. I actually don't mind them as animals, despite my strong/extreme views, but aggressive dogs do freak me out a bit. Problem is, they can actually sense your fear, so they'll try to dominate you once they've picked up on your fear.


    @ o4u - ha ha. He walked into that.


    @ rummy - Nearly bought some this week actually after some excellent reviews, but taken a leap of faith and bought some Adidas energy boost.

  3. I'm really extreme on dogs. I appreciate the good work they do for the blind, emergency services, farms etc. But I would honestly ban all dogs. They're either a status symbol or for somebody with something missing in their life. Cannot see the point in nonworking dogs.


    Oh and I'm sick of seeing dog :censored: all over when I'm out running. Clean it up you disgrace. And putting it in a tied plastic bag and throwing it is not cleaning up.

  4. Need to get rid of the old desktop PC. 6 year old Asus. And a decent Acer monitor.

    Nowt wrong with either, just got a laptop and need space.

    Bit worried about just taking it to the tip as heard stuff about people being able to access your banking details stored on the hard drive. Any ideas about disposing of it safely and in an environmentally friendly way?

  5. Just got a new laptop. I've downloaded tinywall but McAfee (a trial version of which came pre-installed on my asus laptop) seems to still be the firewall protecting me rather than windows defender (which I understand tinywall tags onto). Can't seem to turn off McAfee and turn on defender as the options in the action center are greyed out ?


    Also downloaded avast antivirus free and will down ccleaner soon. Anything else I should download security wise ?


    Are malware bytes and spybot still necessary ?


    Thanks in advance.

  6. Just got a new laptop with windows 8.


    Soon as I accessed my hotmail account through the windows 8 app my hotmail account suddenly filled up with 1,500 spam emails....


    Anyone know what the :censored: has happened ?


    Is there any easy way to delete them without deleting important emails that have now been swamped.. ?

  7. Honestly, I'm going more off football each season. It's not a contact sport any more. It's full of cheating, playacting pathetic wimps.


    The game on the continent is about as entertaining as tag rugby.


    If that was a red card last night then have we seen the end of goals scored by overhead kicks and Mark H##hes-esque scissor kicks?



  8. lets give the lad credit for making the effort to make noise for the boys.

    There are some songs the drum is good for but around corners or free kick times lay off it so we can sing other songs,

    p.s hope all the standing little n's go back to rocky rd end next home match so I can watch match without having to whinge at kids for standing all match.


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