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Everything posted by oafc0000

  1. So what about the period of 1996 and 2010 ? What kept me coming then if its all about winning ? You really are looking silly now...
  2. How is it it bull:censored: ? I work all week... I get to see my children for two hours a day during the week and then I get two full days to spend time with them at the weekend. I prioritise seeing and doing things with them at the weekend. So if I am going to come they will be coming with me. Do you think they would enjoy a trip to Boundary Park? What does the club do for families ? How much would it cost ? How long would it take me to travel ? Just because you say its bull:censored: doesn't mean it is... If you are happy to sacrifice time with your kids then that is your choice. But other people have a different world view.
  3. Anyone can quote something out of context... Bravo, you continue to impress me *sarcasm inserted* If you think people with families having to weigh up what is the best use of their time at the weekend & limited money and coming to the conclusion that Boundary Park currently offers nothing is cancerous then I would ask you to start considering what life style choices where inflicted on the patient to develop the cancer. You need to grow up a little to be frank. Try tackling what I was really getting at in my post instead of quoting out of context for some quick nasty wins. Or is it all a little beyond you ? Tell you what, stick with the quoting out of context, its simpler for you!
  4. I will ignore the rest of your armature dramatics and get straight to your questions... Its not all about the club... I am not overally concerned about what is positive for the club and what is not when it comes to the decision I have taken. I have a lot going on in my life and one of those things is Oldham Athleitc and its competing with many other things. Now I accept you have pretty much just Oldham Athletic going on in your life, and it takes priority over everything else but some of us have wives, children, jobs and other interests outside of Latics and Football. Cricket and F1 are far bigger loves in my life than Football. I know this may be shocking but some people do have other things going on and competing for our time and money. I didn't stop going to improve the club... I stop going because I couldn't continue to throw good money after bad on an owner/s who don't have a :censored:ing clue. Once they go and if its still something I can get behind and support I will do. But as it stands it offers nothing worthy of my time and money outside of my rants on here. Hope that helps with your question....
  5. Could of hit Disney World and Disney Land with that amount of bread
  6. Get away from my wife and kids ?? The only way I am coming back is if the wife and kids want to come... And the last line was pure sillyness... To say it should be club before wife and kids its just really silly... I guess you don't have kids.
  7. Which is of course a lot of bollocks.... But nice soap box moment for you... Reminded me of Mel Gibson in Braveheart....
  8. I doubt someone who has been going for 20 / 30 years would stop going for that sole reason....
  9. Not really what I said was it... Its encouraging that people are seeing the core problem now...
  10. Well I don't financially.... That was the point of the post .... I will be going to my first game in about six year soon (if the free tickets turn up) so I will shout kind words at the team as well
  11. Its a hefty amount of cash saved!!! Dam right I am gloating.... Nothing I have seen over the last five to six years has shown me that my original decision to stop supporting the current board was the wrong one... While its sad to see so many current Latics fans now feeling exactly the same way as me... Its also encouraging that people are seeing the light as well finally....
  12. I saved at least £2.5k realising Corney wasn't worthy of my money five years ago....
  13. ...and in three months if he hasn't been successful he will be sacked and hated... I wonder why he never fancied being a manager...
  14. Someone above mentioned you should all protest to get rid of Dunn...
  15. You know if the situation we are truly in does require the sacking of someone in September and someone in January then I think your protests would aimed at someone other than the poor turnips who keep being thrown to the wolves and the guy actually appointing them.
  16. I haven't commented on his work... I have said he hasn't been given a full chance yet to turn it around... He deserves, as a human :censored:ing being, to be given at least one opportunity to bring people in proper and implement his own ideas / plans...
  17. Well... As I said before... and for the past six years... Dunn etc is NOT the root problem...
  18. Fair play... And I take all the criticism you guys are giving him at face value.... Give him time and resources and a chance to grow and he may improve... I am just pleading that he deserves the opportunity to get it right... A single transfer window and a couple more months is the least we should give him. Its totally unfair to judge him right now to the point you take away a mans livelihood and reputation and :censored: it down the toilet.
  19. I think any manager, short of committing some form of gross misconduct, deserves half a season and a transfer window before he is sacked. That just a thing I would say about any manager trying to do this job... Anything short of that is being a bit of a :censored:...
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