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Everything posted by Dave_Og

  1. It's hard to imagine how selling tickets to see this rabble could be a full time job
  2. Mourinho would have to be employed as a manager to go out on loan as one. Bit like Solskjaer from Molde; that's going well
  3. Interesting article in The Times this morning about loan managers at the PL clubs featuring Neil Adams who is in that role at Norwich. Makes it pretty evident why our chances of getting promising youngsters from the big clubs has receded massively
  4. And there's the clue. A talented player who's barely had a career of any note at all and he's driving a car which presumably didn't cost £2,995 at Reg's Autos.
  5. I see Matt Smith is still knocking them in at Championship level
  6. Director can be a title as well as an official position.
  7. I do rate rate him but think his celebrity has gained in the way that early death can sometimes add lustre to a reputation. All for some iconoclasm.
  8. For someone who claims that much of what you post is tongue in cheek it's odd that you take pretty much everything everybody else says absolutely literally. And Bill Hicks was massively overrated.
  9. Betsy has been involved in the England youth teams for a few years now
  10. He was never staying at Fleetwood; they'd already lined Barton up
  11. Feature on Halifax in The Times today. '' This is the best job in the world '', says their effervescent manager who left the Boundary Park basketcase in May.
  12. He was England U15 and U16 coach before that.
  13. Not sure it was so much potential as historic.
  14. Didn't play for us did he? Not some other random bloke with two Os at the end of his name?
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