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Posts posted by Ackey

  1. 57 minutes ago, underdog said:

    ooooo me likes this.....please let us know if you need anymore monies/contributions to running cost and keep up the excellent work too

    Thanks for the offer; the upgrade itself is included in our package and has been outstanding for a little while now, as we wanted to make sure the major changes it brought about were tested by other boards first.  We welcome donations at any stage, anything above cost we have just waits in the account for the next bill, and prevents Steve and Rummy having to dip in to their own pocket that month. But, as I say, this upgrade doesn't require specific funding. 

  2. The thing is - football's a business (like it or not) and the person making the In/Out decision on Ranieri isn't just thinking about last season or even a PL title. They're thinking about 200+ employees and tens of millions of pounds. What if they go, and stay, down - they'd potentially (likely?!) have to fire a swathe of low to middle-income employees in what's a pretty low-income area to start with - as a result of not pulling the trigger on a man paid millions to do a job which, sentiment aside, he's failing to do.


    Its not nice to think like that about football, I'm not suggesting it's my stance as such; it's just an important element to have under consideration when thinking these things over.

  3. Cost fluctuate depending on traffic (hence why we merge threads and lock the old ones people bounce for no constructive reason), but generally due to our user numbers we require the premium package from IPB. Rummy or Steve can give you more specifics, they pay the bills.


    As for sponsors we've had a few along the years, not least of all the Club, but generally speaking people lose interest over time as whilst we know the user numbers are exceptional for a club of our size they don't have an overt effect. We're very confident we made the Club a lot of money, we know the impact we had on their traffic and the boost it gave them, but we decided that deal was't for us when the editorial meddling started - Rummy was very quick to step away at that point.


    Overall we'd welcome anyone willing to sponsor all or part of the board to get in touch - we've plenty of creative ways people can become involved in helping with costs!

  4. Can someone please confirm who runs the Twitter OAFC commercial account please. Looks like Billy Quarmby but might be wrong. Very curious as tried to help club with a very good contact in LED/Advertising and had no reply at all. Simply rude not to acknowledge. Know it was read 10 days ago.

    I'd say you are better off emailing them about a business endeavour than using Twitter?

  5. In Hardy's day he'd have just banned them for a couple of weeks out of spite and they'd have got back in line.


    I've few fond memories of my time there, but watching poor old Bugby stand in the rain because Alan was grumpy at him was quite comical. It all ended a few days later, everyone calmed down and got on with it... no need for a press release to tell people!

  6. It arguably is - but you should do it all the same; it's not the fault of the person on below minimum wage that the system is rigged against them. Most bills will come with a guide, but generally it's anything from 10-20% - situation depending - for a sit in meal or directed service.

  7. Wonder d if any of the mods had any graphs of the board activity over the years?


    Be interesting to see how the number of posts / number of visits has changed over the years.


    Could be interesting to anotate it e.g. Manager sacking / speculation about new one; play-off games and big cup games; etc.


    I'd guess that the Ched Evans period is one of the highest in the decade.

    We usually make Rummy do this kind of stuff, as he's top-nerd.


    But if he can get me or Zorrro the raw numbers I am sure one of us can piss away some work-hours playing with the spreadsheets!

  8. Agree with O4U, when Raggy and I went on our mandate last year we walked everywhere too - it was February, so brisk but not bitter - once you get moving you are fine. Despite the block-system (which genuinely is super-easy to navigate) we did get lost once. But it was 1am and we were smashed, so that's on us.


    I think from memory, because we didn't want a travel card, we paid about $15-20 for a single in to town from JFK - Raggy may remember better than I do, he usually does.


    Oh, and get the app citymapper for whilst you are there (requires data/wifi) if you are using the subway/busses, it's brilliant.

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