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Posts posted by StipeTripe

  1. No, he's not called that, works at a place called American Agricultural Insurance.


    You forgot to mention making sure the biros in the stationery cupboard are all stocked up, and the colours are all kept together!



    Oh well just thought small world and all that, what with Maddog bringing up the name of a lad wot worked for us in the footballers you know thread.


    Oh aye forgot about pen tidying, you forgot stapler refilling, hole punch and shredder emptying, filing, photocopying............... :sign0173::D

  2. Morning all!!


    One of the people I speak to mostly works in Columbus Ohio.


    Dan couldn't believe that sone people seem to think women still have no place in business!!!


    He isn't called fool Webber is he, this bloke that works in Colubus village ?? :D


    At the risk of a :computer: ...... Women have a vital role in business? Aye making brews, keeping the printer stocked wi......... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



  3. i think he looks like that manson looney more!!



    Tbh Mr Driver thats what I thought too, but then I googled, and its not quite, Charles that is.


    I'll stick with the second coming, although he doesn't look much like Robert Powell !

  4. If no one else gets this post, I reckon Stipey will.


    Hmmmmmmmmm yes I think I know what you're getting at. To be honest I never build up minds eye pictures of people, whether it be folks on here whom I've never met, [but then I think its virtually impossible to categorise people from the written word], or people I've worked with over the years.


    I hopeless at it, these days most of my suppliers are in the UK, most if not all are great to deal with, but I can'r really imagine what any of them look like. I actually gave up years ago when I used to speak to a guy in our sisietr company in Columbus,Ohio several times a day. I got this idea of what he was like, he sounded like the typical all American guy, one day our Americas sales guy came in with a brochure they'd produced in the US and there was a pic of my contact, he actually looked like Mr Burns from the Simpsons, seriously.


    Actually I tell a lie, I have this vision that LL is a taller version of Rodney from Fools and Horses.


    So LL, I do not have gay e mail, I have e mail that I discovered does not like large attachments, ahem, yes I could sign up to something else but I can't be arsed. The cahppie at Ntl told me I should be able to send 5-6Mb at one time, only it never seems to work.



    Oh and weddings, fortunatley I've never had to do best manning, ushering and all that yes I have, but besty, no. Dunno what I'd do if I were called, the thought of standing up in front of a room full of people giving a speach is not something quite frankly I'd like to contemplate for too long. I did do second in command thingy at me sisters, where my Bro in laws brother was best man, and therefore was on hand to assist with the mad hatters tea party that is me Ma's family, thats as close a call as I want.

  5. Whoops, didn't I say thanks? Pardon my manners. Yeah, I got it, maybe a challenge for me to read it in one sitting after 6 weeks of sobriety. I'll be ready for a proper Fliping :drinking45: :drinking45: :drinking45: :drinking45: :drinking45: :drinking45: :drinking45: :drinking45: :drinking45: :drinking45: after that



    No probs LL, no a dig, assumed it'd arrived as you didn't complain about owt missing :D


    Anyway printed out your dissertation a couple of weeks back, got it on me desk, not got past the first page, cos every time I pick it up, thinking I'll have summat to eat and a quiet read to meself the phone goes, by the time I've sorted out whatever was required the moments gone, I'll get there.

  6. I spoke to him Saturday :) told me Jack of jklatics fame gave up comin 18months ago ish,no wonder admin dont work on the old site :(



    Yeah I'd heard that, but he still keeps an eye on the site, banned somebody about six months ago, but was never gonna ban Blade and the like, Jack's never banned anybody for being a tedious farty, I mean I survived all these years :D


    I believe you showed your vids to Mr Wits Bolton mate on yer phone, wonder if he's woken up yet :lol:


    Oh and the cheeky monkey wasn't impressed either, he said that if that was top of our league thank ferk he hadn't come to watch the bottom. Which coming from a WankyWanderer is rich innt!

  7. Pull it? Pull it? It had better be Flip as like pulled! All the hard work, sweat, tears, laughter etc that have made Big Threads what they are today? Did you say you had it saved somewhere Andrew? If you have, may I have a copy of it please?


    You may.


    It will arrive in 5 portions, it worked, I think for LL, its in word so you'll have to get the bostik out yourself.

  8. 'ear IM, just noticed yer post on JK LT. Was gonna reply there but can't log on, keep getting the blank screen where it just says done in the bottom info bar so Flip it. Anyway whaddya reckon our chances of of finishing on the 6000?? I have a sneeky feeling that the thread will get pulled before that, dunno why just do.


    Took me about 10 mins to post this morning, which makes us sad keeping on keeping on, but 6000 is after all, well 6000. :blink:

  9. Does anyone go down Oxford Road at around 9.15/9.30 am?


    If so, have you seen the most unconvincing transsexual ever walking down there? It might sound cruel but its quite an amusing sight. She/he's got hair like Bill Bailey and, instead of the beard, a 5 O'Clock shadow.


    I know I shouldn't laugh but I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

    Oh Stipey, just found out Wilco have a new album out in May. Called Sky blue sky. Can't wait.


    I didn't know, but I'll look out fer it.


    D'yall recall that bloke who was in all the local press about a year ago, Tanya, sex change on the NHS. Me Bro and Sis in law sold their house to him years ago, when he was still Albert, Norman, Bert, Arthur or whatever, odd chap apparently ;)

  10. In terms of reading stuff about WWI that Max Arthur book is very good, Forgotten Voices, and has many pictures of the people giving up their memories which like IM notes always makes it more poignant. Two chaps from Middleton recently put together a books about the experiences of the town, its people and some of the young men who went off to fight, not started it yet but am told its very good.


    Have two relatives listed on the CWG site, one got a "blighty" but didn't make it and is resting at Phillips Park, the other is listed on the Thiepval memorial.


    Anyways to change the mood, I do hope somebody has got footage of DW nearly cascading out of the Lookers. I did notice Latics Nik doing the hoof gestures tho, :lol:


    Great win, great atmosphere, great feeling, just gotta keep it going.


    Oh and I too had decided that no alcohol was my mantra for February, slight mishap on Saturday, but a minor blip, the Glenkinchie will now remain firmly nailed in the cupboard, buying 6 cans of Stella for a £5 in BargainBooze will not be repeated, promise (besides its cheaper to buy the case from Costco :) ) which I will decline to do until this month is out.

  11. IM sorry but if yer ranting you forgot the ....... :rant.sml:


    Oh and IM, read a good one before Crimbo, "Lights" - Story of CH Lightoller, the most senior officer to survive :titanic:


    Me Bro in law, ahem, has released it somehow from the library service (they forgot about it), tbh it was in a shabby state and its out of print now, there is another edition floating around but at great expense, in the states.





    or the updated edition which is much dearer




    I think the only reason the Library service have lost track of the book was cos of its state ready for selling off at 20p I reckon, and it took them ages to find it. I know hes passed it on, but if it comes back I'll get it if I can, judging by some of the other stuff you've posted about on the other LT you'd enjoy it. Anyway if you see a copy on yer travels, is a bloomin good read, the bloke had an amazing life, "Boys Own" stuff.

  12. So looking forward to tomorrow, please, please, please can we win and ram the "We are top the league" chants right down the throat of that scouse drunken womanising washer woman.


    Plus being able to see the chavmere fans crawling out of BP back to their tawdry little town. Seeing Freddie on the touch line gesticulating like a drunken tramp whilst the whole ground sings "Ronnie Moore is a hairy palmed fiddler".


    I so want that to happen.


    I think thats very harsh, where is your sense of sportsmanship BT?


    I just hope for a smashing game, played in the right spirit and may the best team win.


    I don't know where all this antagonism towards Ronnie comes from myself.

  13. Dunno if this is the right forum for this but...


    Thye used to do this all the time in the programme when I started going.


    How gutted must the lad have been when despite his "pick me pick me" efforts, they didn't :lol:





  14. I've been sorting stuff out at home and the upshot is I can get at me Latics stuff more easily, here's a few pics from programmes and stuff, I'll add some more gradually, if anybody is interested.


    First off a team pic 1977/78






    Les Chapman, you can just about see him on the deck in front of the Lookers, scores v Luton 27/8/77





    Before Taylor, Ged Keegan, ginge mark 1





    Roger Palmer tackled by Willie D at Narrich 3/10/81





    Darren McDonough possibly at Narrich, as above



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