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Posts posted by inspectormorose

  1. I've hardly sang since I had my tonsils out a couple of years back and I miss it. :(


    May be being stupid in a Jade Goody "Why don't eskimos freeze" kinda way here Gill but how does having no tonsils affect yer singing?


    They some sort of vocal tuning fork?


    The big 'un entertaining and informative :unsure:

  2. Here is a very quick "topic" before I go shopping with my mum:-


    Anyone had someone in their life who they either lost contact with, had a ruck with etc


    Erm no......


    Racked my brains and can't think of one,think i'm one of lifes drifters.People come and go through the shallow waters that are my life although a mate i used to work with who emigrated to Australia sent me a card at christmas saying he'd lost me e-mail address as i had his when i changed internet providers and didn't back up my address book.


    Thought living down there he'd gone native and turned into a pommie hating ignorant toilet brush which was why i'd not heard from him :D


    First single and album,was never really interested in music until punk came along then me and 3 mates used to buy stuff and pool it in a record collection that did the rounds between us.


    When we got older and it got split back up i think we all got stuff others had bought cos no one could remember what was whos.


    Just had a quick nosey and earliest album i have that i defo bought was the Skids - Scared to Dance and first single was the Clash - Tommy Gun

  3. Don't know if any of you long threaders are fans of "James" as in the band.


    Tickets for the Arena went on sale today for 28/04 as good as a sell out ticketmaster have no tickets left.


    If you missed it and were interested you can still just about pick em up at cost price via gigsandtours.com for £31 rather than brave the free for all that is e bay.


    That's all,you can carry on now.

  4. Inspector, the Orange thing is the staff who were Wanadoo, were Freeserve. Orange mobiles, I've got nothing but praise for. I signed up with Wanadoo and understand your anger. That said, since I eventually got going Ive had no probs (touch wood).


    Had an Orange mobile myself for years which has always been fine,signed up for free broadband as my contract was over £30 and had 4 months of hassle trying to get it set up.In the end i just said i wanted to cancel it.


    Made 3 phone calls asking for a bag to return their equipment to them as they were threatening to charge me £100 for the box if i didn't.Needless to say none arrived and the live box is now stuck in a cupboard upstairs until such time as they remember they want it back.


    The broadband service is still appearing on my monthly bill but with no charge due to my contract making it free.


    Quality service indeed.

  5. Horns grow do they? I just get angry in the car, but hey, eahc to his own..... :D


    :D i'm driving around most of the day every day so it's just behind the wheel i do have a habit of becoming a teensy bit intolerant at flat cap wearing twats,for they are nearly always the culprits,of a certain demographic.


    If you smell vaguely of wee you are past the age when you are fit to drive a car. :angry:

  6. Oh, and I was very drunk off this morning - late for a meeting, got the de-icer out, did the sides and back of the car. Then ran out just in time for starting to defrost the windscreen, so had to sit with the blowers on hot for 15 minutes to melt the ice before I could leave home.


    Mads,kettle and hot water works every time in 30 seconds,alternatively don't brush your teeth then breathe on the windscreen has much the same effect ;)


    Congrats on the 00,told you it was you.


    Like Stevie i'm a chilled out chap but put me behind the wheel of a car and horns grow at other motorists taking an age to turn out of a street when i'm next in the queue and they turn down a gap you could pull a bus out into,or driving like a toilet brush in snow when there is no need because it's a dusting lighter than icing sugar.


    That apart i don't do moods,oh hang on call centres that's another good one.


    I've come to the conclusion that all big companies are in a giant conspiracy to keep us down by not answering phones for half an hour,then cutting you off whilst transferring you between departments.Keeping them staffed by lemmings who can only answer you by reading off a script and any deviation from said Fliping script renders them dumbstruck about how to proceed.If that fails as Dr Mads says they just lie there arses off to you.


    It ain't isolated either easily 80% percent of the companies i've had dealings with in the last 12 months have had appalling customer service Orange,NTL,Parcelforce in the last month alone.


    Orange took 4 months to not be able to connect me to the internet before i changed everything to NTL.Subsequently not been able to get the on demand feature for cable since NTL fitted it.First they told me it was a general fault which would be fixed by 15th January then they changed their minds and sent an engineer out.He came examined everything and told me it was a back office IT fault nothing he can fix but should be put right in 48 hours.5 days later still no on demand feature.



  7. Dyce a lovely area to visit,i can see into pittodrie from the inlaws high rise.You can also come and stay with me in torry(now that is the las vegas of scotland :unsure: ;) )


    Know Torry well,my ma lived on Victoria rd for about 5 or 6 years,used to go in Campbells out by the golf course for a beer or the White Cockade up round the back of Mansfield Rd.


    Never quite made the Torry Bar,always looked like it was full of drunken Flipwits who were ready to rumble :D .

  8. In all honesty though. I think it'd be good to see us come up against side's like, Dundee, St Johnstone, Livingston, and maybe one or two of the lower Premier League sides - St Mirren, Motherwell, etc.


    St Mirren,being chased around Paisley by a load of Buckied up neds.


    Quality entertainment ;)


    How about a tour of the East coast giants.


    Montrose,Brechin,Forfar and Arbroath.


    Dreich beyond belief :D

  9. You won though, stamping not required, unless that's what you do when you're happy! :unsure:


    Thought you won Mads you got the 300 the original post was number 1 so 300 is the 00 surely. :unsure:


    Do we need ajudication,if it's the Hat we'll both get chucked out for cheating and she'll award it to herself by default. :D

  10. The Mighty Grass made their best stuff after they fell into obscurity,superb gig at the Ritz christmas before last,just cos they ain't in the charts don't mean they ain't producing class stuff.We just keep it too ourselves :lol:


    Oh and my mate played drums for The High after he'd decided he couldn't be arsed with the Roses seat when they were still looking for a drummer before Reni.


    The choices we make eh!

  11. I'm liking Green Day,saw them at the MEN on the American Idiot tour excellent gig.


    Some people reckon they have sold out by becoming mainstream but if it's good it's good as far as i'm concerned and if they pay you :censored:loads of money for doing it then Fliping fair play.


    Artistic integrity my arse.


    Oooh my choice.



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