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Everything posted by rigsby

  1. wrt to pints 2,yes its my opinion,but the land owned by brassbank is worth a fortune,time will tell. point 3,we'll agree to disagree. Gota go now,things to do before i go to the match tonight.It might shock you but i put my money where my mouth is and attend games when i can.(which granted is not as much as i'd like).
  2. Point 2,they will make money,IMO. Point 3,I'll wager AH has been drawing a very princely wage for the last 20 odd years.What the hells libellous about that???????
  3. I could quote a lot of that nonsence but to be honest i'd be wasting my time. A few points of order... 1.I have NEVER said TTA came here to destroy the club,they came here as INVESTORS,they INVESTED in the LAND.Now,8years on they want a RETURN on the investment,unfortunately,as it stands,they are putting finances first and if that means,(to all intents),the club dies,then it would appear that is of secondary importance. 2.Don't mither with the 14mil,i dont know why you keep sprouting that figure,they'll get their money back and more,end of. 3.Regarding AH,WTF???He's invested his whole working life,LOL,SO F'ing what?He's made a small fortune out of it,some blokes invest their whole working life down a cold mine,what would you rather do?What a ridiculous standpoint. 4.I have NEVER trusted TTA from the word go so dont start this 'oh you come on here now the slide has started' BS,because i was suspicious of their intentions from the START. I HATE arguing with a fellow fan,because de4spite our differnces we are both fans of the club,you might not like my opinions,but they are my opinions,and im entitled to them after INVESTING THOUSANDS into it over the years,unlike AH btw.
  4. Im not arguing with you because to be truthful i dont know the ins and ous of it butr the bottom line here is we'll be homesless(or playing somewhere like whitebank stadium?)and BP's getting bulldozed.IM not interested in small print,the endgame is the endgame,the exact date when they build on BP is absolutely irelevant to me.
  5. I think you'll find its acedemic anyway. They 'll build when they jolly well want,does it mater if they build in 2 years or 5 years?THe endgame will bring the same result.
  6. Groans... Well obviously you didnt see me spitting my dummy out the other week. The clubs been sucked dry,and sorry if im coming across as smug,im far from it,im gutted.
  7. Hate to say 'I told you so' but i'm very glad i spent many an enjoyable season watching Oldham Athletic as those days are gone and done with,never to return. We are staring into oblivion,as i have been siggesting for quite sometime. All that will be left of Oldham Athletic very soon will be Programmes from yesteryear,memories and youtube videos. OK,we might exist in the north west counties sunday league but OAFC as we know it is on the cusp of extinction. A crying shame.
  8. Hopefully England will be there.Im hoping we get poland as i have been and its wonderful! cheap booze,hot chicks,almost guaranteed hot weather and some stunning architeture. only posibe downside is the polish fanswho can be a tad aggressive.although my mate who is a city fan said the polish fans who he came across in manc and poznan were superb and friendly. not so sure german fans can expect a friendly welcome though lol.
  10. FAO of latics lee. i would never fall out with a fellow latic, even a moronic 1 like you. xx
  11. well pardon me for breaking from the OWTB lemmings wing. ffs i estimate i have spent about 6grand following this club down the years. so id like to think i have put my money where my mouth is and i wont have some spotty teenagers from crossley telling me to do 1. some of the players are going through the motions,unacceptable.
  12. thats fair post mate but i been going since 82 and im at the limit now. 30 quid tonight ,crumbling stadium,poor PERFORMANCE,poor everything. oh and interest rates are going up which is bad for a variable mortgage like mine. the clubs dying anyway,and to ny eyes some of thise players are going through the motions,so... whats the point? and thats a serious question...
  13. listen pleb i been going since the early 80's ,how old are you? 6 perhaps? time for the cot methinks..
  14. Nope, i think you might as well start following a local team bob. TBH i don't think there will be a team in this town to support next season anyway. i got myself so worked upo during the last few weeks but as i said on the other thread,ive got to the point were throwing away 20 to 30 quid every week to sit in a crumbling stinky 'stadium' watching some players go through the motions doesnt float my boat.
  15. Im afraid the writing is indeed on the wall for the club. Poor team,poor stadium,poor everything. the white flag has been raised by rigsby. im at the point now where i really,in all honesty,dont care. and i never thought id say those words.
  16. Sorry mate im not having a pop at you im just livid with the whole sorry fkin mess. i'll be there tomorrow supporting the club i love,the same club which has been abused and mismanaged for many years. Where did all the money go?im talking about the money from the prem years,the cup runs,tv rights,earl barrett,dennis irwin etc etc? Im not suggesting we could have been manu but we SHOULD NOT be in the positiion we are after the millions that would have been in the bank say,1994.
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