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Posts posted by StipeTripe

  1. Guess where my first port of call is going to be on the 21 Feb? And I don't give a Flip if I get arrested, I am going to smack her in the face so hard she won't know what the hell hit her.


    Don't forget to film it on your moby, the stick it on YouTube so we can all watch :violent111: ;) :)


    I was gonna say give her on for me, but I thought better of it :rolleyes:

  2. 3. Solitary Confinement - The Members



    Great tune, Anne Nightingale played that a lot when she did her Sunday afternoon request show in the late 70's.


    She played a request for me once, I wrote and said, just play anything my dear, I'll leave it to your impeccable discretion dear Annie, so she played a track by Wire, and I'm stuffed if I know what it was.



  3. When my cousin got married, to the chappie from Paris Angels, from memory they had a good DJ, somebody they knew. No talking just played tunes, but he did a really good thing early doors. He did a kiddies disco, Birdie Song the lot, had them dancing doing energetic games the full monty, which was cool cos after less than an hour they were all knackered and there were no crazed kids charging around for the rest of the night.

  4. It is mr Bernard, yes.



    Thought so. I think he got injured straight after we signed him, I'm sure I saw him waddling around in the reserves on several occasions.


    Thats another thing for the list.........


    Reserve games at home, with a 2pm kick off, on Saturdays when the first team was away (obviously, d'oh!)

    But in The Lancashire League.

  5. I commented on something he put on JKL last week. He immediately came on msn, asked why my knickers were in a twist then bombarded me with a load of manic ramblings then told me to Flip off and signed out. Funny, I was in the middle of typing that he was impossible to argue with.....






  6. Anyway, I have done something incredibly stupid :idea3: I have joined a gym.


    I've worked out that to get my money's worth, I probably have to go 3 times a week. :bounce::jailed:


    Like I say.....monumentally stupid. :blink:



    3 times a week?


    Monday = :bounce::bblue2::bounce::bblue2::bounce:


    Tuesday = :smoking::pizza::drinking66::smoking:


    Wednesday = :bounce: :bounce: :boxer::bounce::bblue2:


    Thursday = :drinking66::smoking::pizza::drinking66::pizza::smoking:


    Friday = :bblue2: :bblue2: :bblue2: :bblue2: :swordfight::bblue2::bounce: :bounce:



    Sorted, oh and Saturday/Sunday a copious mixture of Tuesday and Thursday.





  7. Ones I thought of adding


    Matt O Hallorans winner against Rushden

    John Eyre's winner against QPR

    Ricky Butchers late winner agains ColU


    Oh and..........


    Paul Edwards very late equaliser v Brighton in the League Cup, caused a further replay at Leicester.


    That, for our younger viewers isn't the current PE, it was in 1977/78, and was and injury time equaliser after we had battered Brighton, Mark Lawrenson and all, it forced extra time. It was the first time I can recall going proper mental after a goal.


    And thanks for pinning it up btw Mr Rummy

  8. I may have mentioned Martin a while ago? Why? What have you got?


    Noticed a couple of "action" shots yesterday whilst rumaging through Latics related stuff. They are in a pre season thingy mabob from the early eighties, I will try and scan them, see if they come out, I'll get back to you on it.

  9. First Album was probably Abba - Waterloo :o

    Are you some sort of mincer Stipey?


    My first album was, "Make It Big," by Wham.


    Hardly ever bought a single in any format. Might be Get Wild by the NPG.


    I am also terrified of buggering up records with clumsy needleage. Vinyl sounds great, but pushing an electronic button has a lot going for it as well.


    Wham!!!!!!!!! And you as me about mincing. In my defence I was only 10.


    As I grew up with vinyl it doesn't bother me, its obviously more fiddly, and at 2am on a saturday morning when feeling rather refreshed it takes me a good 5 minutes to change discs but hey ho. I have an old Sharp linear tracking turntable hooked up, which is good for replaying certain tracks. You just press "cut" and the arm raises, you can then FF/RW the arm and pretty accurately drop it into the groove between tracks, it only takes me, oooohhhhhhhhh 10 minutes to do that.



    And Gillian there is a smiley for you now :rant.sml:


    All grounds should introduce a kind of "sheep dip/hose pipe" outside the turnstiles. Anyone looking or smelling anything other than clean, should be hosed down and dipped.




    Btw G did you ask for pictures of Martin Nuttall in Latics action a while back??

  10. Met him at Tate Britain during the Summer .... manage to get to meet little Frank as well. His manager who took the picture was sweating in case Frank saw me with him .... no one is allowed to touch Little Frank.


    1st time i met him was at a Junior Latics meeting some years ago ... made my Cousin go to the meeting so I could see Frank. Q up with all the 7/8 year olds for his autograph much to the ammusement of the Tic players there on the night ... welll I was 18 at the time.






    Me nephew has been shooting the location bits for the programme, so they involve little Frank, in one Franks made him a Captain Black, or maybe Scarlet outfit, :laught16: .


    In another epidsode he goes to G Mex for a Sci Fi/Cult TV convention, some of the American "stars" he interviews look utterly gobsmacked in a :sign0094: way. It was very difficult to keep the camera steady for laughing so I'm told.

  11. When did you meat Frank. Me nephew works at Channel M and has been filming the series thats on there.


    He has 2 mobiles apparently, one for Frank and one for the "real" him.


    If friends or collegues address him as Frank when he hasn't got the head on he just says "whos Frank?" and ignores them, and vice versa.


    If you didn't know some of the shows epidsodes are on the M website if you're interested Frank Sidebottom

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