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Posts posted by StipeTripe

  1. No I didn't, but it got my point across I hope!  There are people out there for whom castration, lobotomy, removal of all genitalia or whatever, would not cure their perverse desires to harm.    We seem to lose sight of the victims sometimes and our eagerness to be seen to be doing the politically correct thing, clouds our judgment.  What Fliping use to anyone at all,  is a man who does the thing I said above?    For me, he would be better off dead.   And furthermore, you know what, I'd do the job myself, I really would.


    Oh it got the point accross G, and like I said at the very outset if you have said that 20 years ago I would have vehemently argued against your point, now I wouldn't simple as.


    As for racing to 100, how very vulgar :)

  2. Read my dissertation Stipey, I will be asking questions later.


    Ok ok, its still in its semi virgin state on me hard drive, I will get around to it. Shame on me you sent it in July :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: . In my defense I have started it on a couple of occasions, but never got further than the first page, simply because the mere opening of the file has lead to pesky customers ringing up and placing orders and the like in an otherwise quiet and barren spell of business, which is why I opened it up ( the quiet spell, not to encourage daft things like orders, although its a bit slow now...........) anyway I'm doing the sensible thing, and copying it to flash drive to transport home.


    Now all I have to do is remember its there and shift it on the pooter at home.


    As for Ackey


    "Bloody hell.


    I came in here expecting a random insults post - like you get on almost every single version of a 'last post' thread"


    Well there's a thread on JKL that stands at 5783 posts, ok not always "serious" debate, but unlike many of these type of threads it doesn't comprise of the "I'm winning" or single word posts that you are right to say many do. Oh and please don't take Gillian threatening to get her norks out in Kendals window as representative.



    EDIT: Oh and Stevie J, yer just showing off now with them pics :wink:

  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but the noose is both financially prudent and delivers excellent results in preventing re-offending.


    :thumbdown: Absolutely disagree with capital punishment personally.


    "An eye for an eye, and soon the whole world is blind."



    The older I get, the more I'm not so sure, if you'd asked me 20 years ago I'd have been vehemently against capital punishment. But when you see some Fliper released early from prison who goes straight out and murders again, I dunno.

  4. I felt rough yesterday, but as they say it was a "bought one", so me own fault.


    And thats the 150 up :)


    BT Mrs S has had that sore throat and stuff for about a week now, tickly cough, it seems to be doing the rounds. Remarkably, touch wood, it aint got me yet, nowt has and I am a cold magnet usually.


    Oh and Wilson, kiss my arse.




    Excellent DW, I likes that poster, I am going to print it out so that when the moment arises, and it will, I can hand it to me sister.




    Here is another extract from t'other big un, bear with me folks......




    IP: Logged

    Andrew301076 Posted on 30/11 15:09 Email this Message | Reply

    Can I just say, and ask



    Despicable way to get a landmark 800!


    Do you lot reckon any of the "others" ever read this, if so why don't they post, are they scared? Do they think it'd be rude to interupt, what?





    IP: Logged

    Andrew301076 Posted on 30/11 15:10 Email this Message | Reply

    Can I just say, and ask



    Edit: Notice this double posting thing is creeping back again, I know I'm a bit gormless but I notice its not only me.




    --- Post edited by Andrew301076 on 30/11 15:13 ---



    IP: Logged

    beag_teeets Posted on 30/11 15:13 Email this Message | Reply

    re: Can I just say, and ask



    And double posting is no way to get to 900 either.


    Some people



    IP: Logged

    ketsbaia Posted on 30/11 15:26 Email this Message | Reply

    re: Can I just say, and ask



    I never used to bother, but then I got a bit bored one day and had a ganzer. Now you just can't keep me away.



    IP: Logged

    JimiT Posted on 30/11 15:38 Email this Message | Reply

    re: Can I just say, and ask



    And I like to bother, just don't get on as often as I'd like. I had me eyes on that 800, but then again, the 400 had my name on it too.

    I'll just have to wait for the big 1000. My prediction of the date it'll be is December 5th, as we all celebrate getting Ispwich in the cup.



    IP: Logged

    Andrew301076 Posted on 30/11 16:22 Email this Message | Reply

    re: Can I just say, and ask



    Blinkin blim posh Jimi 1000 by the 5th, that'll take some doing.

    Wonder how many more lurkers there are out there, c'mom on in, everybody welcome.





    Well now we know, lurkers have been mentioned many a time on JK, we often wondered are we alone, well now we know eh, 146 posted messages this morning and 1043 views of said messages, which even out does the Roll Call on the Welcome part of the site. C'mon down lurkers, stop lurking start posting.



    Btw LL with regard to your gingerist comments, I have passed them on to Chris Taylor, watch yer back


  6. Here's what started it G


    IP: Logged

    gillianfn Posted on 9/6 16:35 Email this Message | Reply

    re: Bouncebackability



    Yes! How pleased am I about that?


    Who said working for a living was the way to go? I've had it with work this month - and last month come to think of it, in fact I've just about had it with work full bloody stop. Won't bore you with the details, I just wont.


    Jury service - never done it - I don't think I'd be allowed, I would have probably met all of the defendants through my work. Criminals - don't you love them? I once had to prepare trial bundles of pics downloaded from internet of little boys - Im sure I dont need to say more in order to get across to you the vilest of people -albeit he was a plausible young man - if my daughter had brought him home I would have probably welcomed him with open arms, such was his demeanour. That was the day I decided criminal work was not for me - seeing photographs of children younger than my son at the time - it broke my heart. The parents amongst us (Kets now being one of them, congratulations to them all, bless em) will confirm that you would die for your children, there is nothing that you won't do to protect them from harm - so for me to have to work on a case like that was just too much.


    Right - I've missed you all dearly - but demands of work call yet again. If I am not registered mentally unstable and in some clinic by 6pm tomorrow I will show my breasts in Kendals window.



  7. How about



    IP: Logged

    gillianfn Posted on 14/6 11:15 Email this Message

    Not one of you..



    appears to have been remotely concerned about my sanity, just whether I had got my front bits out in Kendals.


    Cheers boys.




    Mameries, I mean memories of long threadage past eh.

  8. 24. All these phone companies who keep ringing me up to tell me they can save me money on my BT bill, the fact that I'm on Ntl doesn't seem to register with 'em.


    Anyway best thing to do is say, we don't accept unsolicited calls and anyway we're registered with the TPS so you shouldn't be ringing us, they always put the phone down.


    Have you heard Big Gordons commentary from saturday, its Stuart Pikeish



  9. Right haven’t done a pointless rant in ages so……


    In Saturdays Guardian Magazine Hugh FernlySternly Twitingsall has a cookery column. So in the latest edissue he’s been set the task by a mate of doing a dinner party for him and his latest bird. The only constraint being no meat dishes, fish is ok though, and Hugh has to buy all ingredients from the corner shop. This is because his mate is a bit naffed off with Hugh’s lardy de dah recipes in said column.


    So he starts off with a dish comprising of frozen kippers, carrot and orange, ok I’ll buy that, you could get them from a corner shop. For the main course he makes a pie, a pie made with spinach (frozen again so possible) and goats cheese.


    Goats cheese, Flip off Hugh how many corner shops sell Fliping goats cheese, stop taking the pish. Now I’ve seen him on the telly and he seems quite an avuncular (word of the day) chap, but really, diner party from ingredients bought at the corner shop. In reality it’d be tinned soup, pot noodle and a squashed swiss roll, followed by cheese squares and a big box of them mixed crackers made by some company in Cleethorpes you’ve never heard of and you only eat a few stick ‘em at the back of the cupboard and only find ‘em again six months later when they’ve gone all soft.

  10. I never not nohow ever got told off cos I was a good lad I was :roll: no honest.


    I thing that still narks me was a teacher at Hollin Infant school, Miss Elbourne, who was like built like a brick :censored:house and could easily have applied for and got the job of most vilest evilest bitch in the waffen SS, slapped my bare legs, I was 5 or 6 and in shorts, because I hadn't read my book properly, that is to say I didn't read it quickly enough when summoned to her desk to read to her the passage I'd just read in "quiet time". Obviously stumbling over long words means that a 5 year old hasn't actually read the section before. She was one horrible cow.



    :mfr_lol: by the way G, that was possibly the worst bit of cheating in the world, everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr



    Edit: and just to clarify what I wrote yesterday cos it doesn't look right somehow.


    I told Mrs S what you said about the she man G.


    I said you know who I mean, she didn't.


    I said you know XXXXXXXX who we went to school with, shes just like her in looks and build.


    So she man walks along the front at Scunny, and Mrs S chortles and says "thats who you're on about isn't it"


    Oh and G I'm sure you're celebrations were entirely suited to the moment, like I said on another thread yesterday even me Dad flicked them scunny fans the V's, but I don't think he knows I saw him do it :)

  11. Open Word


    Open long thread.doc


    Ctrl & F


    Type frottage


    and behold


    "IP: Logged

    gillianfn Posted on 11/1 13:08 Email this Message

    Today's word



    Frottage. "



    Anyway plenty of room, or rather not plenty of room for frottage yesterday, such a well designed stand.


    What a good do at the end, their players and them bellends in the stand to the right, devastated, ha!

  12. IC I have it (sad twot I am) copied up to recently, the whole word doc is nearly 10Mb, started it when we thunked Rivals would lose it. Nowt fancy just saved as txt only, its on me pooter at home I'll mail it you if you like or via messaging on here going out in a mo, so it'll be later today/tomorrow. In fact I'll try to update it, sometimes I can get on topic view pretty quick from home, dunno why cos both here and home I'm on ntl.


    Oh and I don't mean the whole thing, don't panic, the ntl outbox wouldn't cope anyhow, just the Crimbly section onwards :)

  13. Rwas a good word twasn't it Mr J, I do so apologise G :blahblah1:


    And blinkin eck Stevie 7000 words a week, beat yers I can easily mumble me way through 7000 a month.


    Me nephews always gettin frickin study leave too. When I were in t'sixth form (thats what they call college now innit) we had to stay on the premises when we had free periods (yes lads had them too at my old school, we liked to empathise see), only trouble was we had a proper pub type pool table in the canteen, revising me, smut alert activated deep screw seemed far more important than JanesappyAustens "Persuasion" I can tell ya.


    Ha they thought charging us to play would stop us, d'oh pay once fit the pockets with plastic cups from drinks machine and the balls didn't stay in me pockets for long :roll:


    Oh and thats my own 50 hurrah


    Do you think some of these noobs haven't got th'ang of this thread yet, and where's DW, lurking for the first frickin 00??

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