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chaddy the owl

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Posts posted by chaddy the owl

  1. I wont be attending tonight meeting.


    I have tried everything to get out of this coaching course, but it has already been paid for and a lift has been sorted out for me, so im afraid there is no getting out of it for me.


    I will be there in spirit, and i will have my phone on waiting for a phone call or text message to tell me we have got the good news.


    Fingers crossed and all that :pray:

  2. The linesman did NOT put his flag across his chest, he was indicating it was a free kick. It all got a little heated by all accounts aftre the game to the point where the linesman actually walked off in a huff after a disagreement with the ref about the decision. :o


    But its all swings and roundabouts i suppose, our goal was handball by Hughsey, and he was offside as well.


    Another day, another point :mad:

  3. Sorry guys, i CANT confirm at the minute if it is on or off on Saturday. But to be honest i was supposed to have been told yesterday that it had been called off last night, but nobody rang me which is why Chaddy wasnt there last night.


    Chaddy WILL be at the game on Saturday, last night was the strangest feeling ever, and i didnt like it. I want to be pitch side showing my emotions rather than sat in the box having to watch my "p's & q's". If it is on Saturday at half time i will do it as Chaddy for the laugh.


    I will find out if it is going ahead or not.

  4. One for me and one for the kid brother. He'll be there for protection from you irate race rioting latics hooligans when we stuff ya :-P



    Thats about right Cloughie, if everyone seems to get a bit irritated at any point, always have a younger brother there to take the kicking on your behalf :grin:


    I hope you have already got me on your list mr. Beard, you will be well aware that i will be in attendance, and i can go stupid with the beer as Chaddy wont be making an appearence as Everton wont let me :angry: Oh wait, when has that ever stopped me in the past? :wink:

  5. Or is that his Double Body? :wink:


    Because i was told that Chaddy could have a day off :grin: It will be nice to actually see a full game for once...........


    Plus, he will only bottle it like he did last time <_<


    I dont know eh? He bottles it when asked to be chaddy for the night, but he's more than happy to be Donny dog. I just dont think his heart is with this club anymore :tongue1:

  6. Well why didnt you let the club know then you muppet? :grin:


    They put it in the programme last week saying if you were interested then let the club know and you could do it, but i got roped into it........


    Not like im complaining or anything, at least i will actually get to see the game for once ^_^

  7. Has anyone seen this thing before what is happening at half time where someone gets in the giant football and runs in it (all hamster like and everything). If you suddenly lose your footing do you end up going upside down to add to the comedy value?


    Got told on Saturday off Alan that ive been put forward for it. I can honestly say i aint looking forward to it as i feel sick when i just watch rides at Blackpool pleasure beach so it aint really my cup of tea......but i will always try something once.


    P.S. Im not doing it as my alter ego :bounce::nnnng::sick:

  8. To be fair to Beardy, it was my fault he ended up doing it.


    The lad who usually does it was ill so they didnt have anyone, so i put Beardy forward.


    The guy who used to do it (who i didnt get along with at all) no longer does it as he has got cancer. But the guy who sorts out Donny now is a cracking bloke, gives us water and everything.


    He did alright as Donny but they didnt really tell him what to do so he just hung around near me.


    One of the main rules is......If the home mascot isnt there, dont go out yourself. It causes all sorts of problems.

  9. Yep, you would have been a hero if you did that.



    Ive got to admit, his face after the game in the tunnel was an absolute picture. He looked like he had just come home to find not only his missus in bed with another man, but to open the wardrobe and find that the fancy man has poo'd in his wardrobe on his best shirt and shoes :shock: Unlucky.

  10. Im afraid the 11th is the one date i was hoping it WOULDNT be on.............


    Oldham Athletic have booked me on a coaching course for the 11th and it is in Salford 6:00 - 9:00 on the 11th.


    So im afraid Chaddy Owl wont be there for this meeting. I wouldnt even ask anyone to step in for me as i would want anyone to go through what i went through at the last meeting. I have been through some excrutiating moments as Chaddy but that one wins hands down for the fact that it was hot as hell and i couldnt move much.


    I will be ringing someone as soon as possible on the night though.

  11. Well done mate.


    If it's on, then I'll drag my 3 lads along too - as long as Chaddy The Owl promises to turn up! :grin:


    You can chuffinwell count me in buddy. :grin:


    I will be there with my marching boots on and my singing head on......Oh wait, hang on......I dont speak. :huh: I will have a song in my heart ^_^


    Your three lads and me at the front showing them what were made of. And if it all gets ugly i will defend you all with my giant head :wink:

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