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Posts posted by Killens_physio

  1. Trialist striker should have been awarded a pen and should have scored but got injured instead. Looked very young and i doubt we will see him again.


    I havent got to see any of pre-season but is it fair to assume that because of all the trialist strikers, its not looking likely as if we will get anyone in to partner Pav for the start of the season? The only reason i ask i because it would be strange for DP to bringing in trialist strikers if he thought he had better options. I know pre-season is for finding out about players but from reports on here we seem to be clutching at straws????

  2. Don't Millwall play in royal blue and white? Surely even the most myopic of referees/liners could tell the difference between navy/bright orange and royal blue/white?! :lol:


    I would imagine the only other reason to wear the 3rd kit might be i we played a team where the shirts were different but sock colours clashed or something?


    Hmmm im still not convinced that royal blue and navy kits would work together but I'm sure the club wouldnt have gone ahead with it unless they were confident there wouldnt be any problem.


    Kind of on a seperate thing, i was watching the highlights from the season we got relegated from the now Championship (i say highlights but there werent many), and noticed that in one game against Birmingham City at BP, they were wearing our then green away strip. I had had a few pints before hand so i could have imagined it. Did this happen?

  3. I think we generally always play in our away strip at away grounds don't we? And I don't see the issue with it being navy, if we are playing a side whose home strip is primarily royal blue?


    The only way I can see an issue is if the home team play in two tone blue like Wycombe, and then we'll wear the fluo monkey sick.


    Yeah maybe you are right. I forgot that we tend to play in our away kit anyway. Also maybe the navy wont clash too badly, but i would imagine if we playd someone like Millwall then we will use our 3rd kit...???


    On a side note though, its the first away kit for many a year i am considering buying so well done to whoever designed it.....and thank you to the person who convinced them to get their eyes tested after last years hideous concoction! :grin:

  4. I havent trawled through all 12 pages of this (terrible i know), so apologies if its been done to death before, but i dont see the logic in the kit still being blue albeit navy? Surely the idea of the away kit is that if it clashes with the home teams colours then you switch to the change strip. Are we just going to wear the new away and fluro kit just for the sake of it, even if the colours of the home team arent even blue?

  5. He'll resurface again sometime, preying on a struggling football team. God, I hope he's never successful.


    Like that numpty Wankleman at the Donks? What a slimy so and so he is as well. Apart from the fact that they are a Franchise to begin with, i would love to see them fail even more because of that little ****!

  6. No. That's John Bachelor. Made about £120K from asset stripping York - he admits this. Nearly took over Mansfield last year too.


    Haha yeah thats him. What an absolute tool that guy was. Have no affiliation to York but would really have been gutted for them if he had gone there. Wouldnt wish him or Chris M**re on anyone........well maybe Leeds and Manure :lol:

  7. Bradford P.A. have been taken over by a greedy, with ideas well above his station ambitious owner who's planning a 20,000 stadium and an assault on the football league, so I think they're not too short of a bob or two. I read a great article about a year ago about when he took over and ruffled a lot of the fans feathers. He sounds delightful like.


    Andy 'pieface' Campbell now plies his trade there too. Now that is a quick drop, given he was involved in a million pound trasnfer about 5 years ago.


    Ah ok didnt know that. He isnt the same moron who tried to take over York City a few years back and was going to name the team after himself or something daft like that?

  8. Is this a Titanic? Sorry if it is, but Andy "Bolt" Liddell has signed for Bradford PA. I thought he'd have gone to a Conference outfit but good luck to him.


    Bradford's new signing


    Wow i didnt expect Lidds to drop down quite that low. Surely he could have got a permenant contract higher up than that? Reminds me of Luke Beckett who dropped down to play for Gainsborough Trinity i think. Pretty sure both could have made a go of it in League 2 at least. The only thing i can think of is if both were looking at making an alternative career for themselves once they retire. Suppose it makes sense but good luck to Lidds. Was a good player until his legs just gave way at this level.

  9. Too true, but my point is that there are plenty of 20 goals-a-season players out there and I don't think we should saddle ourselves with a bad-egg. I am sure that many of the names in my list were pretty unknown or unproven before they weighed in with the goal tallies they did - the thing is, they have pretty much all moved on and are now big names.


    I'd much rather go for a young, fit and motivated player than rely on Hughes. I thought that Ryan Brooke did great when he came on at Walsall. Scored with his first touch and could have got a hatrick! He would be my choice for Pav's partner to start the season - afterall, he has a record better than a goal a game!! :grin:


    True but we cant rely on the likes of Brooke and Alessandra to weigh in with enough goals throughout the season to get us to press on. Yes Brooke had a good start with his goal but can we really rely on him to come through and become a 20+ goals a season striker we need? I think its too early to be putting our hopes on him. I dont want Hughes back particulary, but it all really depends on DP. If he thinks he can get the best out of Hughes then great give him a contract but with countless clauses put in there. If Shez was still here i would say definately no, but different managers, fresh starts and all that.


    What is most concerning is that people seem to be thinking that Abbott will get a good tally of goals next season. If he doesnt and we have no backup then we are going to struggle.

  10. 2008 - 2009

    Cox Swindon 29

    Lambert Bristol Rovers 29

    Beckford Leeds United 27

    Fryatt Leicester 27

    Hooper Scunthorpe 24

    Mackail-Smith Peterborough 23



    Scotland Swansea 29

    Lambert Bristol Rovers 20

    Beckford Leeds 20



    Sharp Scunthorpe 32

    Constantine Port Vale 26

    Varney Crewe 25

    Porter Oldham Athletic 22

    Hefernan Doncaster 21

    Trundle Swansea 20



    Eastwood Southend 25

    Sharp Scunthorpe 24

    Trundle Swansea 21

    Hayter Bournemouth 20

    Windass Bradford 20



    Lita Bristol City 29

    Elliott Hull 29

    Windass Bradford 28

    Boyd Hartlepool 27

    Abbott Huddersfield 27

    Parkin Swindon 24

    Hayter Bournemouth 22

    Howard Luton 22

    Brooker Bristol City 21



    It wouldnt matter if we had Fryatt, Sharp or Cox as our up front choices, we all know once they get to BP they cant hit a barn door.

  11. Can you name 5 players who have played for 4 teams that have won the European Cup/Champ Lge, but have never won it themselves?


    I can't, for the record. So don't blame me if we never get the answer! Don't use Google, it just spoils it for those who really want to have a go at it!


    Im pretty sure Fat Ronaldo would be one of them. Im sure he never won it while at PSV, Barcelona, Real Madrid or Inter. Have PSV won it though??


  12. When you wake in the morning take a few seconds to reflect of the events that unfolded and the scarifices that were made on June 6th 1944. Without which we wouldn't be able to spout random :censored:e on message boards such as this day after day.


    As a history graduate I normally dismiss films with a historical content. Saving Private Ryan was on last night, I only ever watch the first 24 minutes but for anyone who thinks we steamrollered our way into Northern France watch that and think again. The American and Canadians met with well dug-in resistance and it was sometime before they secured the beah head at Omaha...


    "Despite Allied superiority, the Germans contained Allied troops in their slowly expanding beachhead for six weeks. The U.S. 1st and 29th Infantry Divisions made the most difficult landing on Omaha Beach. Stiff German resistance here caused over 3,000 casualties before the Allied troops could establish their positions by the end of the first day. On D-Day itself, Allied troops suffered more than 10,000 casualties: British and Canadian forces suffered around 3,700 casualties; U.S. forces took about 6,600 casualties. The German defenders lost between 4,000 and 9,000 men."


    The thing most people overlook is that the Germans would have lost the war regardless of whether or not D-Day had succeeded. All D-Day did was shorten the war. Had the Allies been repelled at Normandy, they would have looked for alternative footholds in Europe. Had D-Day failed, there were already plans put in place to fight their way up through Italy, so rather than France being the start of victory in the West, it would have been the Mediterranen instead. Hitler always said that the biggest military mistake would be to fight a war on two fronts.......but as soon as he devised Operation Barbarossa his fate was sealed. Other mistakes such as looping round to take Stalingrad, rather than heading to Moscow (as they did get to within 12 miles) as his own generals begged him to do. Regardless of whether the Allies attack came from the West or the South, the end result would probably have been the same.


    Tactical blunders on behalf of the Germans is militarily why they lost, but as every historian knows hindsight is a wonderful thing.


    1) On D-Day the Germans believed that Normandy was a smokescreen for the main invasion as Pas de Calais

    2) Hitler insisted he didnt want to be woken hence his generals didnt disturb him when the invasion began

    3) Operation Retribution in Yugoslavia delayed the German invasion of Russia by 3 crucial weeks

    4) The activities of Einzatgruppen's in the East hardened the Soviet's will for revenge.

    5) The iconic battle of Stalingrad and Hitler's refusal for withdrawl decimated Army Group Centre.

    6) Goering changing tactics to bomb London instead of carrying on bombing the Airfields in Battle Of Britain.

    7) Declaring war on the United States just after Pearl Harbour. Rooseveldt knew that popular opinion in the States didnt want another European War. He had to wait for Hitler to make the move......and got his wish.


    The list of why they lost is endless........and i think the point in a long winded, round about way, is that while D-Day is celebrated as the liberation of Europe in the West the event itself wasnt the reason why the war was lost as the media likes to portray.




  13. To see how they felt about the signing of Allott, I came across something which made me chuckle more than Rugby Ron getting booted into touch. Two comments that are pure gold. Please please please let this one come off :grin:


    Posted by: inatimate1 (IP Logged)

    Date: 01/06/2009 14:59

    "Heard that Budtz has left Hartlepool as well, no one else think that he's a decent keeper who could fill in for Achto?"


    Posted by: Deadly Submarine (IP Logged)

    Date: 01/06/2009 16:48

    "Budtz has always seemed decent enough!"




  14. rumours on Total Tranmere are

    • About to enter administration
    • something has happened behind the scenes in the last 48 hours
    • John Barnes and McAteer to be appointed

    Apparently they can expect news on Tuesday with regards to a manager.

    I wonder what the little jerk Ian Moore will do now. Hopefully they will withdraw the contract offer and he ends up driving a bus.


    I hear that Wim Jansen is being tipped to go there, with Tony Adams coming in as manager. Tony said it himself so it must be true :grin:

  15. Gone to Azerbaijan! :grin:


    Sorry I was bored waiting to hear who our next signing will be!! :wink:


    These 'Eardley Gone' and 'Taylor hands in transfer request' threads remind me of the old days of JKL where every summer there would be the predictable 'Beckett signs' followed by numurous hilarious stories of signing for deaf people, signs a cheque etc etc. :ranting:

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