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Posts posted by RichardOafc

  1. COG is doing very well at Dale becuase he is getting games which means time on the pitch !!


    His contract is up next summer and he will be able to talk to clubs again in Jan so with this in mind I wouldnt mind taking Dags on


    Stephens is also a good player who never got the time on the pitch for latics


    2 Players COG and Stephens who's careers have been put on hold for signing for a club that didnt really want them !!!

    would swap co,g for him but keep stephhens as he could turn out to be a goood player.

  2. To be honest I wouldn't have Jones back, I don't think he is what we need. We need a defensively sound left back, Jones was very good at piling forward and giving us an attacking threat down that line but he was caught out of position a lot and his defensive ability was questionable. I'd like us to keep Sheehan, if not we need to sign someone who can defend.

    yep go with that always rated sheehan since his leicester days.

  3. Firstly, I'm not saying people shouldn't question the motives or decisions of our owners. After Chris Moore we should all be vigilant, not complacent.


    Secondly, I'm no shill for TTA. This is a genuine question, not an attack on any poster.


    That said, why do some seem to think TTA are stupid or inept? Some posts on recent transfers imply that they're totally incompetent negotiators or businessmen. I find that difficult to believe; you don't get to where they are by being naïve, gullible or shy & retiring. We don't know what money we've made (and statements from other fans, friends of friends, or managers aren't reliable - there are reasons to underplay what you've made/spent).


    Sure, the rumoured fee for Eardley concerns me - but I really struggle to believe that if it's true it's because TTA are rubbish at agreeing fees. Maybe we should be asking why we don't tie good players to contracts sooner, or why they don't want to stay, but focusing on a perceived lack of business acumen might be a distraction from other valid questions.


    (Edited to clarify my question.)

    i think it was a brilliant bit of bussines for eardley,out of contract at end of season,cant cross,cant deffend,often gets left behind by a decent winger, 300k plus there maybe add ons i wouldnt pay 300 washers myself in this market for him,perhaps tta didnt want to get caught out again ala wellans/porter by a player running his contract down.

  4. If Will's a free agent, then there will be absolutely no harm in seeing him take part in pre-season training. That would give Penney the chance to have a good luck at him and decide for himself whether he's worthy of a contract.


    Don't assume St Mirren have released him because he isn't good enough; Scottish football finances are not at their best right now. And it had already been rumoured that he was looking to move back south.

    agree setanta have done scottish football no favours,expect to see a few jocks looking at the championship and league 1

  5. Just been to collect my season ticket and whilst waiting saw two fellas leave the main entrance and get into a car - didn't recognise anyone but one was suited and booted (agent?) and the other in shorts and t-shirt (player?).....

    club doctor,dr northfield used to be my doctor at st georges medical centre in moston,never seen him suited and booted looks like a farmer after feeding the pigs lol.

  6. i know he has only been in his new job a day..but this has been brewing for the past month really.only confirmed yesterday..so apparently he now has a budget of 4 million to be invested in players to get them into our league and beyond...


    so with such a huge pot of cash for a league 2 club,and knowing how financially insecure our club is currently...anybody thinking along the lines of him coming in for any of our players,maybe one big money offer????


    or will he have learnt his lesson and recruit players from elswhere???? :unsure:

    i bet he trys to sign kelvin lomax,i know shez likes him and rates him.

  7. Dont know how reliable this is but heard today that abbott is a done deal, and we have offered a contract to scott golbourne and

    a un-named midfielder recently released from Cardiff.


    Just sharing what I heard, suppose time will tell if true.

    for me glenn murray could be a goer, considering he and his wife want to move back to the north west.

  8. I would not have him back, Moves away from us when we were still in a good chance of the play-offs and stuppost to be a billy big boots in the dressing room, and now no one is showing intested he is probably begging for latics to take him back, Latics took a big chance taking him on in the first place and got slated for it and oldham fans stuck by him every game singing "Hughesy, Hughesy" ,,,, W@nker

    i would have him back ,hes quality in this league,his goals do the talking.

  9. hes a good keeper from what i know. Be a great number two and competetion for Fleming. Dont let his release deceive you its mainly due yo financial crisis
    in the number of times ive seen dean brill play,i would rate him as good if not better than fleming, so poss he may be our number 1 if signed.


  10. i agree...considering we havent yet shifted 1k worth of tickets....says a lot about peoples intentions for next season already.

    im sure once players start arriving and things start looking up more will buy....so why not extend it by another month....or just keep it at this price full stop.

    totaly agree with you mate,we may even get a few more of the undecideds if its still cheap close to the season start.


  11. The club should extend the period anyway to make a good news story and give fan's a second chance to grab a discount season ticket. People's finances are tight so maybe they haven't got that extra money to dip into like they would of in previous years.
    from what ive heard theres been a very low response compared to last season,think they should extended it till mid july,evreyone will be missing there footie by then.


  12. what sort of logic is it that labels wolfy a sponger exactly? Hes a Latics fan who's been trying since he was 16 to make an impact playing for the club he loves but has been unlucky with injuries. He then gets offered a short term contract, which he thinks about and then accepts, because he wants to give it one last shot before essentially giving up on his dream. He got offered a contract, its not like he asked for it.


    Honestly, sometimes i think some people just wave stupid accusations around here to look good because they've got nothing better to wave

    but hes cack, everyone knows that,hey may even think that himself,send him on loan to staly vegas.

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