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Posts posted by Haribo_man

  1. Got to agree with you there Razza. I just don't get the Lewi thing. We have always looked a better team with him in the side and he knew how to play the game yet some how has failed to be a shoe in under a number of gaffers. People have said it is his attitude and how he trains but I never got that impression of him whist on the pitch when it actually mattered.


    A good signing for Morecambe anyway

  2. No, me neither but I am surprised at the delight many fans seem to be taking in the fact he hasn't signed when in reality all we will be getting in is a replacement of similar and very unlikely to be better quality. I feel would would benefit from continuity as opposed to wholesale changes.


    Fair play to Rubes he has served his time and been a reasonable servant. I'd be more than happy if we get a replacement under the same circumstances and with a similar service record.

  3. and I suppose that they are all queuing up to come to Latics?


    I'd rather have Rubes than another journeyman. Better the devil you know if you ask me than chopping and changing personnel. I agree that the contract offer was correct and that he was prone to error. i don't agree that we can simply pluck someone from the PFA list and they step in and do a job on a par with Rubes

  4. But who wouldn't want to win the JPT and have a day out at Wembley. Whether it be the FA Cup, League Cup Champions League or JPT a day out and a win at Wembley would be great regardless of the competition.


    Look at the winners over the last 10 years or so. Stoke, Bristol City, Blackpool, Swansea, Doncaster and Southampton amongst have all gone on to better things.


    If you only make money in the final then do what you must to get to the final!

  5. For me I would be happy finishing above Bury Rochdale and Tranmere, playing some of the same kind of football we did in the first half of this season.


    Venturing further than thge 1st round in every cup we are in.


    Acceptable performances against the big boys (not necessarily wins)


    For us to bring in someone who looks like they have a slight incling of where the back of the net is.


    To have some solid progress on the stadium fiasco as the club is currently without direction.


    All the above I feel are reasonable and acheivable. Mid table will suit me fine

  6. All this talk about releasing Hazell is mad. We have one of the better defensive records in the division. Why ship out someone known the be a fairly solid defender when we need options in other areas namely up front. I wouldn't change any of the back 5 (as long as we can bring in Mvoto) even brill stays for me as while he gives you twitchy bum moments more often that not the stats speak for themselves. I am not a fan of Brill either by the way. If Stephens goes for a reasonable sum we need an older head in the centre of the park to assist Furman. Someone like Shez when he played there would be ideal and someone who can pop the ball in the back.


    For me defence is sorted with Lee, Ruubes, Evina/Black with tarky on the bench and whoever we can bring in (ideally Mvoto) yeah ok there have been some head in hands moments but we need to get a grip on reality. Far more pressing matters in other areas of the field and Ruubes has performed admirably for 90% of the time.


    a Centre mid and goalscorer for me for certain the other areas aren't prioroties sick of chopping and changing personnel.

  7. I think it was obvious by the end of his short time with us he could easily make the step up to Championship level and was comfortably our best player at the time also.


    Linking in with earlier comments about Danny Philliskirk, perhaps Berty could be an example of how it could be done and benefit from a mix of Chelsea youth coaching intermixed with real world first team action. Fair play to the lad and lets hope he starts to get a bit more exposure for Chelsea now

  8. Surely though Shiny there are just as many which have come through the ranks at lower league clubs and dropped out of pro level football such as the Matty Wolfendens of this world. I bet for every Scott Spencer/Danny Philliskirk there are at least 5 Matty Wolfendens and similar that disappear out of the pro network altogether.


    If anything perhaps moving to Chelsea keeps players which show promise in the game early doors in the pro game longer on the back of 'he used to play for Chelsea' rationale alone. If the rumour is tru it looks like Danny P will have the opportunity to aim for a first team place at Sheff United. That may or may not have happened had he stayed at Latics and perhaps forced his way into the first team here or shunned the like of Chelsea and signed for someone life Sheff United from the off.


    What I won't believe is that he is now somewhat disadvantaged and stunted in the development of his footballing career because of the path taken. If he is good enough then he will play. Not forgetting how many of the premiership youngsters get put out on loan to gain experience also. we have Tonk and Mvoto playing for us at the moment, should they have signed for someone like Scunthorpe to warm their bench?


    Look at 2 loanees from Chelsea which we have had in recent years. Antony the Duke Grant and Ryan Bertrand, one with the possibility of having what it takes and the other not as long as I have a hole in my arse. Are you suggesting that Grant suffered some king of detrimental effect by being a Chelsea youth?

  9. Yeah terrible,


    chance to play for a tiny club like Sheff United whilst picking up peanuts at one of the poorest clubs in the world!


    Players have choices and I'm sure with Danny Philliskirk he would probably in a better informed decision due to TP and his experience within the game. I don't beleive this rubbish about being ruined by a team like Chelsea, it isn't as if he is dropping straight to Ashton United or someone is it? The likelihood is that he will make a decent career out of the game and already received a few bob and decent training in the process.

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