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chaddy the owl

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Everything posted by chaddy the owl

  1. I honestly dont know who it will be, but it wont be the one you saw last time Someone will have to let me know how he gets along, hopefully he will know what to do. I cant wait for Doncaster now, its like starting out all over again. P.S. My personal issues were put to bed yesterday, we had a good send off for my Aunty and im feeling really ill today, but it was worth it, thank you all for your support (Apart from Coco )
  2. Is that a dig Rocky? I know what your referring to, and she only made me butties as she knew i wouldnt eat anything otherwise and would end up really drunk. They were cracking butties as well
  3. Just ignore Cheltenham Robin, i know him very well and he is a bit of a numpty like that. It is in fact Cheltenhams mascot Rockin Robin. Well known on the mascot scene (but not loved by many)
  4. Oooh, get you headmaster Do i get lines or just "5 of the best"......And no, im not not putting my school uniform on whilst you punish me you perv.
  5. Did you put a different coach on to the one i was on then? He said I WAS QUITE
  6. I will be there at Doncaster if Donny let me, the club are sorting that for me. As for this Saturday against Millwall, i wont be there........But Chaddy will
  7. Paul Taylor Just wondering if anyone knows this lad? Check out his pictures. He goes in the Abbey with a girl who works at our place and he claims to know me (Which may be possible), but apparently he then said i was very quite and didnt really say much He says he knows me from the Beardy bus. Correct me if im wrong but am i not even more loud when im on the bus? From the picture he looks like he may of slipped out of his rear buckled belt and crept of the yellow bus.
  8. I just wanted to let you all know, i have emailed Alan to tell him i would like to carry on as Chaddy if the club want me to. I have had time to reflect and discuss this with my family and good friends, and they have all pointed out that i would be gutted to leave at this point. Having read all the great posts on this subject i feel like i would not only be letting myself down in a big way by leaving, i would be letting the kids down in an even bigger way, and at the end of the day, thats what i do the job for...........The look on kids faces is priceless, and only people who have had a go in the suit can understand that truly. Thanks for all the support, i will see you all soon (If the club accept my request). Although i wont see you at Millwall game as im going away with my family to get my head sorted, but im driving back very early Monday so i can go to the Doncaster game. See you soon, Chaddy.
  9. If anyone does take over, it wont be beardy, the stitching cant take the strain Its alright Beardy, you know im only serious
  10. And i was devestated that it took me that long. If i hadnt been slowing down to help my mate i would have knocked about 10 - 15 minutes off that time. If im still Chaddy by then, im doing it again this year. Just need to drum up some sponsorship. I might see you there again if we both do it.
  11. The one club that dont have a mascot is Liverpool.
  12. Dont fall for it mate, Coco is just showing people how out of touch with reality he really is. If mascots were stuck in the 90's why does all but 1 of the 92 league clubs have one? They obviously have their uses in some way. Just ignore him, he's fishing for a bite again
  13. Jesus wept, Chickers is getting all philosophical. I prefer you when your drunk mate, you make much more sense Thanks for the nice words though mate, you are one of the ones who gets to see just how much i do love the job.
  14. Thanks for all the support guys. Having had a brief chat with Alan, the decision has been put on hold. Without going too much into it, i have had a REALLY bad week with friends and close family dying. Life just feels crap at the minute, but all this just seemed to come at the wrong time. It has been decided that once my personal problems have blown over i will sort my decision out with Alan. I am due to not be at the game next week as im away with the family, so it seems i have two weeks to think about where i want this to go. Obviously i would love to carry on as Chaddy, at the end of the day it has brought me so much joy. Yes, it cost's me a fortune at times, but it has always been worth it. If it doesnt go the way i want it to go, then at least i know the club have sorted out a replacement.
  15. Like i said, i didnt really want this to come out as ive still not heard anything from the club. Im sure someone will jump to conclusions, but in my eyes i didnt do anything wrong and that seems to be much of the problem. What i see as not a problem and what someone else see's as a problem is obviously a conflict. I would like to wait until i hear from Alan tomorrow as to what he thinks of it, but he has always been very fair with me over the past years and im sure he will make the best decision. I really didnt want to quit, but i felt as though there is not much choice. If i didnt make a stand i can see it only going one way. At the end of the day i love this club more than anything, even if im not chaddy i will still be there no matter what. Coco, i know your trying to maybe get a reaction from someone, but i hope it's not from me, i dont fall for that kind of thing . Although i agree that the person inside the suit is irrelevent in some ways, they have to have "something about them" to be a mascot. Kids are not stupid, they know when something isnt right. As for all the stuff i do, i dont do it for reward or praise, i do it becasue my job is to entertain kids and draw them into the club, the stuff i do is giving that result, and if it costs me a lot of money in the process, then so be it. I was well aware when i took the job it may cost me money, i just didnt realise just how much, but i dont have a problem with that (Cant speak for the wife though). I never get a weekend off, if im not at an away game, im at some kind of appearence. Thats what made me tick,and i was happy to do it. Im sure something will be announced very soon, but in the meantime i would just like to apologise to any children i have let down by making this decision. P.S. Whoever it was that said "get the old guy back". That may be difficult, he is a preist in the states. Although, yes, he was very good. But just remember, when i first took over, people said "You rnot as good as the old one".
  16. To be fair mate, i dont think talking will resolve it to be honest. I totally respect the decision which was made, but it doesnt mean i agree with it. Ive said my peace now, its not down to me to sort it out, i would have thought i would have heard something back from them though, even if it was to ask when they can have the kit back. Cheers Phil. Beardy never really got a freebie, he got in free at away games, but that was because he was my helper in carrying my stuff and warning me of any "numpties". That was the least i could do. I never really got freebies from the job, although i got the occasional game of golf and footbal for free (fans fixture)
  17. Erm.........I was hoping this wouldnt get announced until at least tomorrow when i at least get an email from the club to acknowledge my resignation, but it looks like its out now. All i can say is........Thanks, thanks to everyone who has given me support through this extremely difficult decision. I never though it would be that hard a decision to make, but i guess i loved doing the job a little too much. Im sure the new chaddy will be just as daft as me. See ya !
  18. How about this........As the baby is born, hold them upside down and smack their bottom until they cry whilst all the time whispering "this is how it feels to be a Newcastle / Sunderland fan later in life. Choose life......Choose Latics". That itself will put a message in the back of their brain for when their older to support a proper team. Why didnt you think of this long ago? Sometimes i think people think more of their job and family than they do about our club.
  19. I wish i was on commision for Chaddys gang. I think this is the short straw of the job. Twice i year i attend my gangs parties. If anyone has attended one you will know exactly what i mean when i say i spend two hours getting ten bells knocked out of me by about 50 kids. They chase me round, corner me, and batter the living crap out of me. I dont even get an appearence fee, i do it out of my love for the club. I also dont get any sympathy off the missus when i cant walk for the next 3 days afterwards.
  20. He is too young for Boundary Blues. You have to be 6 years old to be in that. He can join Chaddy's gang though. Just call into the shop or ring them to join. Im outraged though. He is there looking a bundle of joy in his Latics coat, but there is something missing...............A Chaddy owl teddy. Sort it out
  21. Erm, yes, i forgot about that, but i dont think that exactly counts as missing a game. I was seriously ill that day. The only reason i went was because my missus was in the box and i got talked into sitting up there with two coats on and did not enjoy it what so ever. What makes it worse is that i actually turned up that day with my gear ready to do it, but on seeing me i was told by several staff NOT to be stupid enought o be chaddy that day. Saying that, how many people do you know who go in work with a chest infection AND tonsilitis at the same time?
  22. Erm i doubt it, he didnt exactly enjoy it last time. I emailed the club to tell them i wont be there and they havent asked for another mascot to stand in for me.
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