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chaddy the owl

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Posts posted by chaddy the owl

  1. You're dropped for going AWOL anyway :grin:


    Cant argue with that can i? :unsure:


    Give me a shout if your short in the future though.


    Serves me right for listening to the wife instead of you lot. I sometimes forget my priorities and put the family first for which i am eternally sorry. The club was the love of my life before the wife and family came along and i should never forget that. Naughty owl :blush:

  2. The kid is more than likely saying "Hey, there nice shin pads, i used to know a giant owl who had a pair like that" :grin: Hope they come in useful though mate.


    I really regret not being there, i will NEVER EVER EVER miss football again to keep the wife happy EVER EVER AGAIN. :angry:


    If anyone hears me say im not playing football for ANY reason in the future other than my leg is in plaster (in fact no, thats not an excuse. If my leg is MISSING) then please give me a slap across the face.

  3. To be honest mate, if they realise im chaddy then they will have it in for me to single me out of the game.......which means they wont be marking the other players like there supposed to, which is a good thing.


    As fo tactics, you cant really lay down tactics until we know what kind of game they play. By the looks of them, there not the youngest of lads, so that sort of team like to get the ball down and play. If the back 4 are old guys, then we just go for the ball through them and someone fast to run onto it. Play it by ear eh?


    As for taking the game serious.......Yes, its a bit of a laugh, but why play football unless you want to win. Were gonna have this.

  4. Thought i would put this on another post so as not to confuse.


    I have looked through the other post but cant find anything about who is captain.......


    Am i being a bit ahead of myself in putting myself forward for it? (Ive got an armband and everything :grin: from being Captain for Royton), and as most of you know...Im VERY vocal most of the time).


    If it's already taken then not to worry, just thought i would offer my services.

  5. Aye, im not going to give up on the local ones, there great. Infact, around pancake day next year im hoping to get a big crowd down to the printworks for the northwest race, i am going for the third year in a row as champion. And the trophy's they give out there are huge :grin:


    Sod em all, bring on Huddersfield, im well up for it.

  6. Sorry mate, but this year was just a step too far by them bitter and twisted officials.


    I can think of better things to spend £300 on in a weekend rather than going down there for them to accuse me of something i didnt do. It seriously made me wonder why i bother at all, but im not giving them the satisfaction of giving it all up, im just not going to bother giving them by time in the future for them to make money from me.


    Those clips were very good though, especially the womble........"get the cows". He was adamant he was gonna knock one of the MK Dons cows out. :grin:

  7. Thanks for the support LL


    Oh, and thanks for the help with chaddy junior on saturday, he can be a pain in the bum when he's had too much coke...a bit like his dad :grin:


    On a seperate note.......I was on XBOX live last night when i recieved a message from another user. The message read......"Hiya Chaddy, im the guy who you hit with the ball at the game on Saturday". Oh no, he's hunting me down now. :shock: Ive got to admit though, i was quite proud of that shot, especially as i was aiming for him :wink:

  8. I WAS 2nd mate. That imposter beat me by less than 1 second to the finishing line.


    The reason they didnt announce me was because they disqualified me. They said i started in front of all the others. To be honest, they had it in for me from the start. I started behind loads of them, but i was just to fast for most.


    They have now reinstated me as 2nd after all the mascots kicked off and refused to enter next year, this was after it was pointed out to the organisers that i had already been given the prize for second place and people had been paid out on me for each way bets.


    To be honest ive had enough of them singling me out for "special rules" and i suspect i wont be there from now on, its just full of people in pajama's and a big head running for a nobody team and taking all the glory.


    At least everyone who came down for the weekend with me had a good time....Apart from an unnamed lad who threw up in the room i booked for him and has now got a massive bill.

  9. I dont know why you bothered watching your p's and q's Mark, he comes to watch me playing for Royton on Sunday's, he used to some colourful language from me as i get a bit irrate on the pitch from time to time.


    The best bit of the day had to be when Kel swore in the back of the car with a "not too bad" word. Beardy told him to watch his language as Tiffer was in the car. Just at the same moment some old coffin dodger in a big flash Merc cut Beardy up on the roundabout. What came out of Beardy's mouth was enough to make Roy Chubby Brown cover his ears. Tiffer found it hilarious though.


    His mum wasnt impressed about the fact he told her he got a thick ear off someone when we scored the third goal, he got caught by an elbow with all the jumping around. "All part of the experience" was my reply.

  10. Get him down there asap, otherwise you will be responsible for him missing out on vital footballing knowledge when he is older ^_^


    In all honesty mate, my little lad is the main reason i became Chaddy. I took him to his first game in October 03 and he never shut about about Chaddy for the rest of the week. So when i saw the "job" was up for grabs i did it to keep him happy (and for my own entertainment).


    He comes to as many home games as he can now and loves it. He has been asking me for ages if he could come to an away game, but ive always been a bit weary as it means leaving him with someone else whilst im "working", but i decided to take him last Saturday.


    He has not shut up about it since, he absolutely loved it, he was joining in with the singing and everything. I know how much he enjoyed it because i got to hear about it about 4 more times that night as he was telling his granparents and aunties and uncles and his brother.


    I get a feeling you will all be seeing him at an away game again soon.


    If you do bring your young un at weekend give me a shout where your sitting and i will come and say hello and sit with you. Kids seem to enjoy the game more when theyve got a giant punch bag sat next to them :wink:

  11. Thsi is my kind of thread. I have to put my two penneth in though.......


    Q. Whats purple and climbs trees?


    A. Marc Bolans mini.


    Two blondes walk into a bar......


    You thought one of them would have seen it.



    Q. Whats the difference betwwen your wife and your computer?


    A. You only have to punch information into your computer once for it to remember it.


    A hamburger walks into the pub. The barman says "sorry mate, your going to have to leave". "why?" asks the burger. "Because we dont serve food" comes the reply.


    Secretary says to boss "Sir, the invisable man is here for hsi meeting with you". "Tell him i cant see him" he replies.


    Jobs are like pubes on the toilet seat...........Sooner or later your going to get pi**ed off.


    A young lad who is in the para's rings his dad. "Dad i let you down yesterday. I refused to jump out of the plane. The instructor told me that if i dont jump once the plane has turned round he will make me his biatch". "Did you jump then" asks his dad. "i did when he started". he cried.


    Chickers took his car to the garage to complain it kept juddering and coughing and spluttering. The machanic took a quick look and said "Yep, Sh*t in the carburettor". "how often do i have to do that" asked Chickers.


    And finally...............


    I once walked through the airport terminal sideways with a stiffy. The stewardess said "your going to Bankok".


    I thank you, im here all week.

  12. Thats where your mistaken mate, i do have pockets, i just dont have any pennies in them. :grin:


    I dont know where you get the idea i spend all my time on the XBOX from? I only go on it on Thursday nights as the missus goes out. Im never allowed to go on it any other time as she beats me viciously as soon as i get in from work for not doing as i told. I have my own "beatings corner" in the front room which i often cower in crying for my mum.


    Whats your excuse for getting beat of daniel though mate? He hardly ever goes on the XBOX, he's always on the Wii.


    As for driving so close to you......Even Colin McCrae wouldnt be able to keep up with you (even when he was alive), your like a mad man in the car. God help any patients your taking to hospital.


    Im sure Chickers will back me up on that one.

  13. Welcome Mr Jackson. :grin: Althogether now.....ABC, easy as 123 :lol:


    Thats me getting a kicking.


    By the way Kenny, if you see a post about channel M, it was Chickers who called you first. I beleive he said your soft as well and you would never dare to hit him, but it got deleted. :wink:

  14. Kenny can often be found in my house on a thursday evening shouting obseneties at small children whilst having at least 4 or 5 goals put past him on PES6 on the XBOX360. :grin:


    He hardly gets to go to many games anymore as he's either working (driving his ambulance) or working (physio for Curzon).


    Im doing my best to get his to come to as many games as possible though.


    I will tell him to come on this site just to speak to the people who know him....Although when he see's the abuse me and chickers give him online as well as all the abuse he gets face to face he might give me a slap. :blush:

  15. He worked for Oldham town for free, but Curzon have offered to pay him for his services. To be honest he is a very good physio, i know as he was also the physio for Royton last season and i got a few kicks over the season. :angry: Cant think why??? :huh:


    He has always been a good keeper, that where i first met him, he used to play in net for a five-a-side team i played for about 10 years ago and weve been great mates ever since. He is always round our house getting his arse kicked on the XBOX 360 by me and my lad.


    He is also a referee, but the less said about his decisions the better :shock:


    I told him he should apply for the job as Oldham physio, but i dont think they would offer as much money as what he earns for his ambulance man job.

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