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Posts posted by Haribo_man

  1. But every team doubles up on him...that's where someone else has to come in and help him out. Not one person did tonight. Personally, I still don't see him as a LW (he's a RW) but as a mate said tonight, now they're doubling on him, maybe he needs playing upfront like when he came on vs Scunny and have him running at centre backs instead.



    Are people really doubling up on Chris Taylor or is the the fact that he can't beat a man and ends up caught in possession? All this about him having to go on the RW is rubbish also. He tore up trees in his first season on the left wing so why should it be different now? His game has hit a plateau and he is currently heading backwards.


    As for where the goals will come from this is a worry. I really thought that PD would address this but the last 2 games have been a case of the same old story although not cause for panic. There were a few cases last night where players just weren't making the right runs or taking the appropriate gamles in the box. This is where an older head in the shape of a Feeney or a Dickov could be invaluable although personally I would like to see the gaffer take as much of a back seat as possible, I think that it might be panic stations should he feel the need to start naming himself in the side. Perfect example last night was an absolute peach of a cross put in by Lee and nobody was anywhere near - it was just crying out for a far post gamble. Taylor managed to add this element to his game under Shez but thosew days seem to be a way off

  2. I think there's some pretty harsh criticism towards Taylor here, he was unlucky not to score on Saturday after a great save from the Yeovil 'keeper. When he got an extended run in the team his left foot was decent too and got some good crosses in going to the by-line, he just needs a bit of confidence before we see that from him again.


    I'd love to think that is the case but it has been far too long since we last saw Taylor in any kind of form. Perhaps it would have been different if one the efforts would have gone in however when did we last see a wingers performance from the lad?


    Currently there are far more negatives than positives for his inclusion, Lewi got injured at the wrong time unfortunately otherwise Taylor would have been warming the bench and having a think about his game. I'd love to see him tear it up tonight but for whatever reason he just doesn't have it in him at the moment (I will gladly eat some humble pie if proven wrong)!

  3. This was always a risk in bringing Taylor back. Whilst his coming inside created our best two goal scoring chances we were left in the lurch by his wandering inside. I had a feeling we wouldn't look half as good once Taylor and his one man crusade returned. I hope Dickov has the balls to drop him if it continues. We looked unbalanced and after watching the full 90 minutes of the Charlton game it was very similar.



    Spot on sly, those 3 changes in personnel were key. All can retain possesion of the ball and move it around when needed. Jarrett is a great option at the back as a lot does go through him. Whilst Kelly had a good cameo I'd go with Bembo up front and change any time from 45 mins on depending on the game.

    I'd like to see Lewi back in the team also, much more effective than Taylor so far and was definately in on merit.

  4. A lot of conclusions are already being drawn here just a few games into the season. It has been agreed that Greegs was by far and away our best player last season and not a great deal of time has elapsed between the last match he played and where we are now. Unfortunately he has suffered a set back for the coming season.


    Granted it will be tougher for Greegs to recapture his fitness than ever before although he has been written off before and proved many doubters wrong. The season has a long way to go and no doubt the influence around the dressing room whether playing or not will be priceless. Currently the 2 lads at the back are doing eceptionally well and we have Mvoto who will step in on Saturday who looks to be a prospect however I doubt that we will be quite so lucky with the constant appearances from our back 2 this season, JJ has already received a ban afterall. Greegs will play again this season but it is only natural at this stage of his career for the younger players to be pushing for spots.


    He will be back I've no doubt about that!

  5. We'll get tranmere.



    I want a good run in this cup, I'm sure PD will go all out for it. This is the best chance of winning something we have and tied in with a trip to Wembley what more could you want? We could really kick on next year if we were successful too.

  6. agreed, no benefit to us whatsoever in him returning when we could be giving the likes of Kelly a go which is the obvious.


    You also don't know what effect it could possibly hjave on the young lads which have played alongside Eaves in the youth set up for him to be a Boilton player on a Bolton contract but esentially still doing the same as them.


    No reason to have him back as it is very unlikely that he would really be in the running for a start for us.


    Unfortunately for Latics at the moment finances dictate that we look to short term successes for longer term development which in theory should mean us selling the likes of Eaves in order to strngthen the team to get out of this division. I'd much prefer an interim sacrifice to go up and then look at the longer term development of the youth lot.

  7. I'd agree but it's no longer as big a plus in these days of seven subs. I like Holdsworth, he hasn't great quality but he's tenacious and keeps things simple, which are likely the fundamental reasons he's so versatile. No doubt he's a good squad player for us, but maybe he should look to specialise in a position for the sake of his career


    It is a bonus if you have a limited squad like we do.


    I agree with all comments about Kieron Lee, very solid, I am very happy to have him make that position his own



  8. After his back-end of last season, and his start to this pre-season; i'd be happy to see Black start as 1st choice LB. He's looked solid in defence and steady in possession going forward. He's had to wait for his chance; but i'd say he's deserving of it now.



    I agree. Black has developed fantastically since being given his chance. Started to look very solid at the back and some good distribution/crosses. i'd rather see us develop this lad than spend money on a loanee.

  9. Jones has been playin RM in pre-season so Smalley loosing position or will he put jones in CM



    Holdsworth was probably our most consistent players up until his injury. I do recall that Greegs and Ruubes were still being referred to as the chuckle brothers at that stage before super Greegs turned in one of the best seasons in recent memory.


    Holdsworth would be a great squad player but I am sure he could be deployed on the RW. Smalley and Tayls aside we are very weak in that area, i don't think young Kirk is up to the first team just yet despite a few promising appearances last season.

  10. Heard good things about him last night.


    Always liked the way he played at the start of the season before last. Think he is a real talent if he gets played alongside the right striker. Him and Hughes were unstoppable. The midfield even wanted to get forward then.


    However, I didn't go last night and want to see what the rest of you bewers think about it?



    Played him out on the left wing and did very well. Technically Lewi is alongside the best at the club. There was the odd miss-placed pass here and there but all in all a great performance. A great run to set up the 3rd goal which wasn't captured by SSN. I'd like to see him in and around the team as the lad is useful. Also if we can turn him into a left winger then that is a bonus as apart from Tayls we don't have many options there.

  11. Warren Feeney has been poor in pre season and got injured at the wrong time.



    I saw Feeney at the petrol station after the game and noticed that he was in a plastic support. He doesn't seem to think that it is too bad and will hopefully be back for Saturday.


    The lads commented on how physical Bolton were especially for a a pre season game. All credit to the boys out there though, not rattled, gave it back and got on with things. I remember that Stephens took a bad tackle and just got up and carried on. Great attitude and if we can do simple things like win the first balls then we will do ok this season.


    Feeney seemed very enthisiastic about being here and what Dickov and Taggart 'Tags' has asked of the players so far, also mentioned that he just wants to be fit for Latics as we pay his wages and that he has already earned his caps with NI.


    If all players have this attitude then things are looking up!

  12. could be wrong but Andrews scored no more than 11


    dont know about clyde but he missed half a season and would have reached 20 if not


    chris killen :blink: one decent run in 5 years......dont make me laugh :wink:


    name a few more




    my point is that 13 goals in a first season is not to be sniffed at, including pens


    but yet some still dont like him becuase he does not put in a shift like a paul warne - we wont get out of this league on hard work alone


    there are much better out there but we cant afford them



    13 goals is definately not to be sniffed at in what is possibly the worst Latics team I have ever seen, never mind just recently. Pav is the best forward player we have at this club bar none. His hold up play is much better than he is being credited for for a start and to be able to hit double figures in the team we had last season was nothing short of a miracle. Ok, there were times where he did take too many touches but name me one striker that puts away every chance that comes their way, especially at our level. It could be a worry if he is not Dickov's cup of tea because he doesn't play to the PD blue print but I would rather see him out on the pitch than not.


    Thye key to using Pav is to get someone to work alongside him, he will supply the chancesthe problem is a prolific goalscorer and not the hold up man.

  13. Can't believe the people on here who don't rate Eaves. He's not even 18 yet for gawd's sakes. Potentially he could develop into a Premier League player and thats why the likes of Blackpool and Sunderland are sniffing round - potential. Remember Wayne Harrison? It's a gamble but if it comes off 200k will be regarded as a steal. if it doesn't it's a drop in the ocean for a PL club.


    If he stays he'll get games this season and imo he'll prove what a good player he is and his value will rise accordingly. If the club do sell I hope Corney has the brains to start the bidding at 500k minimum and include appearance and sell on clauses.


    And as for Brooke being better than Eaves, get a grip. :grin::lol:


    I'm in no doubt that Brooke is a much better footballer than Eaves. He has hit the back of the net more often for a start and probably has not had much more game time. Took a great goal last season by getting in where it hurts and the application pre season especially in the Burnley game (incidently where I thought we have seen the best of Eaves) has been a step up from Tom. I'm not knocking the lad by the way. I am equally as bemused by the people who think it is brilliant that we have offered him a 5 year deal. Don't get me wrong I'd love to see more youth players making it through and we got severely spanked with the Eardley deal. Eardley was easily one of the best full backs in this division so I didn't understand the grief he got.

  14. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,12876_6276020,00.html

    Eaves to Blackburn Sunderland and Blackpool



    It must just be me who doesn't get this. I've seen nothing at all in Eaves which would warrant any interest. Personally I think £200k is an absolute steal and we should take that offer it is true. I'd love to be proved wrong naturally but apart from this lads physical attributes he just doesn't seem to have the footballing sense. The lad is meant to be a striker and he's not looked like getting anywhere near the goal. Please Tom make me eat my words but I just can't see it happening

  15. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsU...2100079,00.html


    Slightly underwhelmed that we couldn't find better tbh. We are basically signing a midfielder, released from Brighton and Port Vale and playing him in defence. To be honest I haven't seen him in pre season and I will trust Dickov's judgement. But I was hoping we would sign a true centre back, one who would push Hazell for his place because he got a bit complacent and sloppy at times last season.



    He has looked good to me pre season and thought he did well for us when here. Like you say the journeyman in him is a worry but his composure at CB has been impressive. Happy with this, not too committal. Could be a threat with dead balls and maybe a target at corners. At least it brings the average height of our side up a bit. Could be a lot worse such as a Seb Hines on loan (shudders)

  16. Apart from his mistakes he wasn't that bad


    So he was pretty bad then!


    the stats prove nothing other than despite our failings last season we had a pretty solid defence.


    Brill is awful and doesn't do the basics like catching and angles very well. Like someone has noticed, have you seen him run?


    I would not be happy with DB in goal and expect more of the same. I would happily eat my words though.


    Fleming has to be first choice. Far from the finished article but there is much more material to work with.

  17. 12 months ago were you one of those that thought Dean Furman was a £1million player and would go to the world cup, and that Kiegan Parker would get 15 goals in this coming season?


    Lets see what happens shall we he hasn't even managed us in 1 competitive game yet. I'm sure if we get a good start we will be having a Dickov or Dowie poll by someone getting carried away in september.


    Err no, why would I think that?? Furman was the singularly most overrated player that has been signed in my time of watching Latics


    And clearly Dickov hasn't been in charge for a compettitive game yet but knowing Latics we will have unearthed a gem but not tied them down to a long enough contract. If he is doing well by Christmas then I fully expect a few others to be sniffing round.




    I am not saying that Paul Dickov is the best manager we have seen and that he will thrust us up into the heights of English football once more but there is the possible worry that we have struck on a decent formula which may walk if succesful

  18. only managed to get on here and the OS every few days and I like what I am reading,


    pleased with Feeney Jones and that he has made the others available,


    I didnt rate JJ , he never ever stopped a cross coming in from the wing



    The 12 month contract could be a big mistake for PD. i'd be gutted to see a decent improvement on last year only for someone else to snap up his potential. Paul - please don't go!

  19. A mix of the two. Chances weren't plentiful but those that arrived were frequently squandered by very poor finishing.


    I can't even see the potential in Eaves, I'd love to be proved wrong but he just hasn't got a footballing brain. He is a big lad and his physique is clearly a reason why he has made it to where he is Today. Allesandra is streets ahead of where Eaves will ever be.

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