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chaddy the owl

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Posts posted by chaddy the owl

  1. Ive got to ask Chickers......Where did you get that picture from?


    Was it off his "myspace" page, or the jackson 5 website?


    It could also be from his profile on the "boyz to men" fans forum. They were a band from the early 1990's who had plenty of top 10 hits in the states and UK. Kenny is one of there biggest fans, he accessed the website by accident thinking they were a delivery service :grin:

  2. Its nothing to do with the redbull, honestly.


    I have had "scuffles" with other mascots when absolutley NO alcohol has passed my lips.


    I just think i have to up hold the name of the club for the fans, and any mascot trying to disrespect the club or fans will feel my wrath. :angry:


    Some of them start out as a bit of fun, then end up getting a little out of hand (like Blackpool last year).


    As for the race, i will always give 110% in a race, and when i stop doing that i think its time to retire.

  3. I can guarentee i am NEVER seen in public without my head on, unlike a few other mascots i could mention.


    Im afraid i will be forced to wear the big boots again this year. I was looking at getting some "special boots" done, but they would cost the best part of £500 (which i aint got).


    I still finished 4th last year though in them. I will give it a good go again.


    I will know on the day who are the best bets. I will get a message to yo uon the day somehow, but probably through Beardy (who is coming down with me).

  4. I was feeling the ill effects of that funny smelling redbull i had drank 3 litres of :blink: If you ask me i think Beardy put some "alkihol" in it.


    Hangus and me had a few words on the pitch. I wasnt too impressed by the fact that he punched me in the face trying to show off.


    I made a comment along the lines of "attempt that again and i will wait for you in the changing rooms and sort it out there".


    I also left him a message on Monday much to the same effect and i got the most grovveling apology possible back from him assuring me he would never do it again.


    Just as proof, Beardy has seen the text he sent me. :grin:


    I think he realised he would be seeing me sooner than expected at Huntingdon on the 7th October.


    Will you and your family be coming down to Huntingdon like usual? Its always great to see you there cheering me on.

  5. Of course im the real chaddy. How dare you suggest such a thing :shock:


    If it was Chappie who told me how the hell woul di know what he had actually said? He talks broken biscuits and balls all the time.


    I do like the bit about AV supply on the back though :grin:


    Trust me, its the old Villa one. When do i give false info?....besides when i say im good at football :blush:

  6. I know one.


    He is not exactly what you will be thinking of, but he has "got it" even at such a young age.


    The lad is called Joshua Halliday and his dad owns Cable comms who are one of the clubs big sponsors.


    I watched the lad play football against kids a lot older than him and he was unbeleivable. His awarness of whats going on around him and ability to play the ball exactly where he should is unreal for a kid of 7. I have asked someone to see if he can get into the academy, but i know they dont take them until there 8, but this lad has deffinately got it.


    Mark my words, this lad will make it.

  7. Even if he did decide to stay in the middlands, he woul dbe able to get a lift off Ricketts as he lives there.


    His wife is still with him though, i know there were rumours of her "playing a round" behind his back, but that was just paper talk, although when he read about it one dinner time it made his drop his cheese and pickle "Sand wedge".


    Sorry, i couldnt resist.

  8. I think im going to regret this.


    It is my mates 40th on Friday and we are going out at night and were staying at his house in Marple, so a night of heavy drinking will take place (even though i feel like poo at the minute), so im guessing an hour of football before being chaddy isnt going to do me any favours.


    But i will still be there.


    See you all on saturday at 12:45 or so.

  9. I will be getting on at the White Hart.


    This is only after seriously long negotiations with Mrs owl about going to tomorrows game. It is our wedding anniversary tomorrow and apparently its not the "done thing" to go on the lash all day with your mates, your supposed to take her out somewhere.


    So here is a warning to all of you.....


    Make sure i dont get wasted like usual or someone might need to put me up for the night.


    Melia, is Craig still coming? Have you actually spoke to him lately about it?

  10. I for one am VERY happy with the draw.


    From day one of being chaddy i have always had words of encouragment from one particular mascot. It was Bertie Bee from Burnley. As it turns out he only at the back of my house, but for some reason we have just never met (im always "chaddying, and he's always doing one of his many mascot jobs), but we have spoken quite a bit.


    Coincidence or not, i met him for the first time last Tuesday at the Mansfield game as his new company was one of the sponsors and he introduced himself in the boxes. And only two days later we get drawn against each other in the cup. It was in the teabags i tell thee. :blink:


    Anyway, i also have an old mate who is a massive Burnley fan and he has often taken me to games in the past and treated me to an evening in the sponsors boxes for a nice meal. Ive not had the chance to go though since ive been chaddy as ive had loads on, plus the fact he moved and ive not seen much of him for a while.


    I emailed him this morning and he is buzzing about it and promised to go for a drink after the game (even when they have lost) :wink:


    Im well up for it.

  11. Never got the chance to be a mascot when i was younger for some reason, but im making up for it now :grin:


    You wouldnt beleive the looks i get at away games when you pull into the carpark and we say "Oldham mascot mate, where do i go?".


    The amount of people that have said something along the lines of "Your a bit big for a mascot" with a blank look on their face like you get from the missus when you try to explain the offside rule.


    My little lad will be available to be mascot next season when he goes from chaddy's gang to Boundary blues. I cant wait, hopefully he will get a go. Just a shame i wont be able to help him on the day as i will be "working". :blush:

  12. Butter, im afraid to admit it, but i think its time for me to pack in the football for good.


    Last night was very enjoyable, but it just proved to myself that i aint got the shooting boots on anymore.


    I can still do it at 5-a-side every week (just ask beardy), but i think its time i hung up my boots and started to concentrate on getting Tiffer ready for being a future generation England star.

  13. Why are people saying i missed?


    I hit one shot wide, the other ones were all saved by a good keeper, and one by the defenders arm which then hit the roof of the chaddy (should have been a penalty or corner).


    Even Tommy said i was unlucky not to have scored.


    All i could hear from the stand though was Beardy calling me Sh*t, but i didnt see that fat lad down on the pitch doing all the running. Those in glass houses shouldnt throw stones eh?


    Im just happy that i got one, but thats to be expected when its my first proper game in nearly 6 weeks.

  14. We DID NOT have any trialists playing for us, honestly.


    The young lad at the back was Stuart Vose's younger brother who helps out Stuart from time to time.


    The coloured lad is called James and he works for football in the community, and i thought he was very good.


    Shez, Tommy, TP and Dux were amazing to play along side, there was no way you were going to beat a side with them in it.


    Funniest comment of the night though had to be when your right back said to Tommy "Jesus, your sweating a lot arent you?" To which Tommy replied "yes, so would you be if you managed to keep up with me" :grin:


    The banter in our changing room was hilarious, but obviously i cant let slip most of the things that were said. :blink:


    Cheers for such a good game guys, we all really enjoyed it.

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