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Everything posted by deyres42

  1. There is/was no mess to mop up, it is a squad full of previous promotion winners.
  2. The only reason people seem to have for keeping him is based on what he did elsewhere some time ago. Open your eyes to the here and now and the absolute dogs dinner he has made of it.
  3. That's strange because very few were suggesting the squad was a shambles at the time of his appointment. Surely a big reason for appointing the promotion specialist was that he'd be doing his best work in the championship rounds, not scrambling to finish a few places higher from when he started?
  4. We got into the top 7 comfortably with like a third of the season to play, all we had to do was maintain reasonable form - the way you are talking it is as if we've always been on the outside looking in.
  5. Don't know how many games he played without Sheron as comparison but he definitely suffered by playing alongside him.
  6. We sadly won't be appearing in the end of season extravaganza that is the promotion playoffs.
  7. Looking increasingly obvious that not much thought went into the appointment beyond looking at his previous record. He was clearly brought in to either win or go very close to winning promotion this season and got nowhere near it.
  8. This. Means. Everything. Or it would have done if that dope Mellon hadn't hoofed our chances away...
  9. There seemed to be a plan in the early part of the summer window signing players with a younger profile then for whatever reason they moved away from that.
  10. Yes, zero imagination from the training ground, a common theme.
  11. Won't be winning promotion with a 34yo and 36yo leading the line.
  12. Not sure that is the case, he had a reputation for being a workhorse elsewhere.
  13. Are we really saying 9 games at the start of the season has determined the rest of it? We were eyeing up a top 3 finish if we'd beaten Bromley...
  14. What was worse, Sheri's 10 defeats in 12 or Mello's 3 wins in 14?
  15. Lot of positive signs today, I'd be looking to tie him down for longer, sure to be a man in demand this summer.
  16. I'm not ruling out a top 4 finish, in big Mick Mellon in trust.
  17. Also repeated the lie that we were 22nd when Mellon came in.
  18. No, there's a summer to waste first before they come to their senses.
  19. Think Unsworth and now Mellon have built up the idea that BP is some seething cauldron of hate, fans foaming at the mouth ready to turn on the players at any moment and that's why they can't perform. It is complete nonsense.
  20. Before and after Boreham Wood game where he told all and sundry they were shit and couldn't play.
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