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Posts posted by mikejh45

  1. 29 minutes ago, fleetwood Blue said:

    The only bad thong to come out of Steven Pressley getting the Carlisle job is Lee Clark is still out of work and actively looking at getting back into the game..Please AL do not give it to the nobjockey, id rather a ballboy or turnstile attendant got the managers job. 

    How do you know Pressley wears thongs?

  2. 14 minutes ago, lookersstandandy said:




    ....and you don’t know whether has hasn’t....


    ....so, we are in need of a striker.... he is a striker....he’s our player..... both parties could show contrition & put the past behind themfor the benefit of both the player and the club. Yet.....?

    Buy you are making up stories to suit your anti-AL rants!!!

  3. 4 minutes ago, lookersstandandy said:


    Backtracked? Eh? I offered a suggestion that an apology should be sought for the greater good, if indeed the boy would add something to the squad - he is after all one of our players - given we are bereft of strikers. Or, we can continue with COG up front on his own in search of the play offs.




    Ok...I'll try again as you don't seem to be grasping the situation....you have no idea whether he has sat down with the boy and/or his agent.

    Your default position on everything Latics related is AL is in the wrong.

  4. 21 minutes ago, lookersstandandy said:


    Nope. Do you know it was? You made the original statement,I simply asked you for proof to which you backtracked.


    I am of course being somewhat contrary over the whole point. I guess what I can’t believe is that all of; Byrne; Gerrard; Davies; Fane & Duffus are ALL to blame 100% ( that’s not saying some of them might be). Byrne, Gerrard and Davies have a history of being disruptive t*sspots…….so why should their comments have any validity. We have idea about Fane. Duffus is now under his 4th  Latics manager and none have shown much inclination to get him involved in the first team squad.


    Like everything in life.... there has to be some blame on the other party, Mr. Lemsagam. I’d like to see some contrition from him too. Everything.....no that is just Bollox. As for blaming AL, I fully support him in getting rid of those first three...….yes, I believe he has made mistakes..... just not with those three.


  5. 1 hour ago, deyres42 said:

    There was a new Topoff there on Saturday. Must have been a bit cold though cos he quickly became Topon.


    Hang on...if we don't put a stop to this straightaway, it's a slippery slope to anarchy, sedition, mob rule....who knows where it will end!!!

    There is only one Topoff/Topon, anyone else is in imposter.....besides, I need clarity when I give out my abuse.

  6. 12 minutes ago, UpTheLatics said:

    What exactly has the lad done? On the basis of that letter, he has been fined £50 for wiping wet paint on a wall. It is bizarre.


    if we're going to damn the lad for giving aggro to opposition supporters, then are we going to be brave when the older lot do it or cower off? Are we going to have quiet words with them? We have some right pillocks and they're all ages; the mob who organise around the tunnel come the final whistle embarrass themselves on a weekly basis. I've been in pubs all over the place with the idiot element and often heard and witnessed some really stupid behaviour. A lot of these lads have 20+ year marriages and kids. 


    Personally, I think the whole ultra stuff is bollocks and I'd praise him - and a lot of these lads deserve some recognition for their loyalty to the club and in assisting in our away support getting the nod it often does - if he come up with some original stuff, but he's a young'un who will hopefully mature and a few on the forum are getting a little but chewy over nowt.

    What's bizarre is someone wiping wet paint off their shoes onto a wall. There are plenty of people who are moaning about the lack of funds in the club and then this idiot wastes valuable resources by sheer stupidity.

    Regarding his behaviour, he is the one who opposition want to target not the ones by the tunnel who, I agree with you should be ashamed of themselves.

    I don't understand why you want to praise him. 


  7. 14 minutes ago, simplythemostimportantkick said:

    He’s the biggest nob head in the stadium wherever we go and a shower every once in a while wouldn’t go amiss either the stinking twat. Never mind a fine he should be banned if he doesn’t give up the inciting. 

    I reckon that's why he gets peddled.

  8. But until you clearly know what's happened, how can you say if it's excessive or not? The letter states that he wiped wet paint off his shoes on to walls...…...which brain cell in there decided "oh, I've got wet paint on my shoes....I know, I 'll wipe them on a wall"...….the more I think about it, Billy Connolly got it right, we need to cull the human race!!!  

    If a painter has to come in and put it right, then a full day would be charged at say £150 plus materials so on that basis, he's getting off lightly.

  9. 3 minutes ago, archiecat said:

    A £50 fine isn't going to turn him in to an angel, wonder how much the fines will be for all those smoking in the toilets ? 

    Will be rolling in dollars soon :D


    OK.....next time make it £100.....and keep lifting it until the idiot learns.....let's see who breaks first.


    Not sure how having a sneaky fag relates to stupidity.


    I happen to like reading messages such as those that came out of Fulham's Forums praising our support....what I don't want to read are those that want to give the idiot with no shirt a good kicking next time he comes to their club.

    I am proud of this club and 99.9% of it's fans but he does not represent me with his behaviour.

  10. 2 minutes ago, archiecat said:

    He's a young lad Mike,they make mistakes and act like dicks at times.

    maybe just a little more leniency than whack him with a fine like that


    He's been a knobhead for  a few years now and must have been thrown out of a few games, not forgetting the number of times he stands front and centre antagonising the opposition's fans......at what point does it sink in that continually acting like a tw*t is not a good career move. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, archiecat said:

    none of us do,maybe Topon should have a word with the supporters liaison officer and see if it can be quashed or at least he could work it off rather than stump up fifty quid.


    So he was in this room on his own, was he?

    Somebody on here will have seen what went on.

    I wouldn't trust him with a bog-brush let alone a paint brush.

  12. 3 minutes ago, yarddog73 said:

    If they sent that to me I'd tell them to sling it, leaving wet paint all over the place and then having the audacity to bill a customer whose walked it in.


    Knowing he'll pay it as he doesn't miss a game is a bit of a cunts trick regardless of what you think of him, counter claim would be going straight in Monday morning if I were him.

    Do you know the full circumstances?

  13. 2 minutes ago, archiecat said:

    He could Mike, but the nay's would probably outnumber the yay's 

    Got to disagree...….the one's who would stick the knife in were not up to the task...….Bunn or Rhodes for example or those who thought that they could get away with what they wanted i.e. Byrne, Gerrard etc.

  14. 6 minutes ago, lookersstandandy said:


    If indeed that is possible....!?! I'm still far form convinced about Branger-Engone and let's see what this Sylla is like after a dozen games......?

    Maybe, just maybe, PW found a system to bring the best out of Branger-Engone hence the upturn in standards as opposed to the rigid 442 adopted by Bunn.

  15. 3 minutes ago, archiecat said:

    One would like to think that Scholes ( should he genuinely be interested ) would have had a chat with Frankie.

    you know, a kind of " what is this Abdallah guy like Frank ?"

    "oh he's a great lad Paul,you grab the chance with both hands"


    He could talk to some of the current players, such as Clarke or O'Grady and get a totally different viewpoint.

  16. Just now, Ryan said:

    Yes. Another opinion that the Yernited loving pundits have hammered down our throats for the past 10 years to the point that it has now become conventional wisdom. I’ve watched Carrick enough with my own eyes and he’s never stood out as anything other than bang average.


    My opinion is that he was class player and if Ferguson didn't rate him highly, he wouldn't have stayed around for as long as he did playing the number of games that he did.

    Bang average.....Jesus wept.

  17. 21 minutes ago, deyres42 said:

    I don't know anything but common sense tells you we need him a lot more than he needs us, if he takes job then you assume it would be on his terms.

    Not sure.....you have two people who have been successful in their own field. If AL wants Scholes and Scholes wants this job then they will reach a compromise. Scholes will know there isn't a "magic money tree" for player recruitment and will have seen what happened with Sheridan and won't want to go down that line and AL will, quite probably, let Scholes have a free hand on domestically sourced players so long as he gives full and fair consideration to AL's imports and why wouldn't he after Sunday now that AL hopefully knows a bit more about who and how the imports will fit in to the English game

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