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chaddy the owl

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Posts posted by chaddy the owl

  1. Yep, that is true, they do football games as overtime.


    Speaking of coppers at Latics..........


    Anyone ever seen the female one with blonde hair who is VERY good looking :shock: , i think she usually hangs around the police box?...........


    I was added as a friend to someone who used to live nextdoor to me from the age of 6 until i was 14, she was a couple of years younger than me.......Turns out it is her :grin: . Oh, happy days, if thats not an excuse to run riot near the away fans without fear of being linched then i dont know what is. :wink:

  2. Karen (if the same one) married my mate Phil Lent - a dirty red. Got 2 lads both mad on football but showing a similar persuasion to the dark side. Encouraging to hear of a visit to BP.


    That cant be the same one then. The Karen i know married someone called Paul. They had a boy and a girl. Paul and his son are United fans, but Karen and her dad are Latics fans, that's why her dad takes him to Latics. He sits just near the away dugout and wears glasses, he is called Alan.


    They live where the old St Augustines school was (or was it called St Alsoms or summat) just near Holts estate.

  3. I wonder if Higgins bores people he meets to death by endlessly repeating the story about how he once played snooker against a young incarnation of the person who later regenerated into Chaddy the Owl?

    You know what, i beleive he is still seen staggering around Ireland mumbling something about "I once played against some young lad who later grew up to be a famous giant mutant owl". They just put it down to the guiness these days. :grin:


    No it's a different one.


    The one I think you mean is at the top of Middleton Road (Chadderton above Westwood) next to Oldham college near the Oldham Way flyover opposite the old Sainsbury's Carpark.


    Hurricanes (Alex Higgins's snooker club) was just off Union Street down towards the Chronicle office.


    That snooker club was called Oldham snooker club. I used to play in there when i first moved to Oldham when i was 14. I played there until i was about 23/24. There was a famous Latics fans who would be in there quite often who was the same age as me. He used to be in there usually on a Wednesday night with his dad, often on the table next to us. He went by the name of Paul Scholes.

  4. I didnt even live in Oldham then and i knew that Alex owned a club called Hurricanes.


    My claim to fame is that i have played snooker against Alex 4 times when i was 13 years old in a club down Bury. He just came over when there was only me and my dad in the club and asked me if i fancied a game. Really nice bloke. He even let me use his cue which he used in the big comps. He even got me the official rules handbook from the Embassy tournament that all the players get. He signed it and got a few others to sign it for me. None of my mates beleived me until two of them came to the club with me one night and he just walks up dead casual and says "hows it going Wayne, your dad not in here tonight? If your in next week you fancy another game?" My mates were gobsmacked to say the least.


    Top bloke and dead down to earth (at the time), now he's just a nut job. :o

  5. Does anybody remember that place (Cant thinks of it's name) on Rock street facing the doctors that used to sell beers in Steins?


    It was down some stairs and it was only a small place, but it had some great music and you used to have to sit down to drink as the steins were so heavy.


    Used to go in there when i was 16 with Karen Butterworth :wub: (my missus at the time). Oh happy dayz !!! Always got some meathead giving me the eye with that look of "What the hell is an ugly sod like you doing with a blonde haired blue eyed godess like her" :tongue1: ......Still dont know myself to this day? :blush:

  6. I have fond memories of Scandals. That was my first night club i ever attended. I was just turned 15 and my cousin had just got married and had his reception at some place in Royton called "Blue Moon" or Moon something. It was up some steep stairs round a back street. My sister had just started seeing some lad called Pete who she eventually married (for about 4 years). He was a top lad, and it didnt go down well when they split up and i still remained friends with him.


    Anyway, i was sat there, 15 years old, with my sisters new boyfriend asking me and my girlfriend at the time if we fancied going clubbing. At the time i looked REALLY young for my age (had to carry ID until i was 23), so he lent me his driving licence. I had about 20 minutes to remember his name, address, and DOB. Luckily i managed to get in, and i had a top night dancing to alsorts of music. On the way out (at which point i was bladdered) i witnessed three or four big blokes knocking ten colours of crap out of each other. Then got in a taxi back home. And for added entertainment i got to see my mum and dad having a go at my sister in the morning for the fact i had thrown up all over the front driveway at our house :lol:


    As for the Candlelight............


    I am now 33, and November last year was the first and ONLY time i have ever been in the place. It was scary how sad some of the people looked. I lasted about 90 minutes in there and just had to get out of there. NEVER AGAIN :blink:

  7. Cheers I'm not going to comment on how good it is, but the best bit was the bloke who used to write about his away days someone on here i presume


    That was Broady who does come on here. He is the guy who does the PA whilst Franny is on the pitch. he stopped doing the write up as he was getting very busy with his radio show on Revolution and other stuff.


    I cant beleive nobody likes my write up......I guess that's why Gordon doesnt print it sometimes after ive spent over an hour writing it :mad:



  8. They certainly do work well thorntons chocolates dont they.


    If i want to get in the good books, i buy a box of Thorntons, get her some Pino Grigio, and put on a Van damme film.........After i have put a towel down on the settee :blink:


    You just know im going to get a slapped wrist for that comment arent i? :huh:

  9. Oh God, i forgot about the Nazi stewards.


    I remember last seasons game when one fo them stopped me as Chaddy and said he was going to have me thrown out because i was drunk. I asked for an explanation, but all i got was "i can smell lager on you". I tried to explain that i had not touched any lager, but he wasnt having any of it. I told him that i had been drinking redbull and that is what he could smell.


    In the end his boss came over and he ended up getting told off in fron tof me and Beardy. Well funny.


    Oh, and i forgot to mention to him that the redbull contained a slight hint of Vodka. :wink:

  10. He really is looking forward to coming up here on 16th feb. He is staying up here for the weekend and going out with Lidds and Pogs. He is even bringing his family up here as they all miss the club.


    He also did promise that if he did score on Saturday or at our place he will NOT celebrate in the slightest. :wink:

  11. Ive just been onto Warney, i told him he is not allowed to score tomorrow against us just like all our old players always do. His reply was "Theres not much chance of that, but my hearts still with the Latics so i dont count as an old player".


    I hope he gets a great reception on the 16th Feb just for that comment alone.

  12. "will he be in the pancake race?"..........


    Will he balls !!! :angry:


    Ive got a thrid title to win in a row, there is no way im having that slowcoach doing it, im there to win it.


    He "might" be at the Huddersfield game..........Depends if his A*se falls out beforehand :grin:

  13. Been to watch Burton Albion three times already this season.


    It's just not the same this season though is it without Betty Brewer there. :disappointed:


    Imagine.......Living it up with work in the town where Stella Artois is made in Belgium whihc is also a massive Student town......Whilst your missus is in Burton looking after your kids and house. :blink: I dream of the day i get a job like that. :wink:

  14. I get a lot of invites from other mascots to do stuff during half time at their games and if were not playing then i will always happily go along. Whilst im there i will always watch their team play.


    I will basically watch anything. If the game is off in Oldham Sunday league i will go down to some random pitch and watch any team play. I just love watching any football as it helps me to learn more about the game.

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