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Posts posted by happyterryb

  1. it appears to me that Lids is a very good instruction taker. He does exactly what is asked of him by Sheridan. I rate him for his ability to whip the ball into the box. He isn't able to turn on pace any more but that doesn't detract from his footballing ability. Fine player in this division. Won't cut it when we get auto promotion this season.....

  2. When booking my tickets, I was told nobody has been asking for tickets at the back of each section (the singing area) - that doesn't surprise me.


    Got ours on the back row of the Upper Tier. Feel free to join in with the singing to create that 'twelfth man'. :comeon: Let's recreate the atmosphere at Forest!


    Stop it now, I'm going to cry!!!!

  3. I read on another thread that the 3 A's regularly look at OWTB forums. I only hope Shez does because he would see a growing section of the supporters who are getting fed up with the way Davies is playing at the moment. I have to repeat that I see a player of immense talent in Davies but he has to lose the attitude or else he will go the way of the Bentley Boy with his team mates. No One is bigger than the team in my eyes and I'm not sure Davies can or is willing to change. Just hope he is because him and Hughes could be formidable up front for us. I would have gone for Clarke from Sheffield as a front man. He knew his limitations and played to his strengths.

  4. This is the video of the inspirational teamtalk given by Chasetown manager Charlie Blakemore before the Port Vale game. Fabio Capello listen and learn!




    Just watched it and had a tear in my eye. A proper english Manager who said a few very true words in that talk. Shez could do worse than have a look at that Slater lad. Don't know much about him but his Manager sounds as though he rates him. Do you know of him DS

  5. Yes but you miss my point.


    While Porter is likley to score, he is nowhere near as skilful, pacy or dangerous as Davies is.


    Disagree.. Half of being a good footballer is in the head. Porter has that intelligence. Davies is very headstrong and not a team player at the moment. Porter lacked Pace, Strength, fitness etc etc but he still managed to find the net on a regular basis at a much better chance to goals ratio. He did have skill. Davies will be a better player in the future but right now I would take Porter to get us up this season.

  6. Wouldn't it be ironic if the three A's were to sell for short term gain rather than invest for the future of the club. After all the support they have received from the fans of the club. It has always been a slight niggle at the back of my mind that we didn't really KNOW what the plans of the owners were actually. I don't for one minute think they will disappear into the sunset with their bags of cash tied to their saddles but the socialist in me is always suspicious of Capitalists, particularly Property Developers........... Just hope I have to eat my words in two years time when our club is on a sound financial footing with a healthy future. This is what we mean when we say Keep the Faith I suppose...

  7. If I had to make a choice, which is very difficult between the two players then I would go for Porter. At least he got his head up and looked around him. Football is a results NOW business and waiting around for Davies to learn his trade should not be at the cost of the first team results. Porter knows when to shoot and when to lay it off. Davies is not there yet (He will be in the future) and we need good results now to even get us into the play offs. I am convinced that this TEAM is good enough to gain promotion this year and that is not being overly optimistic.

  8. Funny how peoples' memories of a game end up concentrating on one incident (all be it a crucial one).


    From the Lookers I had no idea whether it was in or out of the box, but it looked a very soft decision.


    But actually I thought the ref had a good game after a fussy first couple of minutes (and apart from Bertrand's booking).


    How people can say we were unlucky I have no idea... turns out our goal may have been handball, and in the second half Donny hit the woodwork twice and brought two outstanding saves from Crossley.


    I do tend to think those decisions even themselves out in the end, so I'm not overly fussed. But maybe that's cos I thought 1-1 was about the right result and that it had been a really great game between two good footballing teams.


    At last some sanity. Whilst I would like to point out Crossley is there to make saves so his two fine ones in the second half of the match are part of the game, I would like to say that the penalty decision should have been totally immaterial. The score at that point should have been Latics 5 Doncaster 2, Come to think of it, the woodwork is part of the game and Doncaster were at fault for not being more accurate.. so 5-0 should have been the score at the time of the penalty decision.

    On the other hand Sullivans goal seemed to have a charmed life. Shots blocked by people who had no idea where the ball was. Oooohhh welllll

  9. go to chapel road and tell him that then.im sure he will appreciate it.


    can we not just be pleased that we didnt lose and got a draw,yes we could of won 5 or 6,but we didnt.end of.


    just get behind the team instead of nit picking like a bunch of cackling fish wifes.

    our fans really do suprise me sometimes.


    Bit strong. Take off your rose tinted glasses and face it. How many time did Hughes wave his arms in frustration yesterday after Davies had painted himself into a corner. I'll tell you.... At least five... That penalty shoud have been totally immaterial because we could and should have been 5-2 up at the time. Hughes is the kind of player Davies should be learning from but he isn't endearing himself to Hughes by not setting him up when he has the chance, oh and I'm never happy with just a draw when we dominate teams like we did today...

  10. I'm tired of people saying that if you criticise the latics you are not "Getting behind the team". If you do not challenge or ask questions then nothing changes (Just take a look at the planning application appeal for an example). The reason I for one have criticised Davies this season is that I want our team to beat teams like Doncaster, Huddersfield etc etc. He has to learn. If you do not point out his failings he will never change them. He has in fact improved slightly over the past couple of weeks, He is looking up more and did actually pass the ball in to feet on a couple of occasions yesterday. I would be more than happy to go along to Chapel Road and have a discussion with him about his obvious ability and his habit of only seeking the glory. I support Latics with a fervour and even at 50 years still get excited on Saturday before during and after seeing my team. But thats just it.... Its a bloody team game...... Davies needs to learn that.

  11. Dear Sir/Madam


    I would like to express my support for the planning application submitted by the owners of Oldham Athletic Football Club. It is a rare thing to see a single issue bring so many of the towns residents together in this way. Oldham has a proud tradition as a fore father of the industrial revolution and it's football club an equally proud tradition as a place of sporting excellence. The planning application as submitted is realistic and within the regulations as demanded by planning law.


    I would hope that our Councillors are convinced by the depth of feeling of Oldham's citizens and it's football clubs supporters. We have an opportunity to make a positive difference to our town and I would urge the planning committee to vote yes to the application. Be part of something positive for our town.


    Hope this helps in some small way.

  12. And the best thing is that due to our written agreement with OAFC, any money raised over and above the monthly running costs of OWTB is paid over to the Club! :)


    That's the same deal as for the Jointly produced Merchandise in the Online Shop like Earl Barrett shirts and the soon-to-be-seen-and-must-have-as-a-Christmas-present Neil Redfearn limited edition T-Shirts.


    Now You must get a XXXL for me. I want one , I need one and I will scream and scream and scream until I am sick if I don't get one I will throw my dummy out of the pram. I will go to defcom three, I shall beat my fists on the floor kicking my legs viciously . Do you hear me!!!. I know now why the Groves Tee wasn't to be. You were just holding back on the Neil (He is a GOD) Redfearn Tee's.... Hooray.

  13. The number of Donny shots that went high, wide and handsome seemed inexplicable last night. Now we've found out that Chadwell was Donny and a lazer was being shone from the Donny end of the ground. Could it have been that Chadwell was in the Donny end and his powerful night-time vision was concentrated on the boots of the Donny players? :mmm: The truth is out there!


    There were so many wild shots you would normally question the state of the pitch. But that one was like a carpet. I don't think I've seen a better playing surface anywhere. Even the old Wembley pitch didn't look that good. This helped the tic's though because it encouraged our passing game. I for one was delighted with the amount of possession we had in the second half particularly... We looked like the latics of old. Bring on Crewe!!!!

  14. I assume the reason is to stop fraud and back pocketing.


    Its easy to admit someone and pocket the money if you are one of 20 turnstile operators...


    I thought the turnstiles had a counter on them so that should prevent fraud. The only way you could pocket the money is if you allowed the paying punter to jump over the turnstile without moving it. In these days of cctv I would have thought the Security would be watching the turnstiles at admission time.

  15. Just a thought.... What the hell was up with Davies in the second half. He worked so hard to get himself booked in the first half then looked totally disinterested for most of the second. I'm sure that lad has trouble controllong himself. He needs to play for the team. When Trotters got sent off I thought Sheridan would have subbed Davies for Hazell but he left him on. All around me people were shouting at him to pull his finger out but he didn't. If he doesn't score in the first 25 minutes he seems to lose control. How many bookings has he got now this season. Don't get me wrong I rate the lad but he really frustrates me with his attitude.

  16. Ignoring the first 40 mins...THAT WAS :censored: SUPERB!!!!!!


    Brilliant, brilliant passing football. As someone who called 606 on the way home said, it was just like last season.


    And without Hughesy! This team is going places...


    Interesting post-note...when I was walking back to my car I overheard a Donny fan saying to another - 'They just stopped Wellens playing, and that meant they stopped us playing'. Sound familiar?

    I'm on a big high, huge smile on my face. Let's do Crewe and get a big boy. COME ON YOU BLUUUUUUUUUUES!


    The person who called 606 was me and I had waited 25 minutes to get on. I wanted to raise the council issue but Stubbsy cut me off saying the line was poor. It was a magnificent display throughout the 80 minutes I saw. I was late. (Does that mean I'm in detention). Even their goal came as a result of a minor mistake by Stam. WE outplayed, outsang and out supported Doncaster. What a stadium though... Just shows what a forward thinking council can do.

  17. I have to agree about the full backs who are bypassing the midfield going forward. This gives the forwards opportunities which have not been presented by our midfielders. Hence the improvement. I refuse however, to get carried away by the recent form. We should be beating teams like Port Vale at home. I welcome Hughes's goals as they may well be the spur he needed to kickstart his season. His form in the future months may well be the difference between mid table and play offs.... Much like Porters... I have also enjoyed the ball being kept on the floor much more. Stops me getting a crick in the neck. :mainstand:

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