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Posts posted by mikejh45

  1. Shouldn't you be blaming Gregan for that. After all he is the captain and therefore responsible for all that goes wrong. :wink:





    All the players are aware of Hughes' inability to stay out of a conflict, so maybe Sheriden should order the players to prevent Hughes gettng involved. After all, it is a team game.


    Anyway, the speed at which Gregan is moving at the moment, he might have strolled up to the referee about 5 minutes after the booking!!!

  2. he probably was lol , he was better than olny, ritchie was to old and injury prone at that point and and palmer played right mid most of the time......and i think he finished top scorer.


    who do you think it was?........do we need to start a new thread for that


    but if we are not working of history then lidds must be our top scorer 1 game one goal.


    On a previous post, I stated that based on last season stats, the best defensive partnership goals against/games played was Trotman/Stam followed by Hazell/Stam. Are these simply stats to be ignored or are they facts to be considered?

  3. Yesterday I actually thought Gregan didn't do too badly IMO only, skinned for the goal but leaving a centre half one on one with a striker is schoolboy defending where was the covering player?


    Other than that he got caught out once in the second half before he got injured - so wasn't great however i've seen much much worse.


    I do think we need to get behind him and maybe a bit of sympathy should be given to a bloke who even when not playing well is prepared to get hurt for the cause. BTW when subbed against Cheltenham there were no histrionics, no sulks and he celebrated when the team got back into the game. Then in his program notes he assumed responsibility for mistakes and acknowledged any issues.


    Maybe as supporters thats what we should do support one of our own when he's down.


    This is when we need to show our class as fans because as was said earlier when he is on form he leads by example, without him we are a little lightweight. We all know he isn't the quickest so he can be covered, other than that in this league, on form, he is as good as anything


    You made some good points.


    The other defender can't always cover as he has his own duties.


    I don't agree with the lightweight bit, when he got taken out of the limelight against Northampton, we had a markedly improved and balanced side.


    I'm not saying that he can't come back but I think he needs a bit more time to get himself sorted. Whilst he is not at his best, the team is suffering and we, as fans, should concentrate on supporting the whole team and not on a part.

  4. P.S How did 30 of you manage to stand for the whole game in the Rocky ....... I thought BP was a all-seater stadium :unsure:


    Well that's a quality response!!!


    Not quite sure you've grasped this football thing. Gregan is a defender and as such he is making mistakes as a defender. How many times are you going to talk him up and ignore the points he has cost us?


    I've put plenty of my thoughts on here on why he is not worth his place.


    Time for you to throw your thoughts on why he should have kept his place (assuming he is not fit for the next game).


    The floor is yours, old boy!!!

  5. He looked to be getting back to his best at Southend and against Walsall (after already being taken out of the teamt and given a break..... that's how blindly the management have been with him)


    Some captains have a quiet word, some bellow. Gregan as always captained the same way from the beginning ....... so why do you have a big issue with it now ????


    Because yesterday was like a rerun of a month ago. It's not enough to have a captain that only shouts. He needs to take a measure of responsibility.

  6. but what gets on my nerves is the fact he is a better all round player than rubes and stam.


    its the same story with eardley and lomax, greegs has had poor games this season, yesterday was not one of them


    Our best, most consistent central defender at the club at the moment is Hazell by some considerabke margin.


    What was your view when Gregan was skinned on the touchline and then a minute later gave the ball away cheaply only to be rescued on both occasions by Hazell?

  7. thats a bit harsh on greegan,he did look slow at times on sat but he wears the shirt an thats enough for me hes having a tough time at the mo,can you imagine all the people you know turning there back on you when your having a bad time in your life.thats when you need them the most


    So we blindly carry on as if nothing is wrong. His personal life is having a bearing on his performances.


    My answer - take him out of the limelight so he can sort himself out.


    Your answer - pat him on the head, send him out with the captain's armband and say "Carry on, Sean, it'll all come together soon".

  8. If by leaving our slowest player 1 on 1 whilst we break is 'intelligent football' then he got what he deserved. How can we leave Greags 1-1 with their centre forward - of course he'll be turned for pace - apart from that, i thought he won everything and looked more positive and stronger mentally than in recent weeks.


    It is every game. The man is costing us points. Hazell was getting extremely 'p---ed off' with the mistakes in the second half from his captain.

  9. Bloody Hell!!!


    Give the lad a chance, he's had a very good game and a half and people are already saying he's not up to the mark.


    O'Grady and Hughes have hardly had an opportunity to develop a partnership. Given a couple more games together, they should compliment each other's game better.

  10. Tired of a hackneyed thread of negativity. His teammates , his manager all say that the criticism - and the encouragement - he provides is helpful, is part of what he contributes.

    But you know better of course.


    We know what we see!!! We see an overweight, slow, gaffe-prone bully who criticises everybody around him. The negativity will stop when he deserves his place which at the momenthe most definately isn't.


    This is a board of opinions. We do not have to take the word of the manager as gospel and you don't have to be a professional footballer to see when a player is not playing well.

  11. He didnt.


    He did!


    He got turned by the forward he was supposed to be marking and left for dead.


    In the second half, he lost his player twice in a couple of minutes and had to be saved on both occasions by Hazell. And what was his response, he shouts at Crossley and Hazell. Team captain my arse!!!


    Let's look logically at his overall contributions:

    1) If the opposition has a big forward, then Gregan let's Hazell mark him and then shouts at him if he gets beaten.

    2) Gregan only wins headers against a smaller forward because he can't jump and if he gets turned it's Hazell's fault for not covering.

    3) He hasn't won a header in an attacking position for over a year.

    4) he has no man-management skills.


    If you think I am being harsh, then I was standing shoulder to shoulder with about 30 other Latics fans in the RRE who all had the same opinion that he did not deserve a starting slot.

  12. Last season, my brother-in-law slated Smalley at every opportunity until the Everton game after which he changed his opinion. This season, we saw a lively Liddell start the campaign well and has slowly deteriorated. Smalley has yet to have a serious runout, that time has got to be now.


    His tackling may be as bad as Liddell, but that is not what you want from him. Get his confidence up and he will drag more than one defender to him.

  13. Aah but that's Scotland, where they get £5 in tax back for every £4 they give and the lovely city of Edinburgh which is really, really lovely and despite what you read about in Trainspotting hasn't got a drug problem at all. Plus that new light railway convieniently went close to the then transport secretary Alistair Darling (yes him of the weird eye-brows) house and it was approved before we had to start bailing out banks because they were being so stupid in such a clever way that the regulatories couldn't work out what they were doing.


    As far as I understand it some of the metrolink extension has been approved and now the good people of greater Manchester are being asked if they want to pay for a bit more of it through a series of road charging (as people have said some of the worst congestion is on the M60 which isn't being charged) measures. This includes extending the metrolink to Manchester Airport. Now has anyone ever tried lugging the sort of thing you take on holiday on public transport in this country (and not just this country but others in the world). I have and I can tell you I've yet to find anywhere where despite servicing airports or train stations (the sort of places where people have large luggage) that does this effectively where there is room for your bag without leaving it slightly haphazardly on the floor. Very, very few people will use a metrolink service to take them to an airport unless they live 2 minutes walk from a metrolink stop as lugging bags of that size becomes inpractical. Plus there is a reason why trains run from the airport, through Manchester Picadilly and Leeds to the North East and that's because North Easternites use Manchester Airport often enough to make a train service viable is this train service going to stop at Picadilly in the future because of the Metrolink?


    As to what will happen if the vote is No (as it appears it will probably do so), then maybe the people behind it will ask themselves why and realise that a lot of people are in favour of having a road charging scheme but not one which is so large and affects people so much who aren't going anywhere near the centre. Leeds was going to introduce a road charging scheme on busy routes via occupancy (so 1 person in a car pays but 2 or 3 don't). After all buses may reduce congestion, and help the environment but only if they are being used by enough people. You could try getting the money through general taxation but what about the people of the Birmingham based metropolis, or Merseyside or Teesside or Bristol or Cardiff etc. all of which don't have the greatest public transport systems. The government is quite happy to let private companies fund the building of new hospitals and then let these companies get their money back through dishonest means (£200 to change a lightbulb and the extortionate car parking fees) why aren't private companies being asked to fund the metrolink as I'm suire most of these will do a better job than the subsidised/public company that does it at the mo.


    The money is there, 20% of money taken off roadusers is put back into road projects. The other 80% goes to whatever the government of the day has a shortfall in. I could be wrong on this, but I'm pretty certain that, according to the A.A. Foundation, more money would be brought in if the fuel tax at the pump went up by 1p./litre and then scrap the Road Fund License because the million+ uninsured cars on the road would have to pay their rightful share that the legitimate drivers pay.


    Why were the existing Metrolink routes OK to be funded directly from government coffers and not this one? I think it goes back to wholesale financial mismanagment from the day Blair/Brown took office (political dig).

  14. As a former Oldham resident, this post has made interesting reading.


    As far as I can see, the argument is not about whether people in Greater Manchester want the Metrolink extension but more about how it should be funded.


    If I was still in Oldham, I would definately vote NO.


    If we draw a parallel with a similar situation to Edinburgh who in 2005 rejected a referendum for congestion charges and is now having a light railway system being constructed (due to open in 2011) paid for through general taxation.


    So please reject this and lobby your councillors and MPs to get this paid for without resorting to "highway robbery" and scaremongering. Remember, you pay enough in taxes already.


    If it can be done in Scotland, it can be done in England.

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