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Posts posted by mikejh45

  1. Listened to Sheriden on Radio Manchester who went on about the lack of leaders on the field.


    I find it odd that at this stage of the season he puts out a team against a side we are "expected " to beat and then complains when his tactics didn't come off. Does he not know who the leaders are? Or is he expecting a change of personality from these players he should know inside out.


    We know there were two leaders on the bench.

    Gregan - a leader definately, but bringing him on brings other concerns.

    Maher - someone brought to the club because of his leadership skills and who hasn't had a chance of a decent run.


    I think we need to play Allott and Maher together because we are consistently losing the midfield battle. Maybe it's time to consider Lee (opinions on this lad please as I have yet to see him in action).

  2. First opportunity to comment about yesterday's performance and I'd like to throw my thoughts in to the mix after some good points raised.


    I don't think we have bad forwards or bad midfielders. I just believe the two areas are NOT working together.


    Liddell is still putting over good crosses but we don't have a "big, daft" centre forward at the club to take advantage of them.


    What we do have are two mobile forwards who aren't getting service to their feet when running forward. When was the last time any of our forwards had a one-on-one with the keeper?


    So something has to change! Is it the midfield or the forward lines?


    I would personally look at trying for the big forward in January.


    APOLOGIES - important word missed out earlier.

  3. No thanks, but if your interested I'll ask at the club if any of Moussa Dabo's old jocks straps have been left lying around if your looking for a souvenir.


    Was he around long enough for said jock strap to get old or even used? Personally don't think he bought one!!!

  4. I apologise for my outburst, although I was rather miffed to say the least to be called an armchair fan when I've been freezing my nads off at BP for over 30 years and in my defence I didn't use any bad language and censored my own post accordingly with :censored:'s, but point taken Mark.




    Pack it in!!!


    Stop doin' the moderator's job!!!


    However, in view of your sterling service to Boundary Park and the cause, I've asked Alan Hardy to give you a pair of Rocastle's socks out of the training kit laundry basket!!!

  5. What coments were these? What did I say after Walsall and Scunthorpe that was so shocking? (matches which incidentaly I did attend).


    Effectively from watching Saturday's Highlights/Lowlights, Hazell cost us a penalty with a diabolical header back to Fleming which could well have got Fleming sent off (Different result altogether I suspect if he had been sent off).


    A push by Stam which also cost us a penalty.


    Rock solid and watertight my arse.


    Call me old fashioned but conceeding two penalties in any game will make it a struggle to get a result.


    It is immaterial that I didn't attend the game on Saturday as I have seen the video replay of these incidents several times and my comments are based on the video I did see.


    Talking of touching nerves, have you calmed down yet from someone mischievously :naughty::peepwall: voting Gregan MoM against Northampton?


    By the way I suspect Stam will be offloaded in the summer regardless of which division we are playing in next season.


    Badly worded on my part, Homer. I didn't attend those games so I haven't commented on them.


    The second one was still not a penalty in my eyes as the ball was spinning away from the goal and the forward was trying to re-adjust his position to make contact.


    And yes the nerves have calmed down due to copious amounts of Black Sheep Bitter, London Pride, Lamb Rogan Josh and a couple of bottles of Argentinian Malbec followed by a good, snory nights sleep.


    I would like Stam to remain and hope that he gets an extended runout like last year to prove his worth. But, like you, don't think it'll happen.

  6. You f :censored: g cheeky :censored:.


    Armchair supporter?


    ST holder for over 30 years and usually get to about 10/12 away games every season.


    What an absolute :censored::censored: you are.


    I wasn't at saturday's game but have seen the goals from the game, I never said Stam was at fault for the own goal what I said was, if you read the post properly, is that conceeding 2 penalties and an own goal in each game does not constitute a rock solid water tight central defensive partnership, although you might think it does I still do not.


    I also stand by my comment that Stefan (The Rock) Stam will not be at the club next season.


    Touched a nerve there!!! Apologies Homer, don't know you or your circumstances!!!


    And I stand by my point that you have not listened to what the posters who went have said about the defensive partnership. The concensus of opinion is that the defence played well against a good team. You have taken no account of the poor refereeing that we, who went, observed. You have made your comments based on a scoreline and a few minutes of television which hardly constitutes an informed position in my opinion.


    Also, it is immaterial the fact that you are a ST holder for 30 years etc., etc., etc. I can't make Tuesday night games and if I'd have made the sort of comments you have made about Latics against Walsall or Scunthorpe then I would have been villified on here and rightly so.


    I reluctantly agree about Stam and next season because at the moment I genuinely believe that the Hazell/Stam partnership will, if given the opportunity, take us to a higher position.

  7. Correct, it was terrible defending from Rubes!!!

    Solid is taking it a little far .... they were ok. They handle their strikers well when they ran at them, although didn't think they were tested that much in the second half.


    The one major concern for me (of the whole teams performance yesterday) was these two, they both put themselves into trouble a few times with poor headers that when straight to their midfield and also seemed to panic on the ball on occasions which also led to giving it away.


    Missed Gregans distribution for me. Lomax had a great game keeping their winger in check .... again he's not the best distributor of the ball and we know Eards is prone to the odd stray pass.


    Peterborough had a quick forward line. Gregan would have been shown up for pace. I think we needed Maher on to help Allott. Out of the 4 defenders, Eardley was, in my opinion, the weak link. He consistantly let his winger slipped by him by diving in unlike Lomax who held his winger in check.

  8. TBH Mike, I dont think that Shez has found the right partner for Hughes to date, how many partners has he had this season to now. :wink:


    With regards to your last sentence, you have been going to football long enough to know that sometimes players just "dont fit", maybe that is the situation with Byfield at Donny ?


    Fair point, but his track record of moving clubs after 1 season or so isn't a good indicator.

  9. Bloody hell, 2 penalties conceeded and an own goal. (yeah, rock solid and water tight)


    Must be our best central defensive partnership since Jobson and Barrett. (long may it continue or at least until Stam is released at the end of the season).


    Dear God. Save us from the armchair supporters!!!


    Did you not read any of the posters comments who actually went to the game? The common denominator is how well the defence played.

  10. Are you for real? He was excellent.


    Nope. Hughes showed him up on how a forward should play. Byfield found space, didn't control the ball well enough for me and didn't look like he was going to score. No signs of a partnerhip developing. Waste of money if we sign him!


    I'm wondering why Rovers aren't playing him in their precarious situation!

  11. OK, I've been told. The Posh crumbling was the refs fault and the fact that Shez was tied and gagged up in the stand didn't help.


    One down, three to go. The mighty Bristol Rovers, Swindon and Real Cheltenham. Who's going to start the bidding?


    And no, I was at none of the above games. Much better things to spend my hard earned on.





    Why not listen to the people who went and take note instead of submitting posts based on your lack of knowledge. The tone of your message implies that the we were outplayed in the first half and helped out by the ref to come back to draw which on both points is totally wrong.


    So stand up and admit graciously you were wrong on this one and give the team and management a compliment! Go on, you can do it.

  12. You didn't see him today.....


    I saw him yesterday and didn't see anything better than what we already have.


    He found space but lost the ball more than he offered in a striking partnership with Hughes.


    We benched Davies for more than what Byfield has given so far.


    And O'Grady must feel very unlucky after recent good performances.

  13. Strange but fascinating game.


    Good TEAM performance, felt we could and should have won the game if we had a better, more consistent, less whistle-happy referee.


    Good Points

    Thought the defence was solid and mobile both before and after the Jones incident (Keep it the same from here on). Although Eardley needs to learn not to rush in to tackles because he got turned too easily on several occasions.

    For a devout non-Liddell fan, I thought he had an excellent game and his best I've seen since the start of the season (before any comments, I don't get to see Tuesday night games).

    Fleming, can't think of a negative comment. Very Good.

    Allott. Worked his socks both his defensively and offensively.



    Bad Points

    Byfield. The lad made space on so many occasions and nearly every time did nothing with it. Would still prefer O'Grady or Allesandra. Seen more effort from Davies this season than this lad.

    Whittaker. Good attacking but largely anonymous in defence. Left Allott to cover all the area in front of defence.

  14. Although aspects of your post may have sarcastic tones, your 'constant' obsession with Gregan and in particular his arse are a bit scary!

    If there is someone you want to discuss this 'fantasy' with, i'm sure 1 or 2 of the members might be able to help you


    It was meant to bring a note of levity into this increasingly heavy topic.


    I also wrote it knowing full well that the "humour" would slap me in the face in light of my recent posts.

  15. I'm not 100% sure, but it was probably me. You see when I haven't been to the game, but want to see the progress of the MOTM voting, I vote for somebody who couldn't possibly win the poll.

    Apologies. For the good of Mikes blood pressure maybe there should be a 'didn't attend' option on the MOTM polls. I mean the poor bugger already has to cope with watching Andy Liddell every weekend.


    You scamp, Stitch!!!


    Anyway, you don't need to vote to see the progress.


    Any more of this and I might end up with carrier bag full of Tennants Extra-Strength sat on a park bench. Maybe, the whole picture starts to become clearer after the 3rd. tinny.

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