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Posts posted by inspectormorose

  1. 4 points clear. Better goal difference.


    Next week's fixtures.


    Oldham v Cheltenham

    Bristol City v Yeovil

    Rotherham v Carlisle

    Bournemouth v Swansea

    Blackpool v Northampton

    Brentford v Forest

    Bristol City - 76 - +19


    Forest - 72 - +17

    Blackpool - 71 - +18

    Yeovil - 70 - + 14

    Oldham - 69 - +23



    Swansea - 65 - +17

    Carlisle - 65 - +4




    No matter what happens next week. We'll be in the playoffs, with three games to go. I think most people including Swansea, and Carlisle fans will

    Dont Forget, Swansea still have to play CARLISLE and BLACKPOOL.



    Because of the above. I think we'll be safe.


    Well when you put it like that,never thought to recheck the run ins,you could've posted that bloody sooner.


    Been sat here with me head up me arse drinking beer for the last 3 hours in full on WE'RE DOOMED mode despite being 4 points clear with 4 to play.


    After todays performance was genuinely wondering where the next win was coming from,still am to be honest.Everything just seems flat on the pitch it's just not happening a lot of the time.Don't know if the players are gettin' twitchy as well as us lot or what.


    It's just soooooooooooooo near,within touching distance now.


    COME ON!


    Actually,it's a fair trick drinkin' beer with yer head up yer arse.


    Took me years of trainin' with a yogic alcoholic to perfect it.


    Maybe i should open a "clinic" in Saddleworth or somewhere a bit posh,i mean feck if people go for this Reiki shyte ya never know :grin:

  2. 6. Riders on the Storm... the level of genius is beyond words!




    7. Five to One




    8. Peace Frog




    Ah feck it the list goes on....... :wink:


    Out walking round Dovestones yesterday.


    1. The Watermelon Men - Nowhere Train (for the organ alone,Boon eat yer heart out :wink: )


    2. The Stems - Teared me in Two


    3. Sid Presley Experience - Public Enemy Number 1


    4. JAMC - You Trip Me Up


    5. The Raybeats - Calhoun Surf

  3. OWTB are proud to announce the latest in the series of Stevie J original design pieces in T-shirt form. Following popular demand, we've gone for one of the all time Latics Legends, Alan Groves. One for the old boys like Exile, who saw Alan dribble round woolly mammoths during the last Ice Age, and also for young types like me :stretcher: who are into the history of the club. I think it's bloody ace.


    If you think you might fancy one, hit the voting button, it will give us an idea of what and how many to order. It's an indication only, no commitment, but please don't vote if you definitely aren't going to have one. Pricing is TBC depending on takeup, you can probably guess the sort of range they will be in, hopefully lots of custom will mean a nice low price :)


    How and when to order and get them will be announced after the weekend. We've had great feedback from lots of folk over the Taylor shirts, and a (very!) few folk have been really understanding where we've had a bit of a delay in sorting them out - it's a learning thing and we'll have better options this time.


    Cheers all




    Count me in LL.If as Dan says they are troooly massive then an XL will do fer me ta.


    My all time Latics hero was Groves,him and Chapman used to own a petrol station on Ashton Rd and manned the pumps!


    Quality,remember being about 10 and riding down on my bike to get their autographs.


    Think this may have been before his boutique on Hollins Rd.

  4. I think they also wondered what he was up to when he called after his dog when he was taking it for a walk. He was clearly not a man burdened by political correctness, his dog was black and he was a fan of the Dambusters film.


    Nowt wrong wi calling yer dog Blackie :grin:


    That LT was mind boggling,sat there increasingly open mouthed at it.As has been mentioned pure brainwashing, them youngsters when he was asking them what the signs said and if they understood them and they obviously didn't.What about the guy who had been to make a documentary about them years before and had ended up joining them,why would you do that these are seriously unbalanced adults controlling a group of kids who basically never had a chance of being normal.


    Oh and Gill if i was Keith Richards ma and knew he'd snorted his da i'd just say.


    I'm being buried.


    DW funeral music,i've moved on now.


    I've told the family i want to go in with my coffin upright on a surfboard and all the congregation and pall bearers wearing Hawaiian shirts and shorts with flip flops and shades to Calhoun Surf by the Raybeats.


    Never surfed in my life (net apart :wink: ) but what a tune.

  5. I'm going to add Michael Meacher. What a snake, he panders for the muslim vote at any opportunity, constantly sniping at our foreign policy. He's a turncoat and a backstabber, and a hypocrite. Also, how dare he be a spokesman on the environment, when he cut down 2 acres of woodland for a tennis court. Scumbag, come the revolution, he would be first against the wall.


    Funnily enough i was out working in Westwood prior to the last election and he and his cohorts were knocking on doors down there giving it can i count on your vote.I'm in the same ward but a couple of miles away and at the time i had THE nosiest of nosey neighbours,never came up our end,no pamphlets or leaflets through the door.Knew where his core vote was and milked it.Still he's a politician what else would you expect.


    One that ain't been mentioned Jeremy FECKIN Kyle,makes my blood boil.When i'm out working every feckin house i go in (i'm a professional burglar) on every feckin estate has the feckin insincere muther :censored: on.


    Today it's Chantelle who's trying to convince Jake that the babys his and not the Bulldogs.


    It's got Churchills feckin chin love,we know your secret.


    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :trollarse: :rant.sml:

  6. Hate!! Despise!!


    Let it go people, trust me, let it all go, who cares, some them in red are no better and no worse than fans of all the big clubs and if you are even handed in these matters don't give a toss about them either.


    You're Latics fans, isn't that enough? Let it go you'll feel better for it.


    Karma innit :)


    In my teens and twenties i was rabid anti red,then again in my teens and twenties i was just rabid.Stemmed from having it shoved down my throat by my Man Yoo supporting mates about how they were the greatest team in the whole universe when during that period they had won the odd FA Cup and feck all else.Funnily enough since they started winning proper stuff i'm more calm and disinterested,no longer foam at the mouth at the very mention of their name.Comes with age i think Stipe,balance.T'aint no big thing.Still have my moments though B) .


    What i find more amusing is their rivalry with Liverpool,my red mates give the pretence of supporting all british teams in the Champions League as it's good for british football.All that went out the window when Liverpool got to the final against Meelan,unfortunately i was in Spain the day of the final but word reached me of the devastation in the pub as the scousers won it.

  7. Why not? If you're black, and feel wronged, an apology from Bliar might do the trick? What harm would be done?


    Sorry, but I can't see a reason not to if members of the black community feel passionate about it. Not having a dig, seriously.


    I still can't understand why the groups who have been oppressed and have been publicly acknowledged to be oppressed and apologised to need the validation of a government official apology.I'm thinkin' it means more to the activists involved than the wider community being apologised to.

  8. I'm not good at these political debates.


    On a logical and personal level, I object to being made feel guilty for anything my ancestors did - and I don't think the government should have to apologise for something that happened before they were in power.


    It's been a lively topic on five lives phone ins this week when i've been driving about.


    Seemed to be a certain school of thought that as we as a nation seem to revel in our successful history,celebrating the anniversary of the victory at Trafalgar with a big bash the other year being an instance,then we should also be big enough as a nation to acknowledge the misery we had contributed to in other nations during the same period.Not just the slave trade but subjugation of people when we had the empire.


    Personally i don't get this sins of the fathers bit,it happened,it was wrong which has been acknowledged but saying sorry to the descendants of these people won't change what happened regardless of whether they still feel aggrieved about it.

  9. This one has been in the media recently, but for those who missed it or haven't gotten round to it, it's really easy, risk free and boy does it feel good.


    Basically a recent High Court judgement ruled that banks, credit card firms etc are breaking the law by charging you £20-40 per time you go overdrawn, fail a payment, make a late payment or whatever. So they have to give it back to you, going back 6 years!


    The banks aren't contesting them, they are just processing the claims, sometimes making a cheeky offer, but basically paying out. It cost me a fiver for Natwest to send 6 years worth of statements out, 15 minutes to go though them and a couple to stick my details in the template letter. It's suprising how much the gits have had off me when I've had a tight month, got the finances wrong and the matter of a day or so makes half your monthly bills go pear shaped.


    Found out today, its all on the way back to me. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


    Just keep a copy of everything and spend a pound or two on sending it registered to your bank's customer relations people. Happy hunting!




    Just got home and i've got a mail in my inbox from summat called CONKERS about this very thing,even offering to pay my bank for the copy statements for me.


    Sounds very sus :unsure:


    Won't be playin'.

  10. This thread even in its pale imitation form doesn't need lightening your reverence! Especially not with inanne pointless two word posts moving it on you'll not find any of the original long threaders doing th...... :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Inane two word posts,how very durrr you :o


    I'll have you know a lot of drunken thought went into that little gem.


    Spiralling levels of hell Mads said,Dante's Inferno,latics messageboard,Dabos' Inferno.


    It made sense at the time :tongue1:

  11. This thread is built on tirades! I'm not going to go into one because I may be unable to stop. Forever doomed to an unending and intensifying hell of rantiness.


    I met the Mayor of Oldham today. He asked an incredibly dense question to my colleague. I pretended I was on the phone. I kept my head down and tried not to laugh. Does life get any more interesting than that?


    I think not. Ainkoo!



    Dabos Inferno

  12. After consulting with another entrant, apparently the site where you lifted the questions from was easily found by Googling "Dingbats" - I think you should give people the chance to own up who used this resource, and declare me the winner! :grin:


    Feck off :bobby: ,it was an honest mistake.Resourceful i think you'll find it was being.Even pulled a few answers to make it seem plausible.


    Alright,ya got me but i don't care so :D:jailed::hanged: :getbent: :ass1:

  13. Have to agree with that, Inspector. You can feel a tinge of sadness when a 'celebrity' dies, maybe for their family left behind. It makes you ponder life a bit more perhaps. But the whole grieving thing? No no no! Wrong diddly wrong wrong. You grieve for people who were close to you - who you're actually going to miss personally.


    I don't think Best dying was a tragedy. I think the fact that he was given so much hospital treatment / transplants, etc, that other people in that position would be so grateful for they would never think of returning to their old ways. That was the tragedy.


    Exactly,guy was 26 when Docherty first dropped him for his problems prime time in your career as a footballer but he had a stronger attraction elsewhere that he never shook off,i remember before the transplant him doing an interview along the lines of how i'll never drink again and this is a new life for me.

  14. Sport eh? Your card is marked Inspector... :rant.sml:

    And do you know why? You made me think about :devilish: Eamonn Holmes :trollarse: at George Best's memorial. GRRRR.........


    Luckily i missed that,knew it would be a pile of rubbish when that wayne kerr was presenting it.Can't be doing with this canonisation tv/media culture.He was a good footballer years ago but threw it away and became a professional drunk.Big deal.


    Same with Di,we had a week of "you will grieve for this woman" via tv and papers.Feck me one of the blokes i worked with at the time even wrote her a poem.Behave.Where was the fashion feature in the Sun about who was designing her shroud eh?




    Her funeral was one of the nicest days in my life,was driving to Aberdeen,set off at half seven in the morning,went the very scenic route took me nine hours.Saw some lovely scenery,listened to some great music missed everything.


    Don't get me wrong i feel sorry for the boys who had lost their mother but beyond that it had no relevance to me or my life and i certainly ain't going to be tugged along with the tide of national grief that occured.


    Mini rant over.

  15. Bit of bumpage while I try out some of these new-fangled smilies.....



    I do like the dancey one :dance: - reminiscent of me at salsacise on Tuesday :D


    I'm likin' the wedgy,made me laugh that did.Nephew who used to lodge works as a stonemason and was the youngest in the yard for a while and therefore ripe for sport.Fav trick was giving him the wedgy when they were out and about clubbing but these are strong blokes workin' wi stone all day,he used to come home commando because a wedgy had turned into a ripped right off :blink::sign0068::grin:

  16. But eating home made veggy soup and giving money to a gym must count on the plus side?


    I'm convinced it's right,just reinforces my belief that beer is the way forward and i get to be the cantankerous owd steward of the bars i have planned to be :drinking::drinking::argue::violent111: :getbent: :ass3::drinking66::grin:


    Is it just my eyes or has that Norn Iron flag in the emoticons got a hand on it? :o

  17. Sister has it,everything has got to be neat and tidy.


    She will take your plate the minute you've finished with it and wash it up.All the cushions on the chairs and sofa have to be properly plumped and positioned before she can leave the house and a while ago i came home and she'd called while i was out to pick something up.My bookcases had been re-arranged so that they were neat in size order largest to the left on each shelf down to smallest on the right.

  18. Changing the subject totally. Jusr heard the sad news about John Inman, however they played a clip from AYBS, he's trying to explain over the phone to a customer how to measure himself for new trousers, you can't hear the customer. It goes something like, "now grip it between your thumb and forefinger" esasperated sigh "no the tape measure sir". Well it made me laugh anyway.


    Drives me mad that nudge nudge,wink wink comedy Stipey it's just soooooooooooooo unimaginative and a cheap laugh.Still whatever floats yer boat like ;)


    While we are on comedy can i just say(in my opinion in case he happens to be reading this post,wouldn't want him sueing Rummy and co)Ben Elton is a cuddly teddy bear,just thought i'd share that thought.Bet it comes out as Ben Elton is a coconut or summat with the sweary filter.


    Mind,stranger things have happened what wi' this six degrees of separation or whatever it is.


    I post this,it gets read by someone who happens to be on holiday in Rhyl where they bump into Catherine Zeta Jones and the Douglas.They hotfoot it back to Beverley Hills where they go to a dinner party thrown by Elizabeth Taylor and recount the story who in turn the following day mentions it to Tom Cruise at lunch and that loudmouth tells the Beckhams.They are meeting Elton John for cocktails and he's writing the score for Ben Eltons new opus and before you know it i'm in court. :o


    Edit:A bloody teddy bear,harumph!

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