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Posts posted by StipeTripe

  1. BDB - Born in the Uk, one of the best songs of last year, could have done with another verse as when it ends it leaves you wanting more.



    Yes agree, but there are still so many things in there that evoke memories, and anybody who can work Jilted John into a song is ok in my opine.


    Me nephew was filming Frank Sidebottom for "M" and they decided to go and see the filming of a BDB video, which was being done in his own house, reports suggest that BDB is a fine chap, and some of the footage I was show was quite funny, I dunno how much went out on "M"


    As for the hamster thing, well ok then :)

  2. I am now addicted to Strawberry Soothers.



    Flippin eck BT must have been dodgy fer to miss the match, not that you missed much :)


    Wouldn't you rather suck on a fishermans friend.


    Used to have this lad working for us, bit of a no bend. He was poorly one day so as I was going to Asda he asked me to get him a packet of "smoothers" and not in any "mad" flavour, like "apple or strawberry" no sir, he wanted a "proper fruit flavour", like honey and lemon if they do them. He wasn't taking the pish either!

  3. Massive Attack - fine and dandy, Blues Lines in particular.


    U2 am liking early albums, can't comment on later stuff as haven't been aris'd


    Supergrass have done some great tunes, Pumping On Your Stereo a particular favourite same with Green Day, Basket Case and Minority are splendid.


    Iron Maiden, no, just no.


    Can't really comment on others, not heard enough of any of 'em.


    Am currently enjoying Midlake.


    As a choice of discusion Badly Drawn Boy, some fantic tunes on every album thus far imo like, the single Born In The UK has fantastic lyrics, but possibly for those of a certain age. Oh I'll do 2, The Magic Numbers.

  4. I have told him about this, and will do so again.


    He got fed up at the start of this season with nobs having a pop at Shez on JK after a few games, and the trannytrolls too.



    Once you kick the habit mind :wink:

  5. And his *cough* cultured *cough* choices of beverage?


    And some smilie-in-a-padded-room padding.


    Ah haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you mean the bacardi and coke pink shirted type beverages :lol:


    Actually we wnet out for a family do at the end of November, this time it was bacradi coke and some well dodgy shoes!


    He also is from Alky tho', but they are incomers, not the really McCoy, like yer actual posh Jimi T . :D


    He returns from a month in Oz with his future wife tomorrow, I personally think he should stay cos he's seen bugger all in the way of wins whilst there and we done all right whilst he's been away.


    You might have bought a programme off him, he was "seller of the year" a couple of seasons back. You might have bought one off his younger brother too, although he doesn't wear pink, or drink bacradi, he's just a gormless bugger.

  6. Oh, and Stipe - it was the first guess - hopefully pregnancy is a long way off!



    Flippin eck I had to look back to see what order I asked you in.


    Congratulations anyway, I thought I read something, my how our heads store stuff up, quite scary really, popped up from nowhere yesterday :idea:



    Indeedy Jimi this thread is gaining momentum, and thanks be to Rummy & Co for giving us an easy one to log into.


    Oh and this is padding




  7. Crusoe, as in Matt75.


    Now forgive me if I'm wrong but something has just occured to me. Over Christmas I had a few long reads of JKL, whilst under the influence of soothing beverages. Did you say you got married/engaged/the good lady was pregnant (delete as appropriate) well if so congratulations. I would have posted it at the time but as explained to Inspectormorose I try to avoid that as it takes me all me time to read the damn messages, not that I recall any of 'em next day!


    Anyway just flicking through thr "roll call" thingy, saw you as Matt75, and up from the depths it popped, ermmmmmmmmm but if it wasn't you I do apologise, and I blame it on the sugar rush from the Mars Bar I just consumed.


    Edit: Now thats padding

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