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chaddy the owl

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Everything posted by chaddy the owl

  1. I do listen to Key 103 every now and again but only in the morning when Mike, Chelsea and Hugh are on. Ive met them a couple of times and been in the studio live, there a top bunch of people. As for Sweens, Beardy will tell you, he is one of the nicest blokes you could meet. He comes across as a hardnut and a jack the lad on the radio, he is just an honest family guy (with a VERY attractive wife) who loves people listening to him. And to add to the bonus he gets paid a small fortune for what he does as well. He tried to convince me to go and see the Salford jets last weekend but i already had something on. I beleive they are very good though. As for the united thing.....He is a big Reds fan and even works for MUTV, but he has a love for Oldham and always has done since the days Joe Royle used to let him train with the team to keep fit. He has been known to come to the odd game when he can as he only lives in Uppermill. One thing i have learnt about him though.....Dont go for a 50/50 ball against him and try to use force to get the ball. That guy is built of steel im sure of it, its like hitting a concrete wall head on
  2. Erm, maybe its to do with peoples taste in music. In all honesty i will listen to absolutely anything from Pachabell's "canon" to James and through to Marilyn Manson. The main reason i listen to it is just because im good mates with Sweeney and i think they play a lot better music than Key103 and Revolution. Anyway, he gave a really good long mention to Phil and Kidderz for their walk from Millwall, i gave him all the details last night at footy and he did the full lot including giving out the website address to sponsor them.
  3. Just wondering if anyone listens to the new station Rock Radio? If you do, did you hear the mention on there at about 3:45pm today?
  4. There was two of them who organised it. Leighton got most of the lads, Dave (moonie) booked the boat and the car........From what i beleive from my conversations with him. Im gonna ring him tonight if he's in any fit state.
  5. He sent me a message this morning saying he was in Scotland and the skipper of the boat said the forcast for the trip was "Not very calm waters or brilliant weather". I think he's bricking it. Its his own fault. All the bloody money that lads got and he is scrimping and saving on a trip like that.
  6. I got asked if i fancied that as it is my mate who organised it.......You guessed it, none other than Moonchester the mascot himself.
  7. I would like to wish a speedy recovery to both your lads. How old are they just out of interest?
  8. Just had a message from Toby Tyke (Barnsley mascot) to say all the players have just heard about ernie and would like to offer their condolences. Toby came to the benefit game for Ernie and got to meet him, he said he was a true gent and will be sadly missed. Looks like the whole English football world will miss you mate.
  9. That is awful news to hear. Words cant describe how that lovable guy is going to be missed by everyone who ever had the pleasure of meeting him. God bless Ernie. My heart goes out to your family and friends.
  10. Words can't describe how upsetting it to hear this news last night. It will be a devastating day if he passes away, come on buddy keep fighting. God bless
  11. Ive got to be truthful Barry, your answer wasnt as funny as mine. Nice try though
  12. OH MY GOD, WHAT??? I will tell you now my little possum darlings, hughsey is going nowhere.
  13. I must have been naughty or something. Might be because i made my feeling known about OTWB fans team, im being punished for speaking
  14. Think yourself lucky, ive just come out of the shop this morning with two of them for myself
  15. I see your busy and eager to make a good impression in your new job Beardy.........By skivving and looking on football websites. Go on, tell us its ok cause your the boss. Thats no excuse...........Apart from mine
  16. It was a cracking day even if the results didnt go our way in the end. But im sure like me everyone enjoyed themselves. I think it would have been a totally different outcome for us had the wind not been so bad, it just didnt suit our game. I agree with Rocky, Cloughie was absolutely immense today in every game. The first goal he scored was awsome. I took the corner and just pinged it to the penalty spot, Cloughie was like a salmon and bullet headed it into the net. His second was just the same apart from the ball being delivered by Phil. That ref we had was terrible and ive seen some bad ones. I hot a ball in the first half of one game and it hit the oposition player and flew out for our throw. The ref decided it was not our throw as he said it didnt hit there player. The other team were cracking up laughing at his blatant balls up. I think it was Rob who said something to him and the ref went barmy about it. Whilst we were waiting for a corner i went to the ref and explained that Rob was only annoyed becasue he gave such a bad decision, he just strugged his shoulders and said "so i got it wrong, oh well". Fantastic attitude eh? There is always next seasons fixtures to look forward to now though.
  17. PC Devine? Surely not, he is loved by all and he is my best freind. Now....Who was it who had me thrown out of Donny and lost me the chance to be the England mascot at the world cup? His name seems to have escaped me. I was going to join the police about 5 years ago, but my dad promised to disown me if i did. A fair few of his mates have got sons in the police and they get nothing but crap from people. Not the kind of thing you want.
  18. Im not really into watching cricket, i was more into playing it when i was younger. But i have to admit that im going on friday to OT to watch the 20/20. I dont even know who's playing though, im going because its chance to catch up with all my old mates from when i played footy for Middleton town. There will be about 20 of us heading into Manchester at about 2pm to get larrupped and "watch the cricket". Last time i went it was an all day thing and that was fantastic. The sun was blazing and the beer was flowing. We managed to build a tower over 15 foot high out of all the empty pint pots we drank from which was very impressive at the time. I then got dared to run with it to the toilets and back without being caught by the stewards. Whilst being chased back though i tripped, this resulted in me knackering my knee and about 20 people getting hit in the head by flying plastic pint pots. Beardy is coming with me this time, lets hope its as enjoyable.
  19. If i spent as long as you on it i think i would be just as good. SOme of us have got jobs to go to though Im going to get kicked for that comment tonight arent i?
  20. Yep, im online. Have a guess what my name is? Guitar hero is the Dogs dangly bits online.
  21. Didnt Tommy say somewhere last week that the way he has been playing when they watched him last season he wont have any problems walking into the starting line up at the start of the season? I know i read it somewhere so it was either the chron, the official site, or Tommy came round my house and told me. I vote for option number two.
  22. He said he was as important to the club as TTA whilst he was half cut? Cant imagine me ever doing that............... Beer is an AWFUL substance. In the words of a wise yellow fat man...."The cause and the solution to all lifes worries". (Homer Simpson 1998)
  23. The Chadderton FC situation is VERY strange. Before it came to light that they were struggling they had been quoted in the chron as saying that the constant repairs to vandalism of the ground was costing them a small fortune. Truth is, they didnt pay for any of the repairs, nothing was being fixed. Thats when i suspected there was trouble brewing. They wont pay for entry into the FA Vase, even though the club secretary ofered them the money in exchange for a company cheque. Seems to me like its only a matter of time, which is a real shame as Tony and Craig have always seemed like really great blokes whenever ive spoken to them. I do hope they pull through the trouble.
  24. They paid a lump sum up front and they have to pay a set amount for each of the 3 seasons they sponsored the kit. All money has been paid up to date, but not sure when they have to pay for this season if they havent already done so. There is no way they will change the sponosor for this season though, the shirts are near enough made by now, if they changed the sponosor we wouldnt have a new kit for the start of the season as it takes 8-10 weeks from placing the order to taking delivery.
  25. I aint heard anything about this........But then again, in the words of Del Amitri....."Always the last to know" Im more than happy to jog out along side another mascot as it will add to the fun i can have in the ground. But one more word about me being dropped and im gonna rip "Rocky's" head clean off first game of the season. ......And NO, i dont mean you my little ginger turncoat friend I found out in the paper last night that apparently im appearing at the SPindles shopping centre of Saturday between 10am and 4pm. Fantastic news........Apart from i didnt know about it
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