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Posts posted by happyterryb

  1. and he wasn't the one receiving "encouragement" from the likes of yourself.


    You just don't seem to understamd do you? It's not for us to cheer, clap, applaud and benerally big up the players when they are obviously not trying. Read some of the other posts about Davies. I go to every game with the intention of enjoying it. It is up to the players to provide the entertainment. Thats why they get paid the amount the do!!!!! Last of.

  2. He was trying too hard to score and not at all with anything else, had a face on him all game. Must have had a :censored: during the break because he was working harder for the team before going back to how he was. He needs to be more professional, might have been an error to bring Wolfy on, they ran all over him but even still the defence should have stood firm against 10 men.


  3. I think that you need to change your username Terry.


    The atmosphere yesterday WAS A DISGRACE....The people who ought to be ashamed of themselves are the other naturally negative people (I cannot bring myself to call them supporters and certainly not fans) who would like to blame everything on someone else. They need to take some responsibility themselves as it is (as previously stated) a 2 way street.


    I am not saying that you shouldn't go to the game, but if you are so disillusioned with the game in general, why do you go? It obviously doesn't make you very happyterryb


    Because it is my club. The one that my Dad took me to and his dad took him. I have watched the latics since 1962 approx and have never seen a player behave like Davies does. It enfuriates me when I see less than 100% commitment in my work. It is worse when I see the people I look up to on a Saturday not even trying. I am really angry about yesterdays performance because I felt cheated somehow after the game. It will pass however and I will be there next time to shout encouragement and criticism as it is needed.... :rant.sml:

  4. Firstly, if we did want rid, we would easily get some money for him.... secondy - £6k!!!!! You are having a laugh aint ya! This is the type of random rumour that suddently spreads and suddenly all our players are sucking the club dry with wages fit for a championship club!


    Try about 2-2.5k and you are about right.... our highest earners are on 3kish....!


    Its still too much.

  5. Rose tinted? Erm - I do make a point of mentioning his greediness and how frustrating he is. Putting him in the reserves is one solution. I personally wouldn't. Thats just me.


    As for his problem with Hughes. I've never asked him. What did he say to you when you asked him?


    Oh I don't need to ask. All I need to do is watch them on the pitch!!!!

  6. yep.....

    but these are arsewipes who demand total 100% entertainment ,commitment,etc etc for 90+mins.


    any mistakes and BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!

    they are off on the rants.


    I am one of those who demands 100% commitment Johnny and I will rant moan and slag the highly paid prima donnas who turn out for my club as long as I want. I will not however, slag a player off for making a mistake. Thay happen. What I will do is continue to support the club of my town long after Sheridan, Davies et al have gone. You have no right to blame the fans for that fiasco yesterday. There was no commitment, ability or pasion on show from the majority of that team. IT WAS A DISGRACE.... They ought to be ashamed of themselves. They earn in a week what I pay tax in two years. I still buy my season ticket every year though. Get your face out of mine and point your criticism where it belongs. IN THAT CHANGING ROOM>>>>>

  7. What a shame Craig Davies doesn't have the footballing brian of LatikNik, neiladamsheadband and oafcprozac.


    Then he would be a world beater - providing he can get his head sorted out. He clearly doesn't do any running or put in any effort and doesn't care for the team. Oh apart from being upset at being subbed, and that was really wrong of him.


    I really can not understand the mentality of some of the posters on here at times.

    The mentality of those posters is absolutely right Rick. Why is it only the ex pro's and people like yourself who are the font of all knowledge when it comes to football. There are millions of hours of experience watching football at all levels sat in those stands and they are more than often right when it comes to the game of football. Davies is a disgrace to the shirt of the club that I love. I would personally sack him outright. It has nothing to do with his skill level or ability. He has behaved like a spoilt child since Hughes took the ball off and scored that penalty. I am sure £6.000 pound of wages per week could be better spent.... I am furious at his attitude.Oh and yes I would say it straight into his scowling sulking petulant face....... He lost my beloved club a football match yesterday. :angry::angry:

  8. Sit down and behave yourself as the chaddy chant !


    He needs competition for his place.

    He needs confidence again

    He needs to be cheered rather than boo'd !


    As you sew so shall you reap. You are damn right I was booing him, the selfish, arrogant, one dimensional, lazy sod. Had he played for the team yesterday instead of thinking he is Ronaldo then we would have been three up at halftime with Hughes having had a hat trick. I watched him walk straight down the tunnel after his deserved and much too late substitution. So much for team spirit and supporting your mates. I have never in all the 45 years I have supported and loved this team seen such a waste of a wage!!!!!!!! :angry::angry:

  9. We are a lower league team with players who at times play some good stuff and at times play some tripe. (Like all lower league teams). The home record is definitely playing on the players minds – confidence is something which plays a massive part in sport and its the easiest thing to lose and hardest to gain. There are no excuses, I think the players need to feel free to play with more freedom at home. Whether that’s the fact they feel under more pressure at home / they are expected to win or what, but some of the absolute drivel that is spouted by some Latics fans is embarrassing and I’ve had many an argument it BP (and some away games – anyone who was at Crewe near me last season will have seen it!) with some of our fans.

    Before the Everton game we knew the problems. They did not go away after that and new ones appear.


    This barracking of Davies is disgraceful. Its the first time we have had a striker with genuine pace who pulls defenders around, creating space for someone in years. YES he is greedy, YES he is raw and YES he is frustrating at times, but there is so much to work with. Anyone who can’t see that needs to actually watch the game. Brian Clough said man -management was all about telling off one player and putting an arm around a different player for doing the same thing. I think Davies personally is the latter.


    There is certainly no holier than thou attitude with me. I have had a go at times, but its the singling out of players that really gets to me and its that which I am really talking about. I remember a home game earlier this season and the abuse Smalley got was really bad. The only time I’ve ever been ashamed to be a Latics fan was at Barnsley away. Not at getting beat 4-0, but what Mr. Butcher was subjected to. It was appalling.


    There are a lot of good things coming out of this season, more than I expected to be honest.


    Rose tinted or what. Davies obviously has a major problem with Hughes that much is obvious. On at least two occasions yesterday Hughes was wide open on goal and all it needed was for that Greedy B*****d Davies to play the simple pass. Davies looked totally disinterested for 89 minutes of the game and I for one wouldn't pay him with washers. He should be in the reserves and on the training pitch learning to recognise the other ten players on the team. Having learned that simple lesson he should then learn to pass to them occasionally.... :angry::angry:

  10. I had a plank like that away on Saturday :mad:


    And he has probably had a season ticket for the tics for thirty years and is just as entitled to sit there quiet as you are to jump up and down singing. Get off his back and concentrate on supporting the team rather than criticising people who have probably seen more football than you've had hot dinners. :mad:

  11. ALAN GROVES. I can't believe that the greatest all round entertainer to put on a Tics shirt has been so far ignored. The man was a genious. Beating his man then going back to beat him again. He put feet in the stands and bums on seats. I know Bobby Johnstone and Jimmy Frizzell served the club but Grovesy entertained and that is what it's all about surely....

  12. on another thread I'm bleating on about players being loyal and then I read this lot. I know for a fact that the players read this forum and how would you feel as one of them if you saw that the fans were calling for you to be released. It would do my motivation no good whatsoever for the rest of the season. Loyalty works both ways and I feel we should encourage every player to improve with us. Lets get up a division and then see what we we need to do. Jeeze

  13. Especially where you are talking about higher division clubs I think it’s ridiculous to blame players who leave. Frankly I would lack a little respect for a player who had the talent to play at a higher level but who was content to drift along with his first club because he felt at home there. It’s all well and good wanting to play at a higher division with said club, but there’s no saying that it might not take 2, 5, 13 years to get promoted, or your side might even get relegated. Let’s not forget that Championship and Premiership sides also sell their better players to teams higher up and better off than them.


    What a load of B*****cks. What is wrong with a group of talented younsters saying to the club who nurtured them."Right boss, We're going to stay here at this club and develop it alongside ourselves. We will work our wotsits off and move up through the divisions together....." Thats called loyalty and ambition. There is nothing stopping the players saying " If we get promotion we insist on re negotiating our contracts." I believe that is what happens anyway.

  14. Clubs like us that operate on a week to week financial loss will always need to sell to survive.

    TTA dont have a bottomless pit of cash and have to try at some stage to balance the books and recoup some of their investment in the club, which must be quite substantial.

    Having a good youth set up is what keeps clubs like Latics afloat, bringing on young players like Eardley, Taylor and Trotman and inevitably selling them for profit, its the only way we can survive, unfortunately.


    As a result of getting Planning Permission that pot is suddenly very deep. Even if it is not bottomless. All I'm saying is that the club shoulld be ambitious, not stuck in a day to day existence. Im sick of seeing clubs like Tranmere and the Bristols going past us up the leagues and clubs like us contunually stuck in this cycle of selling our talented youth and bringing in older players past their prime.......

  15. This is exactly what I mean when I say that I and many other supporters love this club more than the players and coaching staff. Here we are talking about who will leave during the Window and no one is coming out of the club saying "I love it here and don't want to leave" Then they wonder why we moan during the games. We should be buying players and refusing all offers for members of our first team squad...... I'm sick of this. We all state there should be consistency in our coaching staff then sell off half the squad on here. Where's the consistency from the players??????

  16. On Sheridan's appointment, I guess the truth lies somewhere between our opinions and financial constraints. At the time, although I was no fan of Moore's style, I thought TTA probably should have stood up to fan pressure and given him another season. (It's not as if our crowds now are any better than they would have been last year...) However, having appointed Sheridan knowing hijm as well as they did, they now need to stand by him at least for a while longer.


    I meant to add in somewhere that TTA themselves are on one hell of a learning curve too.


    Damn good point on player turnover. The successful sides not only tend to have stability of manager/coaching staff but also of a core of first team players. Perfect example is Wigan's rise through the leagues under Jewell. And I agree, that stability of key players is more and more difficult in the current environment where clubs simply can't afford to offer long term contracts, so with a few rare exceptions we end up with a combination of green academy graduates and short term journey men. That's a symptom of the modern game at our level that I really have no answer to.


    Garcon: I admire and agree with the majority of your post. I am sorry for not replying earlier to your comments but this was because I was staying in Colchester with a good friend who supports Leeds.. He wouldn't let me access this website after the result the other day. I wanted to say that Shez actually used plan b against Leeds and look at the result. He has certainly won me bragging rights for the rest of the season. I would however like to point out the continued insistence by Shez of replacing like for like when he makes substitutions? Have you a view?

  17. support?????

    i have told him and i told him again on sat, but to shout your crap at players hows that helping???

    kk your crap no wonder players dont stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    i just thought if people knew of him more people tell him he might shut up so oafc000 telling people there wimps find out before you slag people off... RANT OVER!!!!!


    He pays his money so he is entitled to his opinion. We have put up with his kind for 40 years and will have to do so for the next 40. Get off his back and shout your encouragement louder than him. That is the answer, Not trying to cause him grief on here where the grown ups talk to each other.

  18. Yes, some of the chanting towards Ricketts was out of order, but without the section in the chaddy there would be no atmosphere whatsover, i thought there was a fairly pleasent atmosphere at the forest game. You've got to look at the NMS stand and the main stand for the idiots who just slate the team and do nothing but grumble for the entire :censored:ing game!! Our fans have got to be up there with the worst in this league, if not the worst, no wonder we never win at flaming home!


    Why oh why do the Chaddy enders think they know it all. We in the main stand seats support this club just as much if not more than most of you. I pay my money to be entertained because thats what football is in. The entertainment industry. I applaud, encourage, cajole, sing, clap, jump up and down (even with a dicky hip) but I also rant, scream, berate and boo in equal measure should the circumstances dictate. It is up to the players to ensure that I do more of the former and less of the latter...... If it's crap on the pitch I'm going to grumble because thats not what I go to BP to see. The lifestyle the players (even in this division) have is aspired to by everybody sitting in that ground (I think) and they have the responsibility to entertain us, not the other way round. I would never make personal insults of the kind I believe were made towards Ricketts on Satdi but I reserve the right to slag off the collective effort out on the pitch... SO THERE!!!!!!

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