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Posts posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. If you won millions on the lottery, how many of you would spend some on the club, how much would you spend and how long do you think it would be before some fans turned on you?


    I reckon i'd need to have about £10 million pa spare so i could pick and choose which fans i'd let in....Wow, think how many could you could ban just for being miserbale. Think about it - 'hey, miserable moaning bastards in the Main Stand. OUT! Piss off. Go and get yer pie from Greggs. Happy fans only allowed.' I'd only need the new north stand (and i could afford to put money in the meter).

    In the pipe dream of all pipe dreams where I win £100m on the EuroMillions (that I don't actually play...) I'd buy the ground and pay for it to be done up. New chaddy end, sort out the main stand, tart up the RRE. Nice snazzy scoreboards and the like. And then I'd say to the club that I've done all this for you, you can use the ground free of charge, just pay the upkeep costs. Any money you make is yours to spend on running the club... Now you've got a start, don't f*** it up.


    Obviously on the condition that Bazza can no longer be on the board.


    I know, but the poster above suggested they rightly turn a blind eye to these things



    Its not so much pulling the rider along physically, the rider might draft behind a car for a bit to go a bit faster to jump back onto a group after a mechanical or crash. Its not allowed as such, but they are usually pretty lenient. Sometimes riders may drop back to a team car to pick up drinks, and hold onto the bottle for longer than they should, but its a matter of seconds. They won't literally get dragged along until they are back on with the group. You have to properly take the piss to get disqualified... which is exactly what Nibali did.

  3. Very unfortunate, as I would have gone to both, but as its finals day the cricket wins hands down.



    How many people who would have gone to Bury away will be at finals day? 10? 20?


    But yeah, the chance to see Lancs win a cup, or Latics win 3 points... I'm going for the cup!


    He had a go at her and the other doctor for treating Hazard on the pitch in accordance with General Medical Council regulations, which in turn led to Hazard being removed from the game for the next period of play. Eva is the one who did her job properly, and was demoted for doing so - furthermore she was placed under media scrutiny..


    What do you expect the doctor to do? Just ignore the referee beckoning them on? Maybe he should be criticising his player for staying down, rather than the medical staff." - Peter Brukner

    Thanks, but I already knew exactly what he'd done. And it wasn't lay blame on his medical staff for the equaliser.

  5. Fantastic days racing albeit punctuated with a race neutralisation and halt. What looked like a horrific crash resulted in only broken collarbones and arms.



    And 2 broken vertebrae in Spartacus' back. That he rode for 50 km with a broken back, and finished by climbing Mur Du Huy is incredible.

  6. Once you get to know what it is like to watch on a packed hilly stage, it just gives you the taste to watch more, the atmosphere and the anticipation makes it a must see event. Will you be taking a flag with you?



    No flag... i can't be arsed carrying it all day. It will be a long walk from the campsite to the hill!

  7. You can bring the pitch in for football though and I'm betting women's cricketers use smaller bats (probably like blokes ones 40 years ago). Same wicket.

    You can make the pitch smaller in football. Just repaint the lines.

  8. #jealous- watching the tour on Alpe d'Huez is definitely on my bucket list, especially after last year on Holme Moss.

    It's always been somewhere I've wanted to watch the race, but as we walked away from Holme Moss last year, after having a taste of it, I said to my brother next time it's on Alpe d Huez we are definitely going.


    Holme Moss last year... What a day that was.

  9. The ICC, who for the most part couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, have different playing conditions for men's and women's test matches. The women play 4 x 100 over days (rather than 5 x 90 overs), the boundaries are brought in, and the ball is lighter.

  10. Was away all weekend so not seen much of this years Glastonbury. Caught up with the Courteeners set (brilliant as always) and the Libertines.


    Libertines seemed very disappointing. No urgency or spark about them any more. They were absolutely brilliant before they first split up, but they are a shadow of their former selves now.


    Saw the Who at Hyde Park on Friday, and they were quality, so will probably give them a watch, though it will probably be exactly the same!


    Been a couple of times to Glastonbury, its just an absolutely brilliant place. So much to see and do. Even if you don't like any of the line up, you can still have a great time. The hill above the park stage is ace. Sitting up there with a few beers admiring the view is a fantastic way to spend a few hours.

  11. I don't think Contador will win, think the Giro will take its toll on him to be honest.


    Froome has a great chance if he can actually stay on his bike.


    I hope Quintana wins it, out of the 4 favourites.


    Cav will smash it this year. He's got Renshaw leading him out and Kittel is injured, and Cav has been doing well this season. Can see him winning 4 or 5, including Paris yet again.


    I'm going over for the last week. Staying in the Alps. Going to ride l'Alpe d'Huez, Galibier and Glandon. And then I get to watch 3 days worth as the race is in the area. Finishing with spending a day on Dutch corner as the race is (potentially) decided on l'Alpe d'Huez... so yeah, I'm pretty excited for the Tour this year.


    He was an unbelievable player, Scholes scored bags of goals too, topped 20 in one season and got double figures loads of times. Let's face it - Xavi, Iniesta, Pirlo, Scholes, all great players and not much separates them. Gerrard however was like many others, he was good but he wasn't the cut above.




    Scholes, Gerrard, Lampard - there is pretty much nothing that separates them. Great English midfielders, but not greats who can do it at club and international level. Scholes a better passer of the ball, Gerrard and Lampard both much better goalscorers (Lampard especially). Gerrard a bit more all action, Scholes more of a dirty cynical b*stard who managed to get away with it quite well. But if you swapped any of those 3 about, the fortunes of their respective clubs would not have changed at all I don't think. If Gerrard played for United and Scholes for Liverpool, United wouldn't have been any less successful.


    But the 3 of them, they are nowhere near as good midfielders as Xavi, Iniesta, Pirlo, and especially Zidane. And they managed to do a good job of showing that whenever they pulled on an England shirt. As soon as they were out of their comfort zone of having top quality players at their clubs around them, they couldn't perform. Unlike Xavi. Unlike Iniesta. Unlike Pirlo. Unlike Zidane.

  13. Xavi himself would disagree with you there. Scholes was an unbelievable player and yet his retirement (both times) didn't attract half the fuss Gerrard's transfer has, in spite of the fact he achieved far more in his career and, for my money, was a far superior player.


    Don't get me wrong, Gerrard's a classy player, although his powers are certainly waning, but all the talk of him being a one-off on the basis of his loyalty and the one-club-man annoys me. As of next season he won't be a one-club-man. And we've just seen Paul Scholes, Gary Neville, Ryan Giggs and Jamie Carragher retire without half as much attention surrounding them.



    He might well disagree with me, but thats only because he's being modest. Zinedine Zidane called Scholes the best midfielder in the world. But he wasn't, because Zidane was miles better. He was just being modest.


    Gerrard leaving Liverpool has caused such a fuss because Liverpool are one of the biggest clubs in the world, and a lot of their fans rate him as their greatest player ever. If Ryan Giggs announced he was leaving United, it would have caused similar fuss, because he's possibly their greatest ever player. But he never did announce it (because he's never left them).


    Personally, I think the whole thing in the media in general has gone way OTT. He's been a quality player, let Liverpool fans honour him in any way they want (and no one can tell them they are wrong for thinking like they do about him.) I don't think the rest of us need it plastered all over the telly and every football website you go on though.

  14. It really is the most expensive option and appears to me a massive false economy I'm amazed someone with Corney's business experience can't see.


    Dowie, or similar, would sell at least 500 extra season tickets.


    Kelly's appointment might well result in the sale of 500 fewer.


    1000 x £350 = £350,000.


    Pay a Dowie £100k, give him an extra £100k for players, bank £150k instead of paying Kelly £40k on top of the £350k we've just lost.


    Am I missing something fundamental here or could Kelly be costing £390k & leaving us with a lower playing budget?

    But how much is Kelly paying Corney?

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