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Posts posted by alex_balls

  1. It does put our season ahead and the difficult job facing PD and GT into real perspective though, when one of our division rivals can afford half a million english pounds for players.

    Tough year ahead.


    theyve just sold that right back to Arsenal for £1,000,000 ant they so thats where theyve got that cash from, Charlton been struggling with cash for years but I get where ya coming from, Sheff Wed, Sheff U, Hudds all massive budgets compared to us.


    It's like that muppet Peltier going Leicester for £750,000, Hudds will put all that back into getting better players.

  2. Watched Harley many times. Wouldn't be surprised to see him being in and around the Swansea 1st team next year and if he did drop to our level on loan it would be back to Exeter.


    Very technically gifted player but is a luxury player and only really effective in teams that play at least 3 in centre midfield. Exeter's setup was perfect and Swansea's will be good for him but not many clubs will be able to accomodate his style of play.


    he's class, i thought as much when i watched tics there, then the season after he banged em in, didnt know he'd gone Swans tho, hope it works out for him.

  3. Without going all tecchy on you, it all depends on the area and how far you are from your exchange.


    Areas in the UK with 20mb broadband use what is called fibre to the curb technology i.e. they are fibre optic to the little BT box at the end of your street/in your area and then copper wire from there to the home. Where broadband is slower, it is all copper wire. Copper wire reduces its effectiveness with higher users and therefore genuinely gets slower the further you are away from the box as people can highjack your line.


    Therefore, if you are close to the box, it is worth going with high speed providers as you will genuinely notice a difference. If you are far away from the box, towards the end of the line, it doesnt really matter who you are with as you are likely to have poor connection anyway.


    Finally, BT sell "seats" on the Openzone network. These seats are prioritised. It is my understanding that Talk Talk and Plus Net buy cheaper, low priority seats. Thus if there is someone going in on a Sky or O2 seat (more expensive, higher priority) they can override your connection as you get bumped down the priority list. In that sense, you really do get what you pay for.


    again, im no the brightest button when it comes to techno techno techno phone BUT do you know when you 'log' into your wireless router, and then from there you can change what channel your on, isn't this a cure for the problems of this overcrowding seat issue in my bob??

  4. We are never in a million years going to get 1 million for Dale Stephens, I wish we could hold out for that kind of money. It is more likely to be 600k with 50% going to Bury correct?


    So realistically we'll get 300k which will just disappear in a matter of months, what with wages etc...


    Beeerrryyyyy are on 20% aren't they?, we'll get around £250-000 max I reckon, we're not in a position to reject that.



    i know, it's strange isn't it, I suppose it's the service you get shapes your opinion, it's like when 2 people go on holiday to the same place, one will love it, one will hate it, but hey, who's right, as long as your happy then that's all that matters.


    I'll report back to you when something goes wrong and i can't get through to them :grin:

  6. I'm with TalkTalk. been brilliant with me, never had problems, were helpful in getting it set up because i'm usless with techno techno cr@p and i even played a bit of hardball and got the installation fee knocked right down.

  7. Don't get why loads of fans love such an error prone centre back. Whilst not exactly wanting to defend 'Brill' I can't help but feel some of the mistakes he made were a result of being put under undue pressure as a result of generally unforced errors made by Hazell. I can think of many examples but the one's that really stood out came against dogdale at home, he was terrible that day and gifted them lot 3 points that I have still not been allowed to forget.


    i agree. poor poor player.


    hereford away, all 5 goals his fault, swindon at home when he did his usual trip over the ball, r9chdale took the biscuit though.

  8. Not too disappointed, he was no leader. I am disappointed that an average player like Rubes, who enjoyed his longest spell at any club, saw fit to walk away. But I do agree with only offering him a year. Not too sure how welcoming Chesterfield will be to his likely return or if the rumours are true Dale, given his 'mare against them at BP. We need to sign an experienced centre-half but one who can lead and probably be Captain, That's what we need now, someone to help the young kids and to be a real influence in the dressing room - whilst he was a bit of a donkey someone like a Garnett would be ideal…


    Good luck Rubes, but if you go onto bigger and better things I'll show my arse mate….


    Right, think its time we had a few in the incoming column now Mr. Dickov….the squad's as thin as an anorexic Rizla….


    absolutely made my day this, no more pushing opposition players in the back and giving needless pens away, no more falling over the ball and letting their players run through on goal, can't put how delighted I am in words, and with Brill gone, is it Christmas???

  9. Been in the Sun two days running too, think they pick it up off local rags dont they then pop it in, advertiser is printed same place as the mirror etc. i've decided im not judging any of the pre-season signings until i've seen them play at least 10 games, i was buzzing when feeney signed and look at what happened there

  10. Sorted then. Move back to Manningham, commute over the M62 to come & play for us. Best of both worlds for the lad.


    I’d be made up if we get him, really would be – but with the (alleged) clubs that are in for him; I highly doubt we’d get the lad.



    with our well documented lack of money I just don't see how we can be offering wages to players like McDonald (He could be on loan though not sure) and Donaldson when bigger budget clubs can easy offer more wonga.


    As above though, i'd be delighted with either signing.


    so where does that leave us??


    Need a GK, DC, RW? CF

  11. To the unobserved, the battle to secure League Two hotshot Clayton Donaldson’s signature would place Bradford City as rank outsiders. Championship outfit Coventry City, newly-promoted to League One Chesterfield and moneybags league newcomers Crawley Town are among a host of clubs said to be chasing the 29-goal striker; and so the appeal of a failing League Two side which has recently struggled to pay their players would seem limited.


    Yet the Bantams have an emotional attraction to Donaldson that no other interested party can match, and newly confirmed manager Peter Jackson is hoping romanticism can override career progression or opulence in swaying Donaldson to head to Valley Parade. Born in Manningham and having grown up in the youth set-up until being shown the door at 15, Bradford City has one distinct advantage over all the other clubs trying to secure his signature – he has actually dreamed of playing for them.

  12. I would add my experience but it is pretty much covered by what everyone else has said or did, and by reading things did a lot more than what i had, though there are one or two pointers i'll give that seemed to be missed and hopefully others can elaborate on.


    With seeing a broadway show there is a ticket office just off Time Sqaure (i think) that sell fairly cheap tickets for some of the bigger shows that would normally cost an arm and a leg. Understandably this place gets rammed, and there was a massive queue when we went to check it out and that was before it opened, though if you really want to see a big show but want to see it for cheap then queue up here and try to get there really early to get a decent place in line. Me and the two Aussie girls i were with decided to go to the actual ticket offices of the shows to check for tickets and any cheap ones which i think they do but they are matinee tickets mostly. We ended up going for Spamalot and paid about 30-35 dollars for a night show. We were high up but it was still a good view and i was just happy to say i'd done a broadway show.


    There is also the UN building. We went there and it was just shutting for the day and it looked like you could do tours so that might be worth checking out unless someone says otherwise.


    Though you probably won't i think i remember being told don't go to the north side of Central Park at night as its pretty dodgy apparently and always get a taxi home at night if you can. We stayed in a hostel which to be fair was clean and well kept but was a fair way inside Harlem (Note: don't leave the booking of accomadation to two girls, Aussie ones at that) so ours was fairly a given to get a taxi home every night but i'd still reccomend to do that if your hotel is a fair distance away and near a dodgy area.


    WHAT A LAD :grin:

  13. Italia '90 is mine, and England managed to scrape through to the Semi-Finals, straight after the 'Pinch Me Season' and the fore-runner to the Championship Season, all was well in the footballing world, shame I was only 13 but still the best days of my football supporting life….


    Thats the problem, was only 2 for 1990 so missed all the great times for england and oldham....and was only 6 when oasis were hitting it big...oh well :grin:

  14. go and watch a baseball game. Mets preferably, because they're the good guys but if they're not at home the Yankees will be. Go to Lombardi's and get a pizza. Intrepid Museum- who wouldnt want to wander about an aircraft carrier?


    2nd edit - I once did that in Chicago and we ended up getting free drinks for most of the night from the owner. Sometimes it pays to tip ;-)


    Chicago...controversial BUT best place ever for me...enjoyed it more than NYC even...just!! Glass sky walk in the willis (sears) tower, unbelievable...legs went!! and Nightime with a glass overlooking chicago up John Hancock Tower...unbeatable. anyway sorry razza thats way off topic :grin:


    tell us more about Intrepid Museum...that sounds class!!

  15. If weather is nice the boat trip round Manhatton was good, tickets are on sale at most popular street corners. We went to see the Yankees which was good if you like baseball but dragged on a bit for somebody who doesnt know the rules. Empire state is good, like Alex said you can pay extra to go up a few more levels but the veiw looks the same when you are up another few flights and its indoor veiwing not like the observation deck.


    I never knew that...glad I know because it annoyed me I didn't do it...

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