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Everything posted by oafc0000

  1. ??? Yet it was right to sack him when he had is so close to the playoffs ???
  2. Well it was clearly not lost upon others how weird all this is... I just can't get into the way the board thinks... or most the fans either...
  3. It was the right time to sack him ? 1 point outside of promotion.... and it was 9 games to go.... and you STILL think it was the right thing to do... My head spins... but now its the right thing to do ? My head spins more...
  4. I won't even consider coming back until we have new owners. Resigning Sheridan is only another example to me that they never had a clue in the first place. Sacking him was one of the most bitter things I experienced watching Latics. We threw away our second best chance of promotion we had in League one (maybe third)....
  5. Another :censored:ing embarrassing day as far as I am concerned... We sack the guy when he had us 1 point outside of the promotion spots, with seven games to go, with a lot of people saying what a great idea it was to get rid of him... We bring in Big Fat Joe and the rest is history (god that was a horrible thing to watch happen to a legend). And now, while we are in the :censored: and we have pissed so much up the wall, we rehire the guy who you all said wasn't good enough and say, great move :D What a joke For the record I love John and him being sacked was the start of me stopping going. Glad to see him back and wish him all the best. He is a great signing, but some of the reaction here is just :censored:ing weird given I can remember what a lot of you was saying about him back then.
  6. it really isn't... We are just simply customers...
  7. And their brilliant league positions since he left just goes to show how badly he was managing them and all the problems in the boardroom had no affect... I liked Dickov as a player and I still think he will make a good manager one day.
  8. You might get to see some teams you haven't seen before? You will have more choices over where to sit ?
  9. Given how disgracefully he was treated I very much doubt he would come back...
  10. He was a new young manager... So what if he made some mistakes ? We cant keep appointing managers with little or no experience and not giving them time. How long did it take Joe to get it right ? I have to be fair and say Dickov officially "resigned"... but it sure felt like he was pushed...
  11. Get ride of Shez and Dickov are probably the two dumbest moves Corney ever made IMO... I know Dickov resigned but it sure felt like the club wanted rid at the time... EDITED to correct mistake
  12. Surely it would of been linked to performances, league position, tv appearances etc... So had the potential to be a £1 million but in reality we probably got a fiver....
  13. Yet you was saying how important it was to give them £20 every two weeks ? Consistency or joined up thinking lacking here ^^^^
  14. The whole idea is just a virtual begging bucket... Crowdfunding works when you have something which appeals outside of the normal demographic of supporter or if you have something unique a lot of people would like to see happen. A football club saying we want a Scoreboard IS NOT "crowdfunding"...
  15. Cool! It all went for a while but I am glad to hear it is back!
  16. The "family club" thing has really gone to the dogs with the whole Lee Hughes / Ched Evans madness.... Plus we don't have any offering for children any more do we ? No kids club etc....
  17. Its not about having the last word. Its about you quoting out of context and cherry picking what is important and what is not. Its the tool of a silly billy.... I make several points and you think only one is valid ?
  18. I will translate... I have had my cheap digs so won't bother tackling the real points, and hope others will come along and help out with cheap digs... Close your door on the way out, there's a good lad...
  19. Oh look, you quoted out of context again... I also said "If I am coming back, my wife and my kid are coming with me".... But you don't do "the full" picture do you... That is too complex.... There are several reasons I stopped coming... There is also a number of things which would have to change to make me come back... But you just want to paint it as the fact they aren't doing well at the moment... Just really dim point of view to keep pushing and its pretty cheap stuff.
  20. So to take your post as a whole... I am just not coming because we aren't winning and everything else is a smoke screen.... and its only money and health issues that are valid reasons ? You really do live in a little world don't you
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