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Posts posted by Killens_physio

  1. I feel very let down by the Pacific, especially after so much hype about it. The fact that they also were the same people who made BoB set a yardstick that was always going to be hard to live up to as Band of Brothers was an absolute classic bit of tv. Apart from a few minor mistakes in some of the episodes, every part was virtually faultless for sheer gripping drama, and some of the battle scenes were legendary. The Battle of Carentan and the Battle of the Bloody Gulch (both in part 3) were some of the best combat scenes i've seen, rivalled only by the final battle scene in SPR, although that battle was fictional. The balance of characters in BoB was brilliant, and they were easier to relate to than those in the Pacific.


    I watched the first three parts of Pacific and nearly fell asleep in all three. As one poster said earlier the first 3/4 have been complete wastes of episodes.

  2. as long as we are safe vs charlton we can all enjoy the last game in the new kit and waving goodbye to penney at 4.45pm!! :D


    Since when have Latics ever made it that simple for themselves? You know it will be Bradford all over again, hanging on for dear life and Flavs/Brill......well maybe not Brill, making a spectacular save in injury time to secure the point or 3 points we need to survive.

  3. No but that is the cold hard reality... It is going to be Brown or Cameron as Prime Minister... With a little luck the libs will do well and we might find Cabell as Chancellor...


    Yes you are right and it does appear that its between them two. I have until the last Euro election voted Tory, and with a leader who even had a bit of leadership quality the Tories could have had this election sewn up. As it is they have distanced themselves from traditional conversatism, to this namby pampy lefty stuff. Im all for progression but there comes a point where the Tories had to put there foot down and try to retain some mild representation of what they stand for. Cameron has managed to isolate his a lot of his core voters because of this deviation away from Conservatism, to a new centre left leaning.


    However, a choice if I had to make one I would still vote for Cameron, not because I like to guy or because his views represent mine, but just a complete dread of another 4/5 years of Labour. The country is in too much of the brown stuff (pardon the pun) to risk it. Brown says its no time for a novice........well after the way he has handled himself during his disasterous tenure, it begs the question, who really is the novice??

  4. To a man who has admitted to basing himself on Blair ?


    I never said Cameron specifically did I? None of the mainstream parties deserve any support. They are all the same, and all blowing smoke up the arses of those in Brussels. I voted UKIP in the EU elections and will probably do so this time. British Politics needs a radical shake up yes, but it needs a Labour-less government even more.

  5. I think you'll find it was justified on the last page, the post with the first picture of Basil.


    I dont see how that post justifies bugger all. Thanks to Labour every family are lumbered with thousands of pounds worth of debt, because once again Labour have driven the economy into the ground. They inherited a healthy economy when they were elected in 97, and in true labour fashion have mismanaged it and the rest of us have to pay the price. Gormless Brown claims that he was a prudent chancellor and Prime Minister. Yeah whatever Gordon, you sold off our gold reserves for a fraction of their price in the run up to the 2005 election and promised an EU referendum to the country. Thats right A PROMISE! He was even so ashamed of his actions that he signed it behind closed doors. He and his government dont give a stuff about this country. They have treated us all as idiots, but some people just dont want to see it.


    Whatever goes wrong with the country, Labour turn round and blame the Tories..........well after 12 years of incompetance who they going to blame now?



  6. Out of their five remaining, I can only see possible results against Exeter and Stockport.

    Were not out of it yet.


    I think the Trannies will get themselves safe. Wycombe, Southend and Gillingham i reckon will make up the rest. Gills have Leeds and Southampton at home (cant see them getting more than 2 points at most out of them), and Wycombe and Norwich away. Their away form is so appalling i cant see them getting feck all from those, but as Orient proved tonight, and Exeter so nearly last night, anything is possible!


    Still a good point gained tonight and a point not many of us expected. A point on Saturday and a win against Southend who could well be all but down by then and we surely will be safe. Thank god everyone else in this League is so cack.

  7. How, seriously can anyone justify voting for Labour again. 12 years of lies, stealth tax, borrowing, snooping, rights for criminals rather than victims, rising in benefits culture, uncontrolled immigration (all of which we now know was part of Labour's soclal engineering project) the last of the so-called bigger nations to come out of recession (which we arent) and worst of all the dispicable act of breaking their promise on an EU referundum that they swore they would give us at the last election. Another 4 years of Gormless Brown and his Marxist commie mates just doesnt bare thinking about.


    Its time for a change, and hopefully Comrade Brown and his loathsome henchmen have done enough to make sure Labour remain in opposition for generations to come. Britain cannot afford another day after May 6th of this government. If Labour get re-elected this country has no chance of pulling itself out of the :censored:e that Labour has caused.


    A rope and some gallows are all this treacherous government deserve.



  8. Idiotic statement, choosing germans over an english team, bet you won't cheer Germany if they play England in the World Cup......


    That has bugger all to do with anything. I hate everything that red :censored:e club, 'supporters' and players stand for. I think halfwaymick summed it up perfectly. The sheer arrogance and hypocrisy which comes out of that place beggers belief. United are out........boo hoo what a shame. Just needs Chelsea now to stand firm and they end up with just the Mickey Mouse Carling Cup for the season.

  9. To be honest i dont even think its just the product on the pitch which is turning people away, but the whole disillusionment with the way things are at the club. Yes the football is utter tripe but there is just a stale feeling around BP nowadays and its lost what remaining atmosphere there was. When i first started going to Latics in the late 80's early 90's it always used to feel like a really friendly club and it was a nice place to be. Now it just seems as if most people turn up as a kind of duty they feel bound by. The only way to change that is to start producing something on the pitch to get people back, but after the crap ive seen this season I cant see that happening anytime soon.

  10. Michael Ricketts once again i begin told these a roumour he been trainning with us should sign in time for sat game i have tryed asking barry owen but heard nothing from him does that mean he will sign if he not answering barry owen.


    We know his last spell was bad but why these talks about him coming back


    Brilliant. I think there is more chance of Dangerous Dave going all out for a win on Saturday then seeing Ricketts in a Latics shirt again.

  11. I've used a mobile whilst driving but I've never had an accident as a result of doing so. That's the key sticking point. If she had been nicked for using a mobile phone whilst driving that would be a £60 fine and 3 points but she had an accident as a result supposedly and that puts it into a different category. But bearing in mind she's a QC it wouldn't surprise me if she got off even if she did do it.


    As for looking for those people who fiddled their expenses then yes I would like those to go down too, but Ms Harman allegedly caused an accident due to being on her mobile phone, that's not a crime that can be swept underneath the rug.


    Especially considering it was her dispicable mob which introduced the law in the first place. Just another example of MP's giving the rest of us the two fingers up and saying 'do as we say not as we do'.


    She should face the same as anybody would who commits the same offence. Its one of the few Liebour laws, of which there have been hundreds but then what do you expect from Socialist/communist nutcases like them, that is actually a good law for the benefit of all those who use the road.


    In other words i think im trying to say......throw the book at the bitter woman!

  12. The total number of goals in our league games is 29 (13 scored, 16 against). By far the lowest in our league.

    Our attendances are amongst the lowest in our league and have been dropping in recent years.

    The atmosphere at games has been described by our fans and others as awful (see Hudds cartoon match report) and we are nowhere near filling our ground.

    We are at a standstill in terms of progressing as a club until things are sorted with the new stadium, at least a couple of years away.

    Although not being awash with cash, we are not seriously financially unstable.

    We are not in urgent danger of relegation (yet) but are nowhere near challenging the top six.

    The squad is small but full of hard-working, honest and seemingly decent characters...but how many of our players would anyone call inspiring?

    This is how our last 3 games have been decided:

    Hudds - a speculative free kick badly dealt with by our 'keeper. But barring that set-piece not many incidents in the game.

    Leeds - an excellent but hopeful long range shot and a goal on the break with the team committed up the pitch. Not much happened apart from that.

    Today - listened to most of it, lost due to by the sounds it a harsh penalty. Again barring that not much happened.

    In all three games, we've created next to nothing.

    I'm happy with our defence being boring and, looking at the games above, they've not been making many mistakes and have been mostly unlucky. But if we continue to be so poor going forward the defence will be put under so much pressure in the future that they are sure to make more mistakes.


    The only quick fix I can think of is by getting in an exciting striker who can jolt this place back into life with consistency, pace and finishing. Unfortunately I think we would struggle to afford this kind of player. However, I really think we should push the boat out if we can find this striker as imo it is the difference between us being described as hard to beat and well...boring.




    Still, can't wait for the Exeter game! :scarf001:


    This has been to first ever season i have actually made money watching Latics. Every week i place two bets that it will either be 0-0 or lose 1-0. Its netted me a pretty nice profit thus far. For once Latics are predictable! Im starting to wonder if we will ever score again.

  13. The manager moves Colbeck from the right wing to the left, he immediately loses possession, the ball is switched to the opposite flank which had little cover and Leeds score. (Colbeck is then subbed).

    I have heard of managers making changes in order to create a goal for their own team, but not the opposition.

    My heart sank when he introduced Lee, why wasn't the giant Eaves given a run, at least his height might have posed some problems to a Leeds defence which won everything in the air.

    you know, this is probably one of the worst Latics teams i have seen. Normally when i watch Latics im tense for the whole 90 minutes, yesterday i knew after Howson scored that that was that. Reminds me of a couple of seasons ago under Shez when as soon as we went behind you could pretty much know the final result. I cant recall us ever being this toothless up front. Leeds werent on their game last night (Greegs kept Beckford in his pocket..............again) but if we were still playing now we still wouldnt have scored. Once Pav is out, we are left with nothing. Parker will be lucky to hit double figures this season, works hard but not a striker.


    Im far from a Rugby Ron fan, but people say his football was boring! This is boring and not getting results!

  14. The manager moves Colbeck from the right wing to the left, he immediately loses possession, the ball is switched to the opposite flank which had little cover and Leeds score. (Colbeck is then subbed).

    I have heard of managers making changes in order to create a goal for their own team, but not the opposition.

    My heart sank when he introduced Lee, why wasn't the giant Eaves given a run, at least his height might have posed some problems to a Leeds defence which won everything in the air.

    you know, this is probably one of the worst Latics teams i have seen. Normally when i watch Latics im tense for the whole 90 minutes, yesterday i knew after Howson scored that that was that. Reminds me of a couple of seasons ago under Shez when as soon as we went behind you could pretty much know the final result. I cant recall us ever being this toothless up front. Leeds werent on their game last night (Greegs kept Beckford in his pocket..............again) but if we were still playing now we still wouldnt have scored. Once Pav is out, we are left with nothing. Parker will be lucky to hit double figures this season, works hard but not a striker.


    Im far from a Rugby Ron fan, but people say his football was boring! This is boring and not getting results!

  15. The manager moves Colbeck from the right wing to the left, he immediately loses possession, the ball is switched to the opposite flank which had little cover and Leeds score. (Colbeck is then subbed).

    I have heard of managers making changes in order to create a goal for their own team, but not the opposition.

    My heart sank when he introduced Lee, why wasn't the giant Eaves given a run, at least his height might have posed some problems to a Leeds defence which won everything in the air.

    you know, this is probably one of the worst Latics teams i have seen. Normally when i watch Latics im tense for the whole 90 minutes, yesterday i knew after Howson scored that that was that. Reminds me of a couple of seasons ago under Shez when as soon as we went behind you could pretty much know the final result. I cant recall us ever being this toothless up front. Leeds werent on their game last night (Greegs kept Beckford in his pocket..............again) but if we were still playing now we still wouldnt have scored. Once Pav is out, we are left with nothing. Parker will be lucky to hit double figures this season, works hard but not a striker.


    Im far from a Rugby Ron fan, but people say his football was boring! This is boring and not getting results!

  16. The manager moves Colbeck from the right wing to the left, he immediately loses possession, the ball is switched to the opposite flank which had little cover and Leeds score. (Colbeck is then subbed).

    I have heard of managers making changes in order to create a goal for their own team, but not the opposition.

    My heart sank when he introduced Lee, why wasn't the giant Eaves given a run, at least his height might have posed some problems to a Leeds defence which won everything in the air.

    you know, this is probably one of the worst Latics teams i have seen. Normally when i watch Latics im tense for the whole 90 minutes, yesterday i knew after Howson scored that that was that. Reminds me of a couple of seasons ago under Shez when as soon as we went behind you could pretty much know the final result. I cant recall us ever being this toothless up front. Leeds werent on their game last night %

  17. Hey everyone,


    im a massive fan of Call of Duty world at war wondered if anyone else here as it,


    could play you sometime over xbox 360


    Sadly i have it on PS3 but been addicted to it since Christmas. Almost hit 8th Prestige, but love the game, even if it can be extemely frustrating at times. Especially when you have idiots run round with their MP40 and Juggernaut, spraying and praying. Its double xp weekend so as Latics have done their usual weekly fck up, you can at least take your frustration out on some nooby Americans online!

  18. John Achterberg plays the ball to his centre-half Rueben Hazell no pressure on him he starts to bring the ball out of defence - he slips giving posession to Oldham's Darren Sheridan who sublimely chips the stranded Achterberg.


    The guy's got form of being completely :censored:e, I lost count of how many times he was well out of position yesterday by being attacted to the ball on the flank. He did the same at Millwall for the second goal. The guy is a liability. Put a kid there, a traffic cone or even a stick of celery - they'd drop less bollocks. Oh and starting to agree with a few about Gregan - clears it yes, every time but never to a blue shirt, which means the opposition coming back onto us time after time.


    John Thompson and Mark Arber were villified for a handful of mistakes, Hazell is doing it week after week something needs to be done and quick.


    I just cannot believe that DP hasnt addressed this situation already. It has been plainly obvious throughout pre-season and the start of the current season that we need cover at CB. Yes DP probably knows a lot more about football than us.......so why then can he not see that Hazell is a liability and that we need someone in to partner Greegs. How many more stupid goals are we going to give away before something is done about it? Im not at BP till the Saints game now so i hope this has been sorted by then!

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