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chaddy the owl

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Everything posted by chaddy the owl

  1. I can also confirm that the Salford Jets will be playing a gig at Whittles on the 12th July. I was supposed to be going along to see them as im good mates with Mike Sweeney (radio DJ who never shuts up) and he is the lead singer of the Jets. Trouble is im at a go karting day with Cable comms and then at a BBQ at the owners house in Stockport. Gutted
  2. Nope, its not who i thought it was. Top Mossley or bottom? You go drinking round there? If so where? I usually go in the Commercial
  3. Welcome Dutch. Where you from in Mossley? Just wondering if your someone i know.
  4. didn't someone say at the time that he was the guy who was after buying the club? Who was it that said that?...... Oh wait, it was me
  5. Sorry to hear that Gillian, all my thoughts are with you. As i said on the phone the other week, if there is anything i can do that you think will help the cause please give me a shout, im only happy to help. Chaddy.
  6. They planning on putting in a planning application for the changing rooms then? Theres only just enough room for 16 as it is, never mind another 2.
  7. I too am a skivving office monkey. Where my monitor is though it can be seen as you come into my office so ive got the skill of dropping the window thats open down to a fine art. That backfired though yesterday when i decided to play about with my computer and rotated my whole screen 180 degrees. When someone came in i tried to move the mouse down to close it and ended up with the cursor at the top of the screen and someone behind me just laughing at me as they knew they had caught me. Not been bad this week though, my director was in Taiwan on business, its been like the last day at school before the summer holidays all week (apart from we got paid for this). I have been flying a remote control helicopter round the board room for two days, highly amusing.
  8. You trying to say the top class chron reporters DID NOT listen to what was being said and printed something completely incorrect? I cant beleive that, i only hope that never happens with me.........
  9. There are two issue within this debate for me. Firstly, this lad with the drum had his drum nicked. The club had a story about it and said that his mum forked out to buy him a new drum. Balls.....That was my bloody drum. Somone kindly donated it to me and i was planning when it would be used (ie, was going to take it to an away game which allowed it), the next thing i know, the drum has vanished, the story came out, and i noticed this lad had MY drum. Secondly, where the hell do i go next season? Do i stay hovering round the Chaddy(Where im named after)? Or do i go up to the RRE to have some fun and wind up the away supporters? Choices, choices.....Its all too much.
  10. Had a cracking day. My legs were knackered from the fans game but i still managed to get out at half time with the other mascots who turned up. Cant beleive Rochdales other mascot didnt have the decency to turn up for one of his past players. Everyone was fantastic and made ALL the mascots feel very welcome. Belting day which did exactly what it was aimed to do, it made people aware. Oh........And Shez's lad hit me square in the spuds with a shot. He's got a belting shot on him.
  11. Up to last Tuesday they had sold over 8000 and i think they had only been on sale a week. A lot of people are saying they will buy them in a week or two. They are expecting to sell about 18000 at least from what i was told. They are not all £100 per season ticket, that is for certain seats. They range from £100 to about £175 in the best seats. I still thinks its a big chance for the club to take.
  12. As long as the effort is there mate it doesnt matter if your not the most skillful.......Ive got away with it for long enough The OWTB team have got there next game on Sunday at 9am on little wembley next to the ground. Come along and meet everyone. Nobody thinks your a K**b Kellysheroes, they just know you want to win at all costs. Nowt wrong with that my freind.
  13. The funniest bit was when you ran in for a tackle on Aaron Chambers and you looked like you were going to snap him, but as you got there someone else was trying to tackle him and he just turned and ran off with the ball. You face was a picture when you realised you had just been done. He was VERY good though, dont really think he should have played, it was a bit unfair on you lot. Were you not the one who had a do with James Mlawe last year?
  14. I remember you doing that. I heard the "Tink" noise and turned round to see you having a hissy fit at the post. Lesson number one.......Dont shout at inanimate objects, they dont take any notice of you.
  15. I hope that whoever was filming it didnt zoom in on me after you saved it, if anyone can lip read they will be in for a shock. There was a bit of a four letter rant
  16. You stood out a mile as being the one who wanted to win big time. There was a comment on our bench along the lines of "He's either gonna smack one of our players or one of his own if he doesnt calm down" I totally understand though mate, even when im playing with players who are miles better than me i still get wound up as i just want to win at EVERYTHING. I just need to get hold of a copy of the DVD now to see just how close i came to scoring. Thats the first game in a while ive played on BP and not scored, that really wound me up last night.
  17. If you are really the guy who was playing as number 10 then good on you for doing that last night, you really seemed to enjoy yourself. I was the one who kept marking you for corners even though you were about 6 inches taller than me. I just knew i would not have to run fast if you went for the ball Everyone seemed to have a great time last night.....apart from Rob and that number 8 who seemed to be getting a little frustrated that everybody wasnt as good as him.
  18. It was a great game. Rob was awsome as per usual, but Oaksey got man of the match which was well deserved. The problem being was that the club team picked out the weakness' in the fans team within about 5 minutes and used that to there advantage. Rob wasnt at fault for any of the goals (Especially Swaineys own goal ), but he pulled off a fantastic save from my shot which i would have put money on it going in. It was a full stretch dive to the bottom right corner from a 20 yard screamer. And Oaksey just got there in time to stop me scoring at the far post I thought the fans number 10 was lightning fast, he was just a blur when he ran.........As long as you all enjoyed it though, thats the main thing. Just a quick point though for Rob..........Thats 14 goals in 2 games
  19. Going to the 20/20, going to the masters, running the Manchester 10k race.....Then basically non stop appearences all summer. At least the players get the summer off the lucky bleeders. Im sure the missus will have plenty of stuff for me to do around the house in any spare time i find. Oh, and i will be spending as many days on the golf course as i can.
  20. I got told something about Ernies benefit game yesterday whish was both very upsetting to hear and extremely annoying....... I was told that some of the stewards from our club who have been asked to steward the game have refused because they have been told they wont be getting paid (For obvious reasons). I would tell thise stewards to not bother turning back up for work next season. They know who they are.......Hang your heads in shame
  21. Can't say i noticed her ............... But i beleive someone posing as me was harrasing her in the first half
  22. They should do what i suggested........... Put a long wire across the edge, as they jump over the barrier the wire gets raised, they hit the floor face first, lose a couple of pearly ones from the front of their mouth. Hey presto, lesson taught. I thought i was beinf fair by telling my lad......If the club dont get fined, neither does he. In all fairness, i think the club will get away with it.
  23. Why's it sad? He doesnt earn money himself as he doesnt have a part time job. How else will i teach him that breaking the law costs him? He wants to use the money to buy a game for his console, this way he has to make up for it to gain the lost money back. You failed to see that a worthy cause is the main benefit from all this.
  24. I found out yesterday that my step son (12 years old) was one of the ones on the pitch. He was sat with his mates from school so im afraid it was a bit of peer pressure in his case as he knows how i feel about people running on the pitch. I explained to him that what he did was breaking the law, he said "Yeah, but my mates did it". I explained to him that his mates wont be paying towards his "Fine" from his birthday money if the club get charged for it. His "Fine" will go towards Ernie Cooksie, so everyone benefits. Ernie gets that bit extra, and my lad learns that breaking the law costs you in one way or another. I hate the fact that people run on the pitch at the end of season, it means i cant show my appreciation to the kids as there is always some numpty who wants to make a name for himself by punching the big owl. The one who tried it last season won ttry it again though, he tasted my knuckles in return for hitting me. Dont think they were to his liking though
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