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Posts posted by ste1987

  1. The perfect protest vote ideally wouldn't be for a racist party and more along the lines of the Green party (God forbid) but that's a different debate.


    The BNP haven't stepped into the Labour vacuum at all, instead pandering to the 'immigrants get a free house/car/bag of cash' opinion that people like John Gaunt and Daily Mail journos like to promote as gospel.


    The BNP are voted for in areas like Burnley and Oldham because there's a mentality of 'them and us' in the minds of far too many White people.


    The idea that voting for the BNP is a 'protest vote' is just a screen for those people who do vote BNP to not have to admit to being racist. When the economy is falling to pieces its easy for a far-right party to gain support by pointing fingers at ethnic minorities - much like the Nazis did in 1930s Germany.


    The similarities are really quite startling <_<


    Spot on...

  2. Didn't have a bet yesterday, but today I've gone for


    2.05 - Reve de Sivola

    2.40 - Punchestowns

    3.20 - Twist Magic

    4.40 - Bothy


    My picks were:


    2.05 - Peddlers Cross

    2.40 - Long Run

    3.20 - Forpadydeplasterer

    4.00 - Deutschland

    4.40 - Bothy

    5.15 - Al Ferof

  3. I must have imagined that we won, kept another clean sheet and are now 7 points clear of the relegation zone.


    Some people are really quite pathetic to be moaning about that.


    At this stage of the season any win is a good win whether it be a scrappy 1-0 or anything else. 3 points is 3 points. Get a grip.


    Agree 100%.


  4. Like most Latics, I didn't feel particularly elated coming away from Stockport last night, even though we won. It made me think of other terrible games that we have won. I'm struggling to beat last night but how about:

    Mansfield away 1-0 when Fitz Hall scored a last minute pen and Eyres got sent off

    Birmingham at home mid 90s- we won 4-0 (!) and Francis scored 2 oown goals. Great result but an awful match


    any others?


    Considering our position (referring to last night and this season), I would take a 'bad win' and 3 points any time rather than playing well and coming back with nothing.

  5. Keep the swearing down lads. But I do agree with BB80. Some of our muppet fans would rather we lost so they can give the whole "penney out" chants some justice, yet surely it would be more beneficial to just get behind the team. It amuses me more so, how disapointed they get when he's still here the following Monday morning :lol:

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