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chaddy the owl

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Posts posted by chaddy the owl

  1. I was taken to a Burnley match a few years ago by one of my old suppliers and we were in the exec box. We got a guided tour of the ground by Andy Lockhead. When i mentioned i was a latics fan he sat with me most of the night talking about Latics. Absolute lovely bloke.


    I also used to go to school with Gary Hoolikan's neice and she lived 8 doors away from me (fit as a butchers dog may i add) and when she used to have parties he was always there and i was like a lost puppy just sat there. He had an amazing party trick which he always did, he could walk on his hands round he garden.....including going up AND down the patio steps. :shock:

  2. just out of interest....do you or the club get payed for that?


    Not that i know of. Although they will pay me for the cost of petrol i use travelling down and they are paying for me to stay in the Ramada hotel near the studio :grin: I certainly wont be making any money out of it though, and i suspect my "refreshment needs" may cost me a fair few quid on Sunday night. :wink:

  3. Oooh. Im actually looking for a Clio or Punto at the minute as i run around for work but that is more than i was planning to pay. Will let you know if i can convince Mrs Bank manager to let me spend more.

  4. I can answer now. Yes beardy is correct, they accused me of cheating even though i did nothing wrong. They paid out on me for 2nd place then took the prize away afterwards so that people wouldnt find out.


    That wasnt the reason i missed it this year though, i was in Egypt and didnt fancy flying back just for a race that i always get issued with "special rules" for whilst everyone else just does what they want. :angry:


    Im back now though and raring to get to the game next week.

  5. Final update....


    Went for the interview last Friday to give my presentation then have the final interview and another test. It could not have gone better. One of the managers knew me from my work as Chaddy and i hit it off with them straight away. Interview and presentation went very well.


    Got a call at tea time to say i have got the job. I was absolutely buzzing about it. Its set me up nicely as im off on me jollies to Egypt in the morning and i am safe in the knowledge that im coming back to a great job ^_^


    Gutted im missing the MK Dons and Yeovil game but i need to get away whilst i can. So, see you all in a couple of weeks :banana2:

  6. Im a bit peed off with the fact that BRF has even gone to the trouble of asking people for my mobile number. Fortunately he was given my old number, i would be furious if he was given my new number as i feel that him and "Alan Amith" would only want it to send me abusive texts and calls because they didnt get their own way on Saturday. Im even getting abuse on Facebook now just because they cant post on here, i guess some poeple have just got nothing better to do eh?


    Nice to see you on here Paul anyway.


    P.S. I did manage to pass my level 2 football course as well so it was worth missing the game on Saturday :grin:

  7. Apparently he has tried sending me a messgae on facebook so im being told but ive been very busy since Wednesday trying to sort out my new job and my coaching session for my exam. Didnt get chance to read his message but having dropped the kit off in the club this morning i got the message that a stand in Chaddy had been arranged for today and ive been told he was good which is always nice to hear. Just to clarify though....it was NOT BRF :wink:


    P.S. I was gutted to be missing the game but my exam went very well and i find out tomorrow if ive passed, i will be honestly shocked if i didnt though.

  8. He did send me a PM, but he certainly didnt leave it "in discussion" with me. He said he would think about my proposal and sleep on it and let me know. But unless he has been asleep since 10pm last night till now i suspect i wont hear back from him. He did tell me i could post his PM that he sent me but i just thought it would be funnier if i didnt as people think he bottled it. :lol:


    At the end of the day im happy to let him do it as it will make him realise just how knackering and hard it is. But the final say would be down to AH and i know he would have read BRF's posts and im sure he would think long and hard before he let him loose as Chaddy.

  9. Heres an idea for you.....


    How about i let you be Chaddy for one game. You show me exactly what you want me to do whilst not getting to watch your beloved team, not getting paid to sweat your tatters off. Then, when you have done what you consider to be entertaining and the GMP have battered seven shades out of you with trunceons and the club have banned you for life for inciting a riot at least we will all get a rest from the drivvle you spout constantly as you will be locked up in a 12 x 12 cell getting some man love off someone called big derek and you wont be allowed near a computer for the next 12 months :wink:

  10. Dunno if it actually happend cos I can't quite remember, but which one was it who got thrown out at Donny a few years back? Or at least I recall the police coming over to him to warn him. That guy was a hero :lol:


    The current one - who is a top bloke from what I've seen of him - is more of a classic mascot. Spends a lot of time with the younger kids, who find him entertaining.


    I know two women who are petrified of you, Chaddy. One always runs off to buy coffee whenever you come over.


    Im afraid that was me at Donny. Got thrown out and threatened with arrest if i didnt leave, i was gutted.....although i did get an apology a few days later and i get on really well with the policemen in question these days, even to the point where they have drove me to the ground when ive been walking there :grin:

  11. Yes i do pay for my own travel for away games. Unfortunately (for me) it isnt possible for me to attend most away games this season as i am now managing the under 8's team for Chaddy Park FC and they happen to play on Saturday mornings. I will attend away games that are within an hours driving distance or any away game when the kids team are not playing. One of things ive had to sacrifice to do what ive always wanted to do....teach kids football.

  12. Chaddy, purely out of curiosity...is being Chaddy a full time thing? And is it good money? I'd love getting paid for running around in an owl suit one day a week :D (I know you do things midweek but you know what I mean)


    Erm.....No its not a full time thing, it just consists of match days and appearances which can be anytime. Usually weekends or evenings though although there is the odd ones during the day which i usually took time out of work for and just used my holidays.


    No its not good money, infact i dont get paid for it. That isnt an issue for me though, i do it for the love of the club. Although i must point out that i get in for free and so does my dad. It has other benefits but none of them are in a financial way. When i go to the mascot races a few people on here can confirm what kind of money it costs me to attend, but there usually isnt much change out of £300. Like i say though, its not about the money, i have a laugh as Chaddy and i love the look on little kids faces when they see Chaddy. Only a select few have done it and they will tell you exactly what a good laugh it is.

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